inconsistencies fixed in writer

Inconsistencies Fixed in Writer Miklos Vajna 2014-09-03 About - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Inconsistencies Fixed in Writer Miklos Vajna 2014-09-03 About Miklos From Hungary More blurb: Google Summer of Code 2010/2011 Rewrite of the Writer RTF import/export Writer developer since Feb 2012

  1. Inconsistencies Fixed in Writer Miklos Vajna 2014-09-03

  2. About Miklos ● From Hungary ● More blurb: ● Google Summer of Code 2010/2011 ● Rewrite of the Writer RTF import/export ● Writer developer since Feb 2012 ● Contractor at Collabora since Sep 2013 LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 2 / 27

  3. Inconsistencies Fixed in 4.2

  4. Select all vs. T ables ● Normal vs. table cursor ● Select all ● Fix by selecting the text of the table LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 4 / 27

  5. Spellcheck vs Redlining ● If have both: what popup to show? ● The spellcheck one was selected ● Now: both LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 5 / 27

  6. RTF import: group shapes ● Before: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 6 / 27

  7. RTF import: group shapes ● After: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 7 / 27

  8. DOT export ● DOT: [MS-WORD] template ● Could only read, not write LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 8 / 27

  9. Favorite: character borders ● Thanks to Tamás Zolnai LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 9 / 27

  10. Inconsistencies Fixed in 4.3

  11. Writer drawingML import/export ● Getting rid of the VML fallback: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 11 / 27

  12. Nested comments ● Including all major (DOCX/DOC/RTF) filters: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 12 / 27

  13. Relative T extFrame sizes: multiple relations ● Width is 11% – of what? ● Paragraph area: without page margins ● Entire page LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 13 / 27

  14. Progress bar for all major import fjlters ● DOCX one was missing, now implemented: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 14 / 27

  15. Strict OOXML ● Markus Mohrhard implemented XLSX / PPTX ● The DOCX part is my fault ● During import, now we support: ● ECMA ● OOXML Transitional ● OOXML Strict ● No strict export yet – still needs implementing LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 15 / 27

  16. OOXML pattern fjll: dkVert ● There is no 1:1 OOXML ↔ ODF mapping for pattern fills ● When area is not a solid color or gradient, etc. ● Import map not consistent with export one ● Now fixed: dkVert is not lost on roundtrip LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 16 / 27

  17. Favorite: long paragraphs ● Thanks to Caolán McNamara for leading this effort ● tools String → gone now, 16bit length limit ● OUString everywhere ● Sounds interesting? ● Editeng limit is still there LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 17 / 27

  18. Inconsistencies Fixed in 4.4

  19. T extBox ● Writer shapes can now have a T extBox: ● Full drawinglayer geometry ● Full Writer complex content LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 19 / 27

  20. Favorite: .src → .ui ● Another efgort lead by Caolán ● Sounds interesting? There are still unconverted docking windows! LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 20 / 27

  21. Recent fjlter features

  22. DOCX export: wrap polygon ● For Writer pictures ● Import was there for many releases ● Now export as well ● Depends on the drawingML improvements LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 22 / 27

  23. RTF export: anchored pictures ● RTF picture → implicitly inline ● RTF shapes → can be anchored as well ● Hack: represent wrapped pictures as a “shape with a picture background” ● Implemented in 4.4 LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 23 / 27

  24. DOCX export: wrap polygon ● For Writer pictures ● Import was there for many releases ● Now export as well ● Depends on the drawingML improvements LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 24 / 27

  25. PPTX import: metadata ● Author / modifjer name ● Creation / modifjcation date ● One liner patch… LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 25 / 27

  26. Writer HTML export: embedded objects ● Use case: HTML export for searchable content ● Can skip images entirely ● Use the HTML export fjlter for the embedded object as well LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 26 / 27

  27. Summary ● During the past year, lots of inconsistencies got fjxed in Writer ● T extBox ● Selection improvements ● OOXML strict / drawingML ● Nested comments ● Lots of small fjlter improvements ● Thanks for listening! :-) ● Slides: LibreOffice Conference 2014, Bern | Miklos Vajna 27 / 27


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