infrastructure and services for digital collections

Infrastructure and Services for Digital Collections: Automated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Infrastructure and Services for Digital Collections: Automated Obsolescence Notification Adrian Burton Leader, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR) DigCCurr 2007 Chapel Hill, April 2007 Australian

  1. Infrastructure and Services for Digital Collections: Automated Obsolescence Notification Adrian Burton Leader, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR) DigCCurr 2007 Chapel Hill, April 2007 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  2. APSR Partners The Australian National University The University of Sydney The University of Queensland The National Library of Australia The Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing S upported by: An Innovative Action Plan for the Future The Systemic Infrastructure Initiative Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  3. Obsolescence Notification Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  4. Automated Obsolescence Notification System (AONS) Aim: To make collection managers aware of files in their collections that require preservation action Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  5. Infrastructure & Services AONS AONS is a loosely-coupled group of services to identify, notify, and evaluate the risk of file format obsolescence . It is particularly designed for large repositories that are: • Long-lived • Heterogeneous • Where creators are not responsible for stewardship • Without options for preservation on ingest Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  6. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  7. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  8. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  9. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  10. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  11. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  12. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  13. Project Background � 2005: PANIC architecture* � 2006: AONS 1, proof of concept system � 2007: AONS 2, enterprise software, risk analysis, and pilot service *J.Hunter, S.Choudhury, “PANIC – An Integrated Approach to the Preservation of Complex Digital Objects using Semantic Web Services”, International Journal on Digital Libraries: Special Issue on Complex Digital Objects, January 2006 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  14. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  15. Format Information � PRONOM � LOC – LCDFW (scraper) � GDFR (Alpha 1) � DCC RIF? NGDA?...... ISSUES � Standard ways to represent format information � Unique ID’s for formats � Metric for measuring obsolescence � Ongoing relationships with information providers Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  16. Repository Information � Managers self-register � Repositories expose reports � AONS “gets” the reports ISSUES � authorisation/ authentication for registration � scope of the service � scaling to meet the needs of (eg) Internet Archive � third party repository information aggregators Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  17. Standard XML Format Report < collection> <format name=”name1” version=”v1” puid=”fmt1” count=”200”/> <format name=”name2” version=”v2” puid=”fmt2” count=”4000”/> <format name=”name3” version=”v3” puid=”fmt3” count=”10”/> <format name=”name4” version=”v4” puid=”fmt4” count=”300”/> </collection> Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  18. Notification � Email/ RSS…. ISSUES � frequency � granularity of detail (perhaps just a link) Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  19. Risk Analysis � INFORM/ Deb Woodyard � General vs individual risk � Stateful web interface (My AONS) ISSUES � what digital curators need to know to take action � testing the metrics � community risk may be supplied upstream � other applications of the module Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  20. Score Result Add the score to the <= 0 starting risk of 10 Determine likely 1-2 Version Years to end creator / vendor support end Y date? support period 0 date known? 3-5 -2 5+ N -4 8 - 10 Very High Risk of Obsolescence 7+ -6 Version Years since 5-7 release date Y release known? date? 3-5 6 - 7 High Risk of < 2 Obsolescence N N +10 0 2+ 3 - 5 Medium Risk of Determine number of Obsolescence New Number of new versions of -2 version(s) Y later 2 format available available? versions -4 1 -2 N / Unk <3 Low Risk of Obsolescence 0 0-1 Determine number of -2 Number of 2-3 view paths available view paths to render format (available support) available? -4 3-5 -6 5+

  21. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  22. AONS Design � Loosely coupled SOA � target independent � Modular � Robust Java enterprise software Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  23. AONS PANIC ? Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  24. Other Applications � metadata schema obsolescence � QA notification � …. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  25. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  26. Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  27. Layers 1 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  28. Layers 2 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  29. Layers 3 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  30. Layers 4 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

  31. Layers 5 Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories


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