Tactical Management in Complexity HUB Initiating positive after adapting to the negative change Renata Petrevska Nechkoska
RENATA Petrevska Nechkoska - profile - PhD in Business Economics (UGent BE) & PhD in Management (UKLO MK) Assistant Professor (Docent) (UKLO MK) PostDoctoral researcher (UGent BE) - voluntary European Commission (Horizon 2020) Evaluation Expert Ghent University Western Balkans Alumni Ambassador - voluntary Western Balkans Alumni Association Head of Research - voluntary Former banking manager (ProCredit Bank, ProCredit Holding AG, Germany) Elsevier Netherlands Advisory Panel Member - voluntary Harvard CID PDIA community of practice alumna - voluntary EUvsVirus Project Manager - Academia and R&D - voluntary Springer Nature Author - Tactical Management in Complexity: Managerial & Informational Aspects Tactical Management in Complexity HUB Founder - professional & personal passion renata@tactical-management-in-complexity.com
The future direction for the current learners and teachers -> Third wave Paradigm - FUTURE quality, triplication in education: globalisation, localisation, individualisation but also Learn, UN-learn, RE-learn Pentagon theory of Contextualised Multiple Intelligence (Cheng, 2000)
How complex is it? The big picture? How do we tackle complexity? - outcomes/outputs, purpose, mission, roles & accountabilities Ref: European commission. Blended learning in school education – guidelines for the start of the academic year 2020/21 URL: https:// www.schooleducatio ngateway.eu/ downloads/ Blended%20learning %20in%20school%20 education_European %20Commission_Jun e%202020.pdf Reference for the figure: URL: https:// www.schooleducatio ngateway.eu/en/ pub/resources/ governance-of- school-edu.htm
The biggest challenges so far Ref: Institute for Information Technologies in Education, UNESCO International Research and Training Center for Rural Education, UNESCO Smart Learning Institute, Beijing Normal University, China (Huang, R., Liu, D., Tlili, A., Knyazeva, S., Chang, T. W., Zhang, X., Burgos, D., Jemni, M., Zhang, M., Zhuang, R., & Holotescu, C. (2020). Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures: Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation. Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University. URL: https://iite.unesco.org/wp- content/uploads/2020/05/ Guidance-on-Open- Educational-Practices-during- School-Closures-English- Version-V1_0.pdf
Main purpose of this system is to communicate/collaborate effectively according to student’s profile and expectations (according the third wave paradigm) Ref: Petrevska Nechkoska, R., & Mojsovska Salamovska, S. (2017). Context-appropriate implementation of blended learning in higher education in Western Balkans. In I. Vrdoljak Raguz (Ed.), DIEM : Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (Vol. 3, pp. 506–518). Presented at the DIEM : Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia: University of Dubrovnik, Croatia URL: https:// biblio.ugent.be/ publication/8534262
Blended learning & tools before the pandemic (academia, vocational, LLL) How about during & after? Ref: Petrevska Nechkoska, R., & Mojsovska Salamovska, S. (2017). Context-appropriate implementation of blended learning in higher education in Western Balkans. In I. Vrdoljak Raguz (Ed.), DIEM : Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (Vol. 3, pp. 506–518). Presented at the DIEM : Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia: University of Dubrovnik, Croatia URL: https:// biblio.ugent.be/ publication/8534262
Main purpose of this system is to achieve applicable theoretical and practical quality academic knowledge, skills & competences with the students Ref: Petrevska Nechkoska, Renata. 2020. Tactical Management in Complexity : Managerial and Informational Aspects. Heidelberg: Springer. URL: https:// www.springer. com/gp/book/ 978303022803 3
One of several multidisciplinary applicable methods - DENICA managerial method for tactical management Ref: Petrevska Nechkoska, Renata. 2020. Tactical Management in Complexity : Managerial and Informational Aspects. Heidelberg: Springer. URL: https:// www.springer.com/ gp/book/ 9783030228033 And http://tactical- management-in- complexity.com/ course/view.php? id=10
What was missing then, is missing now & how to approach it for beyond tomorrow? Ref: Petrevska Nechkosk a, Renata. 2020. Tactical Managem ent in Complexit y : Manageri al and Informatio nal Aspects. Heidelber g: Springer. URL: https:// www.spri nger.com/ gp/book/ 97830302 28033 Primary purpose: to achieve applicable theoretical and practical quality academic knowledge, skills & competences Change to be initiated: Co-creation of knowledge, skills & competences, multidisciplinarity, purpose-driven, outcomes not just outputs, accountability for roles, ecosystem engagement, iterative, probing, PDCA & SIDA loops DIGITALISATION, TOOLS, PLATFORMS, ICT … SHOULD FOLLOW AND FACILITATE, INSPIRE & ENABLE CO-EVOLUTIONARY PURPOSE(S)
DIGITALISATION, TOOLS, PLATFORMS, ICT … SHOULD FOLLOW AND FACILITATE, INSPIRE & ENABLE CO-EVOLUTIONARY PURPOSE(S) Our future should entail: Good intentions … Professionalism Voluntarism Selflessness Purpose Adaptability Co-dreaming Co-innovating Co-leading Co-learning Co-teaching Co-iterating Coping, consoling, comforting, co Co-experiencing Co-opeting (collaborating & competing) Co-creating . . . Co - evolving together renata@tactical-management-in-complexity.com http://tactical-management-in-complexity.com
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