Séché Group, a world of solutions Complete and Industrial gas safe handling of industrial treatment gases Through the subsidiaries, Trédi and UTM Umwelt Technik-Met- allrecycling GmbH, Séché Group provides specifjc solutions for the collection and the thermal treatment of cylinders contain- ing hazardous or unidentifjed industrial gases, regardless of their packaging. Séché’s expertise n Control of the entire treatment chain n Innovative treatment technology n Safe disposal of “orphaned” gas cylinders n Treatment solutions for damaged cylinders
Thermal Control of the entire Emergency salvage treatment and treatment chain operations material recovery Because of its chemical expertise and its facilities in France and Germany, Séché Environnement Séché Group can provide provides a global solution for the management of industrial gases: salvage operation services on n Identifjcation and classifjcation n Collection (ADR certifjcation) an emergency basis. Thanks Industrial kilns incinerate gases at high temperatures. The to its subsidiary, UTM, this n Defjnition of the most appropriate packaging and n Thermal treatment Facility continuously monitors all operational processes storage method is accomplished by using and atmospheric emissions. The injection of the gases for n Recovery of solvents and metals (acetylene bottles) treatment by incineration is made without deconditioning, a remote-controlled robot n Provision of secure packaging for transportation n Final waste disposal no matter the volume or the type of cylinder. (ROSS) and salvage containers n Traceability and administrative follow-up n Total traceability n Cabinet solution (GASTOR) for the safe transport - Cylinders in a good condition for handling and temporary storage of gas n Sarcophagus solution cylinders of various sizes. Secure container Typology of - Cylinders with damaged valve, drilling necessary In addition, Séché Group can Empty cylinders are destroyed or purged and returned to the client. gases handling scheduled non-emergency transportation of potentially n Acetylene bottles hazardous gas cylinders. n Flammable gases n Rigorous acceptance n Reception in adapted Which will be transported procedures and secure building in salvage containers to the n Halogenated gases: CFC, (ventilation, atmospheric air n Technical expertise to HCFC, Halons, SF6, derivatives appropriate facility of Séché measurement, depression) determine the most n Group for treatment. Toxic and corrosive gases appropriated packaging and n Leak test at reception to transport solution choose the appropriate treatment process n Provision of foldable racks for transportation n Online sampling and n Transportation in safety analysis with mass spectrometer and infrared containers for highly technology damaged and/or dangerous cylinders (sarcophagus) n Specially trained staff Continuous improvement Halogenated gases are greenhouse gases: their treatment prevents the emission to the atmosphere of nearly 7.8 million tecqCO 2 per year.
A global player for Offjces / treatment sites environmental management Ongoing or completed contracts GERMANY ITALY UK FRANCE SPAIN PORTUGAL MEXICO GUADELOUPE Creation: studioversion2.com - Pics: Francois Vrignaud,Wolfgang Steinborn - 2018 - Printed on PEFC paper from sustainably managed forests. MALAYSIA SINGAPORE QATAR PERU CHILE ARGENTINA Our teams are at your service Tour Maine Montparnasse - BP 125 UTM Umwelt-Technik-Metallrecycling GmbH 33 avenue du Maine - 75755 Paris Cedex 15 Alt-Herrenwyk 12, 23569 Lübeck - Germany Ph: +33 1 53 21 53 53 - Fax: +33 1 53 21 53 54 Ph: +49 451-3020 940 - Fax: +49 451-3020 938 info@utmluebeck.de www.groupe-seche.com www.utmluebeck.de
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