INF9140 INF9140 – Paper Presentation Paper Presentation Biere et al. 2003 – B Bounded Model Checking d d M d l Ch ki B Y M A R T I N F . J O H A N S E N
Model Checking Model the design as a finite state machine. M d l th d i fi it t t hi Write the specification as temporal logic. Safety properties What should not happen. A counterexample: something bad happens. Liveness properties What should eventually happen. A counter example: something good never happens.
Bounded Model Checking (BMC) g ( ) The basic idea of BMC is to search for a counter Th b i id f BMC i t h f t example in executions whose length is bounded by some integer k some integer k. Thus, does not show the absence of errors. Experiments have shown that BMC can solve many E i t h h th t BMC l cases that cannot be solved by other approaches. The BMC problem can be efficiently reduced to a h bl b ffi i l d d propositional satisfiability problem […] SAT procedures do not suffer from the space explosion d d t ff f th l i problem of BDD-based methods.
Bounded Semantics Paths with loops P th ith l (k,l)-loop path, π = u v ω For LTL formula f with π as a loop F LTL f l f ith l π |= k f iff π |= f Where there are no loops Where there are no loops a property that hold along π k , might not hold along π k+1 . Theorem 1 : If we take a sufficiently high bound, If t k ffi i tl hi h b d Th then the bounded and unbounded semantics are equivalent equivalent.
Reduction of BMC to SAT Given Gi Kripke Structure M LTL formula f LTL f l f Bound k Construct C t t Propositional formula [[M, f]] k (-x1 * -x2 * -x3) + (x1 * x1 * x2) + (x2 * x3)
Kripke Structures p Kripke structure M is a quadruple M = (S, I,T,L) K i k t t M i d l M (S I T L) S is the set of states I S is the set of initial states I S i th t f i iti l t t T S×S is the transition relation L:S > P(A) is the labeling function L:S -> P(A) is the labeling function is the set of atomic propositions P(A) denotes the powerset over A ( ) de otes t e po e set o e L(s) is m ade of the atom ic propositions that hold in s. Each path π in M is a sequence π = (s 0 , s 1 , . . .) of states π ( i) the i-th state s i π i =(s i , s i+1 , . . .) the suffix of π starting with state s i
Note on symbols y Symbols: S b l p – Xp ◊ p – Fp ◊ F □ p – Gp
p Xp p - Xp ◊ p - Fp □ p - Gp
Bounded Semantics without a Loop an LTL form ula f is valid along p w ith bound k (in sym bols an LTL form ula f is valid along p w ith bound k (in sym bols p - Xp p Xp ◊ p - Fp □ p - Gp
Path Quantifiers Q M satisfies f over all initialized paths M ti fi f ll i iti li d th M |= Af there exists an initialized path in M that satisfies f h i i i i li d h i M h i fi f M |= Ef
Reduction of BMC to SAT Unfolding of the Transition Relation Unfolding of the Transition Relation There are valid paths from the initial state to any state reachable in k steps. Loop condition l L k is true iff there is a transition from s k to s l i iff h i i i f L k is true iff there exists a back loop from s k to a previous state or to itself. or to itself. Successor in a loop In a (k,l)-loop, a successor function succ(i) is i+1 unless i=k, In a (k,l) loop, a successor function succ(i) is i+1 unless i k, then it is l
Reduction of BMC to SAT The intermediate formula depends on three Th i t di t f l d d th parameters: l, k and i. We use l for the start position of the loop k for the bound and i for the current of the loop, k for the bound, and i for the current position in π .
Translation of an LTL formula for a loop p Xp p - Xp ◊ p - Fp □ p - Gp
Translation of an LTL formula without a loop a s at o o a o u a t out a oop p Xp p - Xp ◊ p - Fp □ p - Gp
BMC with SAT Given Given Kripke Structure M LTL formula f Bound k Construct Propositional formula [[M, f]] k l f l f General Translation Theorem 2: Theorem 2: [[ M, f ]] k is satisfiable iff M |= k Ef ( M |= Ef means there exists an initialized path in M that satisfies f ) ( p f ) | f f
Completeness threshold p The completeness threshold for Gp Th l t th h ld f G p Xp p - Xp ◊ p - Fp formulas is simply the minimal number of □ p - Gp steps required to reach all states steps required to reach all states. Theorem 3: The procedure terminates if the liveness property holds holds. Since we know that either AFp or EG¬p must hold for M, one of the semi-decision procedures must , p terminate. Combining the two, we obtain a complete decision procedure for liveness.
Techniques for SAT solving q g A part of the paper is about techniques for SAT A t f th i b t t h i f SAT solving.
Experiments p BDD based model checking g IBM benchmark on 13 IBM benchmark on 13 vs SAT based bounded hardware designs model checking 16x16 bit sequential shift 16x16 bit sequential shift and add multiplier
Experiments p Intel benchmark, I t l b h k Compaq C verifying various benchmark, circuits circuits verifying an alpha if i l h microprocessor
In conclusion an effective technique ff ti t h i complements BDD-based model checking In some cases both tools are run in parallel, and the first tool that finds a solution, terminates the other process
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