instructor workshop training

Instructor)) Workshop)Training) How t to p plan a and c conduct - PDF document

10/14/16& Instructor)) Workshop)Training) How t to p plan a and c conduct w writing workshops i in a any c class Agenda'for'Today' Definition and Goal I. Topics and Timing II. III. Structure and Activities IV. Tips Workshop

  1. 10/14/16& Instructor)) Workshop)Training) How t to p plan a and c conduct w writing workshops i in a any c class Agenda'for'Today' Definition and Goal I. Topics and Timing II. III. Structure and Activities IV. Tips Workshop Alternatives V. 1&

  2. 10/14/16& I.'Definition'and'Goal' What workshops are and why we do them WORKSHOP: a lesson designed to address a specific skill or step of the writing process in the context of a particular assignment GOAL: make better writers and teachers of writing-- no not improve student performance on a particular assignment II.'Workshop'Topics' and'Timing' How to target instruction and time it strategically 2&

  3. 10/14/16& Selecting'a'Topic' O Pick a specific writing skill or step of the writing process. O Select a topic with which most students need help. Sample'Workshop'Topics' Just R Right ht Probably T ly Too N Narrow O Outlining O Thesis statements O Intro and Thesis O Comma usage O Coherence/Cohesion O Peer Review O Incorporating Probably T ly Too B Broad feedback O The writing process O Grammar 3&

  4. 10/14/16& Strategic'Timing' Why i y it ma matters: : Timi ming ng T Tips: : O Integrate workshops into O Use student writing—no not an existing ng a assignme nment nt. gene neric s sample les. O Schedule when students O Students come with have ju just f fini nishe hed t tha hat s step questions and leave able of t the he p process. to apply le ly learni ning ng. O Leave time to revise O Students put more and nd r resubmi mit. effort into a revision t n tha hat count nts. Sample'Timeline'for'MWF' O Wednesday: Some (or all) students submit a draft to you early. O Wednesday-Friday: Look over early submissions, choose samples, and develop questions. Design handouts/activities. O Monday: All students bring drafts to class and the workshop takes place. You model the skill or process using the early submissions, and then students analyze their own drafts or a classmate’s. O Wednesday or Friday: All students turn in a revision based on Monday’s workshop. 4&

  5. 10/14/16& III.'Workshop' Structure'and'Activities' How to design instruction Recommended'Workshop' Structure/Steps' 1. Provide Ge Gene neral B l Background nd o on T n Topic 1. 2. Review A Assignme nment nt Gu Guideli line nes 2. 3. Ana nalyz lyze S Student nt S Sample les a as a a C Cla lass 3. 4. Have S Student nts A Ana nalyz lyze Dr Drafts 4. 5. Assess L Learni ning ng 5. No Note: Al : All s step eps d do n not h have t e to h happen en t the s e same e day. B . But, i , if t they d do, t , they l last 5 50-7 -70 m minutes es. . 5&

  6. 10/14/16& Additional'Activities'' for'Analysis'' (Independent'or'Peer)' Studen ents c could a also: : O Consider or create sample revisions O Create outlines of passages (traditional or descriptive) O Use checklists to note presence/absence of concrete writing features IV.'Other'Tips' Guiding principles to keep in mind 6&

  7. 10/14/16& Other'Tips' O Emphasize process over product O Go for depth over breadth O Choose quality over quantity O Consider how student priorities might change over the semester V.'Workshop'Alternatives' and'Complements' What to do instead of or in addition to workshops 7&

  8. 10/14/16& Workshop'' Alternatives'and'' Complements' O Conferences with the instructor O Revision and resubmission (possibly contingent on tutoring) O Recommended or required tutorials for a whole class O Tutor feedback on assignment design O Tutors to assist with group work 8&


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