influence of the solar activity on thermal conditions in

Influence of the Solar activity on thermal conditions in high - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Influence of the Solar activity on thermal conditions in high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere A.A. Fomenko, ICM&MG SB RAS V.A. Kovalenko, ISTP SB RAS L.I. Kurbatskaya, ICM&MG SB RAS The main idea is the following. The external

  1. Influence of the Solar activity on thermal conditions in high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere A.A. Fomenko, ICM&MG SB RAS V.A. Kovalenko, ISTP SB RAS L.I. Kurbatskaya, ICM&MG SB RAS

  2. The main idea is the following. The external factors, associated with the solar space beams and • accompanying magnetospheric perturbations are capable of affecting the climatic system by the energy flux coming into the space from the Earth. Verbatim it is like this. • Amplification of the solar geophysical activity (fluxes of the solar space beams, perturbations of the solar wind and interplanetary field, geomagnetic storms and substorms) result in an increase in difference of the Ionosphere-Earth electric potential. Increasing the difference of the potential is accompanied by an • increase in the vertical electric field resulting in redistribution in height in the troposphere of charged condensation particles, that is elevation of negatively charged nuclei to large heights. • In this case, in the regions, where earlier the concentration of such nuclei was low, and the content of water vapor sufficiently large, the water vapor is condensed and cloudiness is formed. • The formed cloudiness brings about the change in radiation balance. Thus, this mechanism will have the greatest influence on radiation balance and thermobaric troposphere field in high-latitude regions. This occurs in the absence of incoming flux of short-wave radiation from the Sun. The proposed work is aimed at studying the indicated mechanism with the help of numerical modeling.

  3. Zherebtsov G.A., Kovalenko V.A., Molodykh S.I., Rubtsova O.A. Model of solar activity action on climate characteristics of the Earth troposphere // Atmosphere and ocean optics. 2005. V. 18. N 12. P. 1042- 1050. (in Russian).

  4. An effective radiation flux is formed of fluxes of ascending and descending radiation = + up down F F F net In this case, a change in temperature (the radiation cooling rate) is determined by a difference of effective fluxes on the upper and the lower boundaries of the layer − 1 F F ∆ ~ ρ + 1 z z T ∆ c z p

  5. Long-wave radiation fluxes in high latitudes in the winter period (Down - descending long-wave radiation fluxes; Up - ascending long-wave radiation fluxes; Net=Up-Down is an effective flux of long-wave radiation)

  6. 1D radiation model Geleyn J.-F., Hollingsworth A. An economical analytical method for the computation of the interaction between scattering and line absorption of radiation contributions to atmospheric physics // Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. 1979. V. 52. N 1. P. 1-16.

  7. 1 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and the appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated from the current state (the so-called control). 2 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and the appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated under condition that the cloud amount was equal to zero, the rest characteristics being unchanged. 3 - An effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with the cloud amount equal to 1 everywhere, the rest characteristics being unchanged. 4 - Dry atmosphere, indicating to the presence only of gases and aerosols, is nothing as compared to the presence of moisture. 5 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with double cloud amount. It is aimed at demonstration of a possible existence of the mechanism of a change in the temperature conditions with increasing cloudiness due to redistribution of aerosol particles. In the model, the cloudiness amount of a medium layer does not exceed 0.4. If the clouds formation conditions change, the cloudiness amount can, respectively, twice increase. 6 - The cloudiness amount is equal to 1 only at the level of 500mb, to zero everywhere else. 7 - An effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with all unchanged parameters, except for the level of 500mb, where the cloudiness amount was set equal to 1. This experiment is of interest because it enables one in terms of methods to evaluate a possible influence of formation of additional cloudiness on redistribution of heat characteristics. 8 - The cloudiness amount equals 1 only at the level of 500mb, everywhere else being zero in the dry atmosphere (nothing but applied methods are of interest).

  8. Effective long-wave radiation fluxes, calculated according to the conducted experiments (digits stand for numbers of experiments)

  9. 1 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and the appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated from the current state (the so-called control). 3 - An effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with the cloud amount equal to 1 everywhere, the rest characteristics being unchanged. 4 - Dry atmosphere, indicating to the presence only of gases and aerosols, is nothing as compared to the presence of moisture. 6 - The cloudiness amount is equal to 1 only at the level of 500mb, to zero everywhere else. 8 - The cloudiness amount equals 1 only at the level of 500mb, everywhere else being zero in the dry atmosphere (nothing but applied methods are of interest).

  10. The vertical temperature variation according to our experiments (digits stand for numbers of experiments)

  11. 1 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and the appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated from the current state (the so-called control). 2 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and the appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated under condition that the cloud amount was equal to zero, the rest characteristics being unchanged. 5 - Experiment, in which an effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with double cloud amount. It is aimed at demonstration of a possible existence of the mechanism of a change in the temperature conditions with increasing cloudiness due to redistribution of aerosol particles. In the model, the cloudiness amount of a medium layer does not exceed 0.4. If the clouds formation conditions change, the cloudiness amount can, respectively, twice increase. 7 - An effective flux and appropriate daily temperature variation were calculated with all unchanged parameters, except for the level of 500mb, where the cloudiness amount was set equal to 1. This experiment is of interest because it enables one in terms of methods to evaluate a possible influence of formation of additional cloudiness on redistribution of heat characteristics.

  12. The vertical temperature variation according to our experiments (digits stand for numbers of experiments)

  13. A change in temperature conditions in high latitudes under the solar activity Fomenko A.A., Krupchatnikov V.N. A finite-difference model of atmospheric dynamics with conservation laws // Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Num. Model. in Atmosph., etc. V. 1. 1993. P. 17-31. Fomenko A.A., Krupchatnikov V.N., Yantzen A.G. A finite-difference model of atmosphere (ECSib) for climatic investigations // Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Num. Model. in Atmosph., etc. V. 4. 1996. P. 11-19.

  14. Experiments with the general atmosphere circulation model were conducted as follows. Starting from the stable state on December 22, the control calculation was done (Experiment 1). Against its background, the calculations with a changed cloudiness amount were done. The second experiment – the cloudiness amount over the land to the North of 68 0 N was twice increased as compared to the initial. Then the cloudiness amount was reduced to a natural simulated state. This makes it possible to take into account the effect of the mechanism of aerosol redistribution and formation of additional cloudiness. By recognizing that the formation of additional cloudiness is possible, for example, only in high altitudes, the third experiment was carried out, in which the cloudiness amount over the land to the North of 68 0 N was artificially increase up to 0.8 at the level of 300mb during one day. This corresponds to formation of dense cirrostratus clouds. A change of the cloudiness amount only over the land was done for the purity of experiments. As in the model, the ocean surface temperature was taken assigned, it was interesting to investigate its change in the regions, where immediate interaction with an underlying surface takes place, when temperature and humidity of the underlying surface are recalculated with the equation of balance.

  15. Subsequent temperature variations at 1000mb level (a difference between experiments 2 and 1)

  16. Subsequent temperature variations at 500mb level (a difference between experiments 2 and 1)

  17. Subsequent temperature variations at 1000mb level (a difference between experiments 3 and 1)

  18. Subsequent temperature variations at 500mb level (a difference between experiments 3 and 1)


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