incremental gains or big bang

Incremental gains or Big bang Fluidtime Symposium 2019 1 How do - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Incremental gains or Big bang Fluidtime Symposium 2019 1 How do new MaaS services address the public agenda? 3 80% of journey by public transport or sustainable means by 2041 Mayor of London Transport Strategy 2018 4 Translation = 80%

  1. Incremental gains or Big bang Fluidtime Symposium 2019 1

  2. How do new MaaS services address the public agenda? 3

  3. 80% of journey by public transport or sustainable means by 2041 Mayor of London Transport Strategy 2018 4

  4. Translation = 80% “not cars” Mayor of London Transport Strategy 2018 5

  5. How to incentivise residents to leave their cars behind? Incremental gains Big bang choices for Car ownership specific journeys choices “I can take a bike “I will stop this time” owning a car” 6

  6. Mobility as a Service 7

  7. Human behaviour Motivation “Why would I?” Ability “Am I able to?” Opportunity “Do I have access?” 8

  8. Outside-in Human Life stage and situation Consumer/citizen Making decisions in the market Customer Being a customer of a service User Using the service 9

  9. Life stages 10

  10. Citizen / Consumer level 11

  11. Customer level 12

  12. User level 13

  13. How to incentivise residents to leave their cars behind? Uber reduces bus use by 1.7% in US 15

  14. Human behaviour Motivation “Why would I?” Ability “Am I able to?” Opportunity “Do I have access?” 16

  15. Outside-in + behaviour Human Ability is key: Are people able to change? Consumer Motivation is key: Do people have a good reason to change? Customer Opportunity is key: Are the options available to people? User Experience is key: Can people use it and will they stick? 17

  16. Human: What kind of mobility are you enabling? 18

  17. Consumer: What motivations are you addressing? 19

  18. Customer: What opportions are available? 20

  19. User: What is the experience? 21

  20. Will the existing MaaS ofgering be suffjcient to change resident car owners’ mobility behavior? 22

  21. How to incentivise residents to leave their cars behind? Incremental gains Big bang choices for Car ownership specific journeys choices Work with the Work with new city to enable a services to million new enables people decisions to no need a car 23

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