increasing the diversity of faculty and staff continued

Increasing the Diversity of Faculty and Staff (continued): Focus on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Increasing the Diversity of Faculty and Staff (continued): Focus on Gender Board of Trustees Diversity & Equity and Human Resources Committees November 20, 2013 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities The Minnesota State Colleges and

  1. Increasing the Diversity of Faculty and Staff (continued): Focus on Gender Board of Trustees Diversity & Equity and Human Resources Committees November 20, 2013 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.

  2. Outline of today’s presentation  Overview of our workforce  Trends in the gender composition by employee role  Comparisons of our gender composition to that of other higher education institutions  Trends in the gender composition of newly hired employees  Age of employees  Questions, discussion and guidance 2

  3. Snapshot of employees: March 2013  17,900 employees and 15,505 full ‐ time equivalents  59.5% are employed at the colleges  38.6% are employed at the universities  1.9% work at the system office  61% are full ‐ time employees  57% are faculty  43% are staff  54% are women  10% are employees of color 3 3

  4. Figure 1: Employees by age 61 & Over 30 & Under 2,951 1,355 16% 8% 31-40 3,467 19% 51-60 5,678 32% 41-50 4,490 25% Total Employee Headcount = 17,941 fiscal year 2013 Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 4

  5. Figure 2: Employee headcount peaked in fiscal year 2011 20,000 18,443 18,374 18,228 17,957 17,962 17,941 17,693 16,000 11,189 11,049 12,000 10,855 10,770 10,766 10,641 10,676 8,000 6,981 6,934 6,924 6,879 6,852 6,826 6,707 4,000 392 391 375 345 361 344 341 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Fiscal Year Colleges Universities System Office* Total * System office FTE employees in 2013 included 303.7 general fund positions and 32.5 externally funded positions. Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 5

  6. Figure 3: Employees by role Managers & Supervisors 511 Administrators Professional 3% 554 2,908 3% 16% Service & Support 3,683 21% Faculty 10,285 57% Total Employee Headcount = 17,941 fiscal year 2013 Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 6

  7. Figure 4: Women comprise the majority in three of five employee roles in 2013 100% 35.9% 39.7% 45.6% 47.7% 75% 50.2% 52.1% 50% 64.1% 60.3% 54.4% 52.3% 25% 49.8% 47.9% 0% Faculty Service & Profes- Managers & Adminis- All Support sionals Supervisors trators Women Men Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 7

  8. Figure 5: Gender composition of employees across the entire system has been relatively stable 60% 54.5% 54.6% 54.1% 53.6% 54.4% 54.2% 53.3% 53.7% 50% Percent Women Employees 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Colleges Universities System Office Total 2007 2013 Women: 2007 = 9,577 2013 = 9,766 Increase = 2.0% Men: 2007 = 8,116 2013 = 8,175 Increase = 0.7% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 8

  9. Figure 6: Women comprise an increasing percentage of college unlimited faculty & probationary new hires 60% 56.5% 57.0% 53.2% 51.6% 48.9% 49.6% 48.4% 50% 46.8% 47.1% 45.4% Percent Women Faculty 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Unlimited Probationary Probationary Temporary / All Faculty New Hires Fixed Term 2007 2013 Women unlimited faculty: 2007 = 1,157 2013 = 1,246 Increase = 7.7% Men unlimited faculty: 2007 = 1,208 2013 = 1,171 Decrease = -3.1% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 9

  10. Figure 7: Women comprise an increasing percentage of university tenured and tenure track faculty 70% 60.6% 58.4% 60% 55.3% 54.4% Percent Women Faculty 50.0% 47.0% 47.8% 50% 45.4% 42.3% 38.8% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Tenured Tenure Track Tenure Track Fixed Term / All Faculty New Hires Adjunct 2007 2013 Women tenured faculty: 2007 = 563 2013 = 649 Increase = 15.3% Men tenured faculty: 2007 = 889 2013 = 885 Decrease = -0.4% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 10

  11. Figure 8: Women comprise an increasing percentage of university professors and assistant professors 61.5% 60% 55.7% 54.0% 49.5% Percent Women Faculty 47.6% 50% 46.8% 46.4% 44.4% 39.0% 40% 33.9% 30% 20% 10% 0% Professor Assoc Prof Asst Prof Instructor Total Faculty with Rank 2007 2013 Women professors: 2007 = 304 2013 = 347 Increase = 14.1% Men professors: 2007 = 594 2013 = 542 Decrease = -8.8% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 11

  12. Figure 9: Women comprise higher percentages of assistant & full professors at MN universities than at similar US universities 60% 55.1% 51.8% 50% Percent Women Faculty 44.3% 44.6% 40% 36.7% 34.0% 30% 20% 10% 0% Professor Assoc. Professor Asst. Professor MN State Universities U.S. State Universities Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 12

  13. Figure 10: Women comprise a majority of professional employees 73.9% 75% 71.4% 71.6% 71.0% 64.1% 64.2% Percent Women Professionals 60.2% 60.3% 50% 25.2% 25.6% 25% 0% MSUAASF MAPE MAPE IT MAPE Other All Academic Professionals 2007 2013 Women professionals: 2007 = 1,482 2013 = 1,754 Increase = 18.4% Men professionals: 2007 = 981 2013 = 1,154 Increase = 17.6% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 13

  14. Figure 11: Females comprise a majority of administrators 64.1% 63.3% 60% Percent Women Administrators 53.8% 51.9% 52.3% 50.0% 50% 40.1% 41.0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Admin: Level 1-6 Admin: Level 7 Admin: New All Administrators and above Hires 2007 2013 Women administrators: 2007 = 284 2013 = 290 Increase = 2.1% Men administrators: 2007 = 263 2013 = 264 Increase = 0.4% Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 14

  15. Figure 12: Percent of employees in key roles aged 61 and over 40% Percent Aged 61 and Over 28.0% 30% 27.8% 18.5% 20% 16.4% 10% 0% Unlimited Tenured Admin: Level All College Univ. Faculty 7 and above Employees Faculty Source: System Office Research, Planning and Policy 15

  16. Leading going forward  Mid ‐ level management development programs  Executive development programs  Succession planning efforts  Chief diversity officer role 16

  17. Questions, discussion and guidance  Suggestions for additional strategies for recruiting and developing a diverse workforce  Strategies for addressing baby boom retirements over the next decade 17


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