Institutional Actions 131
Campus Initiatives FACULTY RESPONDENTS Many Faculty respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED the climate: Providing access Providing a to counseling for clear and fair people who have process to experienced resolve conflict harassment 132
Campus Initiatives FACULTY RESPONDENTS Many Faculty respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED the climate: Providing flexibility for Providing computing the mentorship for probationary new faculty period for tenure 133
Campus Initiatives FACULTY RESPONDENTS Many Faculty respondents thought the following WOULD POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the climate : Providing Providing equity Providing recognition and and diversity career-span rewards for training to search, development including promotion & opportunities diversity issues in tenure for faculty courses across committees the curriculum 134
Campus Initiatives FACULTY RESPONDENTS Less Faculty respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED or WOULD POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the climate: Including diversity-related Providing professional diversity and experiences as equity training one of the criteria for faculty for hiring of staff/faculty 135
Qualitative Themes Institutional Actions - Faculty Diversity resources and training Mixed perspectives 136
Campus Initiatives STAFF/ADMINISTRATION RESPONDENTS Many Staff/Administration respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED the climate: Providing access to Providing counseling for diversity and people who equity training have for staff experienced harassment 137
Campus Initiatives STAFF/ADMINISTRATION RESPONDENTS Many Staff/Administration respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED the climate: Providing Providing a clear career and fair process development to resolve opportunities conflicts for staff 138
Campus Initiatives STAFF/ADMINISTRATION RESPONDENTS Many Staff/Administration respondents thought the following WOULD POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the climate: Providing mentorship for new staff 139
Campus Initiatives STAFF/ADMINISTRATION RESPONDENTS Less Staff/Administration respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED or WOULD POSITVELY INFLUENCE the climate: Considering diversity-related professional experiences as one of the criteria for hiring of staff/faculty 140
Qualitative Themes Institutional Actions -Staff/Administration Diversity training (mixed views) 141
Campus Initiatives STUDENT RESPONDENTS Many Student respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED the climate: Providing Providing diversity and Providing effective equity training effective faculty for staff, academic mentorship of faculty, and advisement students student staff 142
Campus Initiatives STUDENT RESPONDENTS Student respondents thought the following WOULD POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the climate: Increasing Incorporating opportunities for Providing a person issues of diversity cross-cultural to address student and cross-cultural dialogue among complaints of competence more students, and classroom effectively into the between faculty, inequality curriculum staff, and students 143
Campus Initiatives STUDENT RESPONDENTS Less Student respondents thought the following POSITIVELY INFLUENCED or WOULD POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the climate: Providing diversity and equity training for students 144
Qualitative Themes Institutional Actions - Students Diversity training (mixed views) Academic advising 145
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