in house promotion of triz use through practice

In-house promotion of TRIZ use through practice 2013/9/5 Shigeru - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 9th TRIZ Symposium In-house promotion of TRIZ use through practice 2013/9/5 Shigeru Hisanaga, Hiroshi Takenaka R&D Planning Section Technical Planning Division DENSO CORPORATION This information is the exclusive property of DENSO

  1. The 9th TRIZ Symposium In-house promotion of TRIZ use through practice 2013/9/5 Shigeru Hisanaga, Hiroshi Takenaka R&D Planning Section Technical Planning Division DENSO CORPORATION This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  2. Corporate Profile Corporate Profile Company overview 1 / 20 Establishment December 16, 1949 The capital 187.4 billion yen Connection 3,580,900,000,000 yen Sales 2,276,800,000,000 yen Single 296 billion yen Connection Current profit 195.8 billion yen Single Connection Number of 132,276 people 38,385 people Single employees Number of consolidated subsidiaries 183 Number of equity method 32 application related companies / As of March 31, 2013 This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  3. Corporate Profile Our main products 2 / 20 Environment Comfort Gasoline engine management system Car air conditioner system Diesel engine management system Air conditioner and air cleaner, etc. for bus Product for gas-and-electric-powered car and electric vehicle [Suta-ta], alternator, and radiator, etc. Safety Benefit and convenience Car navigation system and ETC on-board Sen Synge system for driving support system equipment Actuator & computer for ABS/ESC Remote security system Headlamp control system (AFS) Remote touch controller and smart key Sensor & computer for air bag Vehicle operation system (AVOS) etc. Monitoring system around vehicle and combinations meter Wiper system etc. This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  4. Introduction 3 / 20 Our company introduces TRIZ and ten years have passed. The in-house promotion activity of the TRIZ use of ten years was the one through practice. It has kept first applying TRIZ to actual subject, it learning to the success and the failure, and it groping for the approach and the tool of new TRIZ use. It looks back on the promotion activity for ten years, and this time, what problem exists, and it reports sometimes what improvement on you have tried. Additionally, it introduces the groping case with a new tool. It would be greatly appreciated if the opinion it becomes your reference and without the diffidence could be sent. Contents 1. Our TRIZ development transition 2. Activity, problem, and improvement at each stage ① Introduction stage ② Application stage ③ Applied stage 3. Combination case with another technique 4. Summary This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  5. 1. Our TRIZ development transition 4 / 20 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Fiscal year 250 50 200 00 TRIZ use 150 50 Theme number 200 200 o or more in t e in ten y en yea ears. 100 00 It drinks and TRIZ is used by (total) the theme. 50 50 (matter) ③ Applica licatio ion ① Introdu duction on ② Applica licatio ion Stag age Workshop It is practice and TRIZ is applied. 2500 500 [De] TRIZ is learnt. TRIZ. The solution is practiced. It puts it on [wo] 2000 000 body. TRIZ 1500 500 education Number of 1000 000 students 500 00 (total) The eng he engineer w who ho kno nows T TRIZ (perso son) 500 people/middle-aged woman Canadian inside This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  6. 2. Activity, problem, and improvement at each stage (1/6) 5 / 20 ① Introduction stage 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 Res esul ult - Rapid eminenc ence i e improv ovement nt a and c content nt Worksh kshop b by ext xternal c l consu sult ltant * * under erstand nding ng - Affir irmativ ive e evalu luatio ion 120 120 p peo eople p per er 25 t 25 them heme After er t the s semina nar: 65% t 5% that tries es. Ca Case Worksho hop..ex expect ctation on. sy symposiu sium 500 p 0 person a n attend ending ng a a Enlightenm enment ent lectur cture * semin se inar * Pr Problem *I *It co cooperated i in n the he idea ea l lord Ltd.. It tak akes time me. Worksh kshop Lect ctur urer External c l consult ltant Time Ten days ( s (about si six x months) - Workshop: Half lf of ha half t the num he number no nomination + + Partic icip ipant It aver erages b by work + + ho homework t the T he TRIZ s stud udy a and nd ex excl clusion applica licants 84h 84h. An actua ual d l develo elopment ent t them eme i e is brought ht Theme me - A lot o of t true e opini nions ns together. . " It take kes t s tim ime t though gh T TRIZ is is not b bad. " TRIZ s seat s study? P Problem a analysis? Content nt Idea p ea putti ting ng o out. C Conce cept s t selecti ection This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  7. 2. Activity, problem, and improvement at each stage (2/6) 6 / 20 ② Application stage: Policy (The introduction stage is finished, and TRIZ is applied to a lot of themes). Poli licy "It "It takes es t time" e" ? "F ? "First of a all pract ctice"/r ce"/res esul ult is p put ut o out ut a and nd TRIZ i IZ is a acq cqui uired ed. Application st stage ge Introduction st stage ge Polic licy It t te teaches, a and i it t does. It acquires it it by pra ractice. Lect ctur urer Cons nsultant out utside t the co he company An An i in-ho house e propel eller er i initiates es i it. Time Aver erage 8 e 84h 4h ..a ..about 2 20h.. targ rget Half o of ha half t the num he number no nomination + + applicants On Only ly t the a appli licant Partic icip ipant Theme me Act ctual d dev evelopment t them heme Act ctual d dev evelopment t them heme Sea eat s study no none ( (Onl nly a a nec necessary p point : : in ev n ever ery TRIZ e TR edu ducation Syste temati tic s seat s t stu tudy 24h case) e). = = = = of image e at distance nce of 20h/t 20h/them heme .. = 20h (2-3 month..) The a applic licant Prob roblem Them heme Problem analysis Ⅰ Idea ea p put utting o out ut Concep ept To an i To in-ho house e analysis Ⅱ decis isio ion constru ruction on (anal alys ysis w why w why) y) (inv nven ention n propel eller er Te Team (cont ntradict ction n princi ciple) e) ([py [pyu-]) ]) Report ort organiz izatio ion cons nstruc uction) n) (Twice. ) (Twice. ) (three (three times) times) This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

  8. 2. Activity, problem, and improvement at each stage (3/6) 7 / 20 ② Application stage: Practice, result, and problem - Categ egor ory of of them heme 120 a 20 all t themes es Probl oblem s sol olving Type pe pr proje oject f for or the Type pe pl plan f for or the 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 35% 35% fut utur ure nex next t ter erm 40% 40% 25% 25% TRIZ applica licatio ion p n pract ctic ice b e by applic icant nt a and i in-ho hous use p e propell ller er Various themes - Fiel eld of of them heme Sof Softw Materia ia Elect ectro Machi chine ne 420 420 120 t 120 the heme p peo eople n are re l 40% 0% 15% 5% 20% 0% 25% 5% - Act ctivity time (h/t e (h/them heme) e) Intro rodu ductory ry 100 p 0 person a n attend ending ing a a education lect ctur ure chapter e 30h o or more 30h or les 30h o ess 06 06 ye year ars Res esul ult 20h 20h o or les less 10h 10h o or les less 07 07 year ye ars 45% 45% 20% 20% 30% 30% 5% 5% 08 08 - Time crunch: nch: About 8 80h 0h ? a about ut 2 20h/t 0h/them heme ye year ars - An n ef effect ective i idea ea co conc nception tool a and nd i it ev evaluates i it to - Num umber er of of us use TRIZ. Z. Rep epeater: 10% 10% (Ind ndependent TR TRIZ us use e in n the o he office ce ha has ex exten ended. ) ) 90 peo 90 p eople 06 06 year ye ars 160 p 60 people 07 07 ye year ars 170 p people 08 08 Pr Problem year ye ars - Use ser sa r satisf sfaction ra rating The sa satisf isfactio ion r ratin ing is g is lo low as s so solu lutio ion * *. Ide dea pu putting ou out Concep cept c cons nstruct ctio ion Problem em a analy lysis is - - X Means o s on so solu lutio ion *: b busin siness s to so solv lve p proble lem a and p proble lem This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.


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