Energy Labelling: Simplified Method for Solar Thermal Consultation process: solar thermal experts 08 April 2020
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Simplified method for solar thermal systems 4
Simplified method for ST ▪ Starting point – Solar thermal devices are heat generators that: • Can supply up most of water heating needs • Can supply considerable part of the space heating – Not consuming energy, hence no product label except for solar water heater (thermosiphon with immersion electric heater) – Contributes to increase performance of package (package label) – Package label not working on market: • overall complexity, hard for installers to calculate solar devices, issues with method, difficult (or none) market surveillance.
Simplified method for ST During this period, a group of solar heat experts worked actively on a Simplified Method for Solar Thermal: – Adaptation of the original proposal from Solar Heat Europe by the consultants in March 2019 version of reports. – This adaptation was considered too simple and not reflecting adequately the potential of solar thermal but was a good indication that a simplified method for solar thermal was possible . A new Solar Heat Europe proposal – was presented to the consultants, European Commission and other stakeholders. Thanks to intense work from several experts (Andreas Bohren (SPF), Stefan Abrecht (Solar Heat Initiative) and also Gerard van Amerongen (VA Consult)
Simplified method for ST One major innovation of the proposal: the “Solar Device Efficiency” (previously Solar Enhancement Factor) In brief, it has been identified by experts that the improvement a solar thermal system brings to a non-solar heat generator (usually referred in solar systems as a back-up heater , such as a boiler , a heat pump or an electric heater ) can be identified as a function. This solar device efficiency is based on heat loads for space or water heating. Thus, it can be calculated for each specific solar thermal system both for water heaters and combination heaters .
Simplified method for ST Source: Stefan Abrecht
Simplified method for ST Source: Stefan Abrecht
Simplified method for ST ▪ SHE PROPOSAL – Simplifying installer tasks, using Solar Device Efficiency: – Option 1: produce a label class of solar system with the backup heater – Option 2: produce a factor for multiplication with the backup heater efficiency 10
Simplified method for ST ▪ Simple calculation process Select the collector Read the table Select row / column Option 2 Option 1 Read f η Read label class Get backup η wh Option 1: X = Label class Multiply η wh x f η Read label class ErP table Option 2: X = f η η sys = η bh x f η => label class 11
Simplified method for ST ▪ Table to facilitate installer Option 1: X = Label class Option 2: X = f η η sys = η bh x f η => label class Results of ScenoCalc for one collector module - COMBI HEATING Number of collector modules: Service: ↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WH x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x SH x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 12
Simplified method for ST Input: - Collector test results (EN12975) Output: η SH =Existing η SH+Sol = η SH x η Sol XL SH
Example „Look -up table “ water heating Table - Water heating results Solar device efficiency Collector type: Würzburg ≈ Strasbourg Athens Stockholm ≈ Helsinki A+++ /Premium FPC average warmer colder Load profíle M L XL XXL M L XL XXL M L XL XXL collector demand [kWh/a] 1523 2799 4427 5626 1523 2799 4427 5626 1523 2799 4427 5626 gross area h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh h sol-wh No. modules 2,0 m² 1 188% 137% 107% 96% 367% 231% 170% 129% 172% 138% 116% 105% 4,0 m² 2 299% 225% 171% 150% 500% 451% 329% 248% 232% 197% 165% 145% 6,0 m² 3 371% 302% 231% 201% 500% 500% 489% 367% 239% 239% 205% 180% 8,0 m² 4 405% 369% 288% 250% 500% 500% 500% 485% 239% 262% 236% 211% 10,0 m² 5 405% 426% 341% 296% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 260% 238% 12,0 m² 6 405% 473% 391% 339% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 275% 260% 14,0 m² 7 405% 510% 437% 380% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 282% 277% 16,0 m² 8 405% 537% 480% 418% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 282% 290% 18,0 m² 9 405% 554% 519% 454% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 282% 299% 20,0 m² 10 405% 561% 555% 487% 500% 500% 500% 500% 239% 268% 282% 303% Title of the presentation
… multiplied with backup efficiency and tank factor = Hybrid efficiency Title of the presentation
… and gives label classes Title of the presentation
Example „Look -up table “ space heating Table - Space heating results Solar device efficiency Collector type: Würzburg ≈ Strasbourg Athens Stockholm ≈ Helsinki A+++ /Premium FPC average warmer colder P designh [kW] 3,0 6,0 10,0 15,0 3,0 6,0 10,0 15,0 3,0 6,0 10,0 15,0 collector demand [kWh/a] 6198 12396 20660 30990 4008 8016 13360 20040 7395 14790 24650 36975 gross area h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh h sol-sh no. Modules 2,0 m² 1 108% 104% 102% 102% 113% 106% 103% 102% 107% 104% 102% 101% 4,0 m² 2 115% 108% 105% 103% 132% 113% 107% 104% 114% 107% 104% 103% 6,0 m² 3 123% 111% 107% 105% 157% 121% 111% 107% 121% 111% 106% 104% 8,0 m² 4 130% 115% 109% 106% 188% 132% 116% 110% 129% 114% 109% 106% 10,0 m² 5 138% 119% 111% 108% 225% 143% 121% 113% 136% 118% 111% 107% 12,0 m² 6 145% 123% 114% 109% 268% 157% 127% 116% 143% 121% 113% 109% 14,0 m² 7 153% 126% 116% 111% 318% 171% 134% 120% 150% 125% 115% 110% 16,0 m² 8 160% 130% 118% 112% 373% 188% 141% 123% 157% 129% 117% 111% 18,0 m² 9 168% 134% 120% 114% 435% 206% 149% 127% 164% 132% 119% 113% 20,0 m² 10 175% 138% 123% 115% 503% 225% 157% 132% 171% 136% 121% 114% Title of the presentation
… multiplied with backup efficiency = Hybrid efficiency Title of the presentation
… and gives label classes Title of the presentation
Simplified method for ST ▪ Requirements: • Collector parameters (EN12975 and ISO9806) + Collector gross yield (to be introduced in standards) – New basis for the determination of the performance of a solar system considering all relevant collector parameters, the local climate and operating conditions. – Already in use for more than 20 years to compare the performance of collectors in an unambiguous way – Adopted in the CEN Solar Keymark certification scheme as Scenocalc – Information is easily available – Product fiche (from manufacturer or in EPREL for recent products) – Solar Keymark database and SK certificates
Simplified method for ST ▪ Easily available data
Simplified method for ST MultiBin Method The method, from the perspective of the user (installer), is explained in annex1. This method uses an individual calculation: the solar device efficiency is calculated for each collector individually in a extended ScenoCalc version and can be supplied by test institutes/Solar Keymark Datasheets or a calculation tool can be provided for manufacturers to create the tables themselves. The relevant files are available on the folder MBM and include: • Aris2004.xlsx (simulation for Standard flat plate collector, Aris 2004) • AS+.xlsx (simulation for Standard "unglazed" collector, AS+) • Germanstar HP70-24.xlsx (simulation for Standard ETC, Germanstar HP70-24) 22
Simplified method for ST Single bin with polynomials Method The method and the overall approach to the simplified method is explained in annex2. - uses a single bin approach - uses of fixed Polynomials/Nomograms. - The Polynomials are exemplary derived from Scenocalc. - Nomograms would allow simple visual method (also for the market surveillance) The relevant files are available on the folder SBPM and include the Look up tables generator. 23
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