INGLÊS Adjetivos / Adjectives Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative Parte 2/ Part 2 Profa. Joana Pessôa
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Forma rmaçã ção dos Compar parat ativ ivos e Superla rlativ tivos os 1. Compar parativ tivos os e superla rlativ ivos os regulares lares Em Em in inglê lês, s, a form ormaç ação do do co compa mparativ ivo e do do sup super erlat lativ ivo depend nde do do número ro de de sílabas as do do adjetiv etivo original al. 1.a) a) Adjetiv etivos os curtos os (uma ou ou duas sílabas as) Normalmen Norma lmente, e, ba basta sta ad adicionar icionar -er er par para for formar mar o adj adjeti tivo comp mpar arat ativ ivo e -est para o superl rlativ tivo.
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Exemplos mplos: Positiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Superla rlativ tive old older er oldest long longer er longest st tall taller er tallest
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Se Se o adjet adjetiv ivo ter termin ina em em voga ogal + consoa consoant nte, e, du dupl plicam icamos a consoa oant nte antes da da inclusão são da da termi minaç nação ão: Positiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Superla rlativ tive big big bigger big er big biggest st fat fatter er fattest est sad sadder er saddes est
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Se Se o adjet adjetiv ivo termi ermina na em em – e, simpl implesmen smente te ad adicionamos icionamos – r ou ou – st st: Posit itiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Supe perla rlativ tive nice nicer nicest st large larger largest st close closer closest st
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Se Se um um adjet adjetiv ivo termina termina na na con consoan soante te – y, tr trocamos ocamos – y po por – i e adicionam onamos os – er er ou ou – est: Superla rlativ tive Positiv ive Compar parat ativ ive happiest est happy happier er silliest silly sillier er bu busiest st bu busy busier bu er
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative DICA: Os Os adj adjet etiv ivos de de du duas as sílaba labas a seguir seguir pod podem em for forma mar o comp mpar arat ativ ivo e o superl rlati tivo tanto adici cion onando ando – er er/ – r e – est/ – st st, quanto usando more e most: comm mmon on likely polite cruel el narrow row sim impl ple gentle pleasant ant stupid handsome some
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Exemplo mplo: He He is is certai ainly nly handsomer omer than his brother her. His brother her is is handsome, ome, but he he is is more handsome some. She She is is one of of the politest st people I have ave ever ver met. She She is is the most po poli lite pe perso son I have ever ver met met.
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative 1.b) b) Adj djetiv etivos os com três ou ou mais is síl ílaba bas Adjet djetiv ivos os com com três três sílaba sílabas ou ou mais is formam formam o compa comparativ ativo de de superi superioridad oridade atr atravé vés da da inc inclus lusão do do ter termo mo more more an antes tes de de ca cada da adj adjet etiv ivo; e o sup uperla erlativ ivo pe pela la in inclu clusão são da da pala palavr vra most. Posit itiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Supe perla rlativ tive important ant more e importan ant most importan tant talk lkativ ive more talk lkativ ive most talk lkativ ive
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Já Já o compar comparat ativ ivo de de in inferi ferior orid idade ade se se dá dá atr través da da in incl clusã usão do do ter termo mo le less ss ante ntes de de ca cada da adj adjet etiv ivo; e o sup uper erla lati tivo pe pela la in inclu lusão são da da pa pala lavr vra le least. Positiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Superla rlativ tive expen pensi sive le less expen pensiv sive least expe le pensiv nsive intelligen gent less intelligent ent least intelligent ent
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Exemplos mplos: Demons onstr tran ando do Superi riori oridade dade To To him, this job is is more impor orta tant nt than his fami mily ly. This is is the most important ant gig where re she’s eve ver played ayed. Demons onstr tran ando do Inferi eriorid oridade de This is sweater er is is less expens pensiv ive than that one. This is is the least expen ensi sive sweat ater er in in the store.
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative 2. Compar parativ tivos os e supe perla rlativ ivos os ir irregu gula lares res Os Os adj adjet etiv ivos aba baix ixo po poss ssuem uem forma formas co compa mparativ ivas e supe perla rlativ ivas as ir irregu gula lares res. Positiv ive Compar parat ativ ive Superla rlativ tive good better best bad worse se worst st far further her/f /far arther her furthes hest/f /far arthes hest
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Exemplos mplos: Today ay I had a good day ay at at the office ice. You play ay tennis better er than I do do. Orlando ndo is is the best holiday ay destinat nation on. Drinking ng is is not as as bad as as smoking ng. The food was worse se than the service ice. Dumbledore ledore is is Voldermort’s wors rst enemy.
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative Questões ões de de Prova (Escola (E scola Nav Naval/2018 2018) Mar ark the the op option ion that hat comp complet letes the the excerp erpt be belo low corr rrectly ectly. Our ur stu tudy dy ana analyz lyzed ed 7.1-bil billion ion miles miles ____ _____, __, to to up upda date te our our __ _____ ___ dist distrac acted ted driving driving stu tudy dy wit ith __ ______ ___ and and ___ ____ da data ta. We We co covered ered 4.5-mi miilio ilion driv drivers ers ac acros ross all Am Ameri erica can sta tates tes and nd ter territor tories, ies, from from December December 20 2017 through hrough Febr ebrua uary 2018 018. We We fou ound nd tha that distr strac acted ted driv drivin ing is is far ___ _____ __ previousl iously reported ed.
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative (A) further her / la latest / fres esher her / deeper per / worse than (B) farthes hest / the later / fres esher her / deeper per / worse than (C) farther her / latest / the fres eshes hest / the deepest pest / worst than Para demons onstr trar ar que uma situaçã ção depende nde da outra. Ex.: The later it go got, the more e dangerou erous s it was. (D) (D) farer rer / the later / the fres eshes hest / the deepest pest / the worst st The hig igher er they cli limbe bed, d, the cold lder er it it got. (E) (E) fur furthe thest st / the he later later / the the fr freshes shest / the the dee deepest pest / the the worst st
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative (E (EPCAR PCAR – 201 018) Mar ark the he sentence sentence from from th the text ext that hat is is an an exampl mple of of comp mpar arat ativ ive form rm. (A) Ow Owned or or contr trolled lled by by an an ‘employer’ . (li line 18 18) (B (B) Most Most chi child ma marr rria iage ges ca can be be con consid idered ered sl slav aver ery. (lin ines es 58 58 and 59 59) (C (C) [.. ...] people people are are much much more more vulner ulnerable able to to sla laver ery[ y[... ..] (lines 74 74 and 75 75) (D) (D) [.. ...] th that need need to to be be ta taken to to end end sla laver ery ac across ross the he world. (lines 86 86 and 87 87)
Compar parat ativ ivo e e Superlativ perlativo / Compar parative ative and d Superlativ perlative (E (EEAR EAR – 201 017) Wh Which ich of of th the fo follow llowin ing are are examples examples of of Compar parat ativ ive and Superla rlativ tive adjec ectiv ives, s, respec ectiv ivel ely? y? (A) sever vere (li line 14 14) / major jor contribu ributor or (li line 28 28) (B) stronger ger (line 16 16) / the most seasoned ned (line 12 12) (C) more frequ quen ent (line 3) / twice as as much ch (line 23 23) (D) (D) more more common ommon (lin ine 7) / mo most st je jet air ircr craf aft (l (lines nes 17 17 and and 18 18)
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