In Intro troduct duction to ion to Coun County Road Agenc ty Road Agencies ies Mi Michiga higan n Hous use e of f Re Represen sentatives tatives Co Commit mittee tee on on Tr Tran ansp sportatio ortation n & In Infra frastructure structure March 21, 2017 l Ed Noyola Denise Donohue County Road Association of Michigan 1
Wh What at is is a C a County ounty Ro Road ad Ag Agen ency? y? 78 78 county road commissions … … and 5 county road departments. P.A. 283 (1909) created county road commissions to: • Maintain high-quality, cost-efficient roads and bridges for Michigan residents. • Develop county-wide seamle amless ss systems stems of roads, bridges across the state under local control. • Manage rights-of-way (ROW) to ensure road ad inte tegrity grity, safety. ety. 2
Michigan County Road Agencies are … Responsible for 75% of Michigan’s road ad mi miles. es. = = 90,21 210 0 miles es of roads. ads. (124,001 total) 27,277 miles of primary roads. 62,933 miles of local roads. = = 5,724 24 br bridges dges (11,061 total) = = and thousands of culverts. igan has 4 th larg Quick ck Fact: ct: Mi Mich chigan rgest est system stem of loca cal l roads ads in US. S. 3
Michigan County Road Agencies … n 64 64 count Maintain ntain hi highw hways ays in nties es und nder er 5-year ear cont ntract racts s with h MDOT. T. • Winter ter Mainte intena nanc nce e = = Snow clearing … salting … pot hole patching … replacing guardrails. • Summer er Maint intena enance ce = = … mowing … vegetation control … pot hole patching… roadside clean -up … tree removal … ditching … etc. • Som ome cou ounti ties es subco contract ntract mowing, other tasks. • “Whole ball of wax.” 4
Michigan County Road Workers are … Public employees … • On the job by 7 a.m.; • On-call 24/7, , 365 days; • First rst respond sponders ers in severe weather conditions. We are publ blic ic serv rvants ants with h a bu business ness attitude. tude. 5
Wh What at ar are e County ounty Ro Road ad Commis ommissioners? sioners? Boards of Directors for county road commissions are … • 3 or 5 members (51 are 3s; 27 are 5s ) • Appointed or elected … 44 boa oards rds appoi ointe nted d by county government (56%) 34 boa oards rds electe ted d in countywide elections (44%) • Salary, benefits set by county board of commissioners. • Responsive to needs of community. 6
Collaborat llaboratio ion n is Core re Val alue fo for r County unty Ro Road ad Age genci ncies. es. 83 83 counties unties – grass assroo roots ts, , commu munit nity y connections, nnections, media ia oversight rsight. 9 peer-to-peer councils – quarterly. 14 14 standing committees. 4 regional associations – biannual meetings. Multiple neighborhood groups – “frugal 5.” 1 statewide atewide associat sociation ion. 7
What t is the e County unty Road ad As Associat ociation ion of Michig igan? an? Since 1918 … 83 county members; Highway Conference meetings => 750+ attendees; 4 special-focus conferences; 6 staff, contracted engineer. CRA’s mission: “To help our members promote and maintain a safe, eff fficient nt local road d system em in rural l and u d urba ban Michiga gan n including ding appropriate te stewardship of the public’s right -of of- way.” 8
Pr Prot otectin ecting g the e Ro Road ad Ri Right ght-of of-Way. Way. An emphasis on roadbeds and bridges leaves out an important part of the road instructure: Th The right ght-of of-way way (ROW). W). • ROW created to enhance dr driver er sa safe fety ty and… • To enhance H2O 2O manag agemen ment t (ditches) to pr prote tect ct roads ds. • Public utilities added in mid-1930s. • Increa creasing sing: Private business pressure! ROW has maint ntenan nance ce costs: sts: Brushing, ditching/re-grading, tree removal. • Used by ORVs, snowmobiles. 9
Ro Road ad Ri Righ ght-of of-Way Way Il Illus lustrated. trated. 10
In Inno novation ation is a Co a Core re Val alue ue for r Count nty y Road ad Agen encie cies. s. Special ial-focus focus task sk fo forces: ces: • Rural Task Force – regional planning. • Regional/statewide purchasing. • CRA se seasonal sonal wei eight ht res estric riction tion web ebsi site. te. • Equipment sharing. Shared ed eng ngineering ineering specialist: cialist: MDOT grant funds. CRA/MML benefits. 11
Ef Effi ficienc ciency y is a a Core re Val alue ue for r Count nty y Road ad Agencie encies. s. County unty road d agencies ncies are model dels s of f eff fficiency. ciency. • Fiscally-constrained culture. • Debt and bonds are rare. • Must have local $ to match federal funds. • By By law, >50 50% matc tch h from locals for any local road improvements. 12
Ef Effi ficie iency ncy is is a Co a Core re Va Value. ue. La Law per ermit its s 10% % ad admin min co cost sts s fo for CRC CRCs; s; we e ar are e unde der r that. hat. Locals have “skin in the game” • 29 29 co county ty-wide ide road millages; • 100s of township millages; and • Special assessments for specific road, bridge projects. 13
Deta etail il on Lo n Local al Co Contr ntributio ibutions ns to to Ro Roads. ads. CRCs get state, federal, local $. No taxing, debt-bonding authority. Source: PA 51 Report. County data only. (2014) 14
Deta etail il on Lo n Local al Co Contr ntributio ibutions ns to to Ro Roads. ads. CRC’s PA 51 Local Funds $1 $192 92 milli llion on from counties, cities, villages, townships. Additional Local Funds: $4 $46 6 milli llion on from townships. $2 $235 35 milli llion on from municipalities. TOTAL AL LOCA CAL L CO CONTRIBU RIBUTION TION = = $4 $473 73 million lion (2015) 15
County unty Road ad Ag Agen encies ies are re tru ruste ted d pro roble blem m solvers ers. Pu Publ blic su supp ppor orts ts the he work of local road d commissi issions ons! August 2014, primary results: • 153 local road millages on ballot. • 92% passed. ed. • 72% mean rate of passage. August 2016, primary results: • 83 local road millages on ballot. • 93% passed. ed. Since 2008, 100% of county-wide millages have been renewed. Shared ared De Decisi sion on Making king: County road agencies use asset management principles (85%+) and col ollaborate borate with townships, cities, villages, counties on project and millage decisions. CRCs also col ollab abor orate ate with th businesse sinesses, s, uti tili litie ties s and others. 16
Cou ounty nty Ro Road ad Ag Agen encies ies ar are e trust usted. ed. Local al government vernment partners rtners sup upport ort county unty road d agencies. ncies. University of Michigan CLOSUP Michigan Public Policy Survey in 2015. • 78% of local governments have “good” relationsh lationships ips with county road agencies; • 76% say CRCs provide timely mely response sponse; • 68% say CRC decisions are “fair;” and • 68% app ppro rove e ov overal rall l of their county road agency. 17
NEW EW! Local ocal Ro Road ad Wa Warranti anties. es. Re Required ired by 2015 5 Tran ansportation sportation Package. ckage. • Committee working for 1+ year; • CRCs, Cs, MD MDOT, , ci cities/vill es/villages ages at table; • Collaborating with industry; • Will cover concrete, asphalt projects with $2 million lion pavin ving g component; • Every CRC will adopt same e warranty rranty w/in year of language completion. 18
NEW EW! Standardized andardized Pe Permits mits Re Revi vised. sed. C RA’s Permit Subcommittee revised 10 recommended permits in 10 months, including standardized fees. Spring ring Ca Categor tegory • Seasonal Ag Transportation l Seasonal Ag Notification Form l Seasonal Milk Transpo. • Seasonal Public Utility Transpo. l Public Utility Notification Form Stan andard dard Tran ansp sportati ortation on Ca Categor tegory • Single Move Transportation l Annual Move Transportation l Super Move Transportation • Mobile Home Single Move l Mobile Home Annual Move Transportation Permit One permit remaining: ROW NEW EW: Regional adoption underway. 19
‘15 Transportation Funding: What’s Happening? 20
‘15 Transportation Funding: What’s Happening? 21
‘15 Transportation Funding: What’s Happening? CRA’s 2016 survey of county road agencies: • 95% of CRCs have a 3-5 5 year ar project oject imp mprovemen rovement t plan an list st anticipating new funds and are sharing it with their local communities. • 1/3 of CRCs plan to inc ncrea rease se thei heir r local cal matchi tching ng $ to townships. • Seven CRCs did “advance construct” projects in 2016. How long ng will l it take ke to get t to good od roads? ads? • 20% of road agencies said 2026. Most said much longer. 22
‘15 Transportation Funding: What’s Happening? 23
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