infusing risk management into cybersecurity education

Infusing Risk Management into Cybersecurity Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Infusing Risk Management into Cybersecurity Education Georgia Tech Research Institute 1 Fear Uncertainty Doubt 2 Mid-career Leaders, Decision Makers Cybersecurity is an overwhelming sea. The more I learn,

  1. Infusing Risk Management into Cybersecurity Education Georgia Tech Research Institute 1

  2. Fear Uncertainty Doubt 2

  3. Mid-career Leaders, Decision Makers • Cybersecurity is an overwhelming sea. • The more I learn, the less equipped I feel. • I don't know where to begin. 3

  4. Opportunity-Driven Student • Are their efforts more toward improving company cybersecurity posture or promoting their own careers? 4

  5. Message from software, hardware, and education suppliers: You can't protect You are inadequate properly unless you buy more hardware You don't have enough You need to upgrade to the skilled personnel. expensive premier version of our software to truly protect You have the your organization. wrong product. You don't have You are doing an insufficient enough expertise, You need another job unless you have so you need to buy certification. eliminated all risk. our services. 5

  6. Risk is the potential of a threat to cause a negative impact. Risk is measured by the likelihood of the event and the severity of the impact . 6

  7. What risk are we most concerned about? Low Moderate High High Nearly Certain Probable Low Moderate Moderate High Likelihood Likely Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Unlikely Low Low Moderate Moderate Low Low Low Low Highly Unlikely Minor Moderate Critical Catastrophic Impact Likelihood = Probability 7

  8. Goal is to manage risk, not eliminate it Avoid eliminate the cause Accept reward is worth the risk, but have a contingency plan 8

  9. Goal is to manage risk, not eliminate it Avoid Mitigate eliminate the cause reduce probability or impact Accept Transfer reward is worth the risk, transfer risk to a third party but have a contingency plan 9

  10. Risk Assessment - Qualitative Cybersecurity Risk 10 9 High Obsolete 8 Applications 7 Likelihood 6 Mod 5 H/W Failure 4 3 Nationstate 2 Cyber Attack Low 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Impact (Cost in real $ or low/mod/high) Module 1.5 Cyber Risk Assessment Process 10

  11. How do we do this in education? • Focus on defensive skills (IT, networking, defend, protect, recover) more Community College Avoid Mitigate than offensive skills (pentesting) Professional • Leverage non-cyber mid-level professional SMEs, affirming their eliminate the cause reduce probability or impact Education perspective on what is important and what is most at risk • First program – sanitize input, check boundary conditions; Higher quality Undergraduate coding is more valuable than the number of languages; Cybersecurity principles used in all tech projects Accept Transfer • Communicate to decision makers in language related to risk, not Graduate technology reward is worth the risk, Community transfer risk to a third party • Focus on highest risk actions already in their control – email vigilence, but have a contingency plan Outreach not re-using passwords, changing default passwords on IoT devices Your Own • Each department makes at least one suggestion quarterly to improve Organization cybersecurity risk; Monthly awareness vs. once-per-year compliance 11

  12. Decision Makers Naive Message Message 1 The solution is to spend more money. Cybersecure Message You are the Expert. • Assess your risks with the help of subject matter experts • Identify low-impact/low-likelihood risks and accept them according to your risk tolerance • Identify high-impact and high-likelihood risks and determine whether to avoid, mitigate or transfer risks • Cyber risk is a part of all conversations – include it in a finance class, a human resources class, a leadership class 12

  13. Software Engineers, Programmers Naive Message Learn more languages. Cybersecure Message Code securely. • Validate and sanitize inputs • Adhere to principle of least privilege • Modular design • Testing is built into design and implementation 13

  14. Information Technology Naive Message Message 1 Focus on the "next big thing." Cybersecure Message Build cybersecurity strategies around principles, not tools. • Use critical thinking skills to analyze, assess, and make decisions. • Hardware and software purchases should be driven from business needs not market influences. • Defense-in-depth • Segregate networks • Inventory • Least privilege • Separation of duties • Patch management • Trust then verify • Strong authentication • Assess vulnerabilities • Change management 14

  15. All Technical Positions Naive Message Message 1 Obfuscate by using insider words like obfuscation. Cybersecure Message Communicate the risks and the mitigations in terminology that can be understood by the target audience. Use case studies to demonstrate the risk • Talk about the cost of a breach instead of number of records stolen. • • Build a cooperative culture not "us vs. them". It is truly not about compliance but about risk to your job security and your bank account. 15

  16. NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) Identify Detect Respond Recover Protect Business Anomalies & Response Recovery Access Control Environment Events Planning Planning Awareness & Security & Governance Communications Improvements Training Continuous Monitoring Risk Assessment Data Security Analysis Detection Processes Risk Information Mitigation Management Protection Processes & Strategy Procedures Improvements Maintenance 16

  17. CIS Top 20 Controls 1 Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices 2 Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software 3 Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software 4 Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation 5 Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges CIS - Center for Internet Security These Top 5 provide an effective defense against ... approximately 85% of cyber attacks. 17

  18. NIST NICE Guidebook: Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Job • Oriented toward non- cyber professionals 18

  19. Cybersecurity Risk Management All In. All Win.


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