Improving crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency simultaneously in intensive agriculture in China Zhang FS, Fan MS, Zhang WF, Chen XP, Jiang RF College of Resources and Environmental Sciences China Agricultural University Beijing, 100193, P.R.CHINA
9.6 million km2 China 1.3 billion population 9% of world arable land 22% of world population
The population of China from 1952 to 2005 1400 Total 1200 Urban Rural 1000 Population (Millions) 800 600 400 200 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year “Who will feed China?” 22% Population in world 9% arable land is an important and disputed issue
Food security issue of China is always a global concern Lester Brown 1994 • Who will Feed China? 1994 2008 • Will China Starve the World? 2008 2011 • Can the United States Feed China? 2011
Outline � Challenges and problems of food production and environmental protection � Development of Integrated Soil-crop System Management technology (ISSM) � Summary and prospects
Organic Agriculture Traces Back to China ---The First Publication on Organic Agriculture Secret of permanent agriculture in China: • Feeling the plants • Manuring the land • System of multiple ( 1848-1911 ) cropping Franklin Hiram King “People in China, who with brain and brawn, have successfully and continuously sustained large families on small areas without impoverishing their soil. ” Published in 1911
Organic manure, intercropping and rotation were effective to maintain soil fertility and crop yield for about 5,000 years in China!
Organic farming was successful in feeding the Chinese in the past, but can not support the fast increasing population! Grain production ( Million ton ) 140 500 Grain production (Million tons) 450 120 400 Population (Million) Population (Millions) 100 350 Organic farming 300 80 250 60 200 150 40 100 20 50 0 0 -200 0 800 1000 1200 1750 1800 1850 1950 2000 Year Edited from Wang , 2006
It took nearly 50 yrs to realize the dream of food sufficiency in China since 1949 700 1600 Grain demand 640 620 Grain production 600 Grain demand and production (M ton) 580 1400 600 Population 531 1200 500 Population (M) 505 1000 431 400 407 800 305 300 600 200 214 400 100 200 0 0 1961 1969 1977 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 Year (Data from the Statistic Bureau of China Demand was estimated by using average grain demand of 400 kg/capita/year)
From 1949 to 2008: Total grain production increased by 1054%, Grain area increased by 38%, Crop yield increased by 739%. 504 Planting area (Million ha) Total Production (Million t) 378 Yield per unit area (hundred kg) 252 126 0 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 2008 Year Data from National Statistic Bureau
30 years achievements in ( ( ( ( 1978=100 ) ) ) ) agriculture 1978年 2007年 4000 1978 2007 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 粮食总产 粮食单产 农机动力 肉类 禽蛋 水产品 农民收入 奶类 0 T. grain Yield Machine Egg Aquatic Farmer Milk Meet 数据来源 数据来源 数据来源 数据来源: : : :《 《 《 《中国统计年鉴 中国统计年鉴》 中国统计年鉴 中国统计年鉴 》 》 》和 和 和 和《 《 《 《新中国五十年农业统计资料 新中国五十年农业统计资料》 新中国五十年农业统计资料 新中国五十年农业统计资料 》 》 》 power income
Questions • What are major driving forces of China ’ s agriculture in the past? -- Institutional reform -- Agricultural technology -- Market liberalization -- …
Institutional Reform
Total Factor Productivity for rice, wheat and 200 200 200 200 maize in China, 1979-95 Maize Wheat 150 150 150 150 Rice 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 1979 1979 1979 1979 1981 1981 1981 1981 1983 1983 1983 1983 1985 1985 1985 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1989 1989 1989 1989 1991 1991 1991 1991 1993 1993 1993 1993 1995 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 1997 Institutional change (HRS) was major source of TFP growth in 1979-84 Source: Jin et al., 2002, AJAE
Agricultural Technology
( ( ( ( 1979=100 ) ) ) ) TFP of rice, wheat and maize in 1979-1995 200 200 200 200 Maize 170 170 170 170 Wheat 140 140 140 140 Rice 110 110 110 110 In 1985-97, TFP grew at about 3% 80 80 80 80 50 50 50 50 1979 1979 1979 1979 1981 1981 1981 1981 1983 1983 1983 1983 1985 1985 1985 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1989 1989 1989 1989 1991 1991 1991 1991 1993 1993 1993 1993 1995 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 1997 Technology changes have been major sources of agricultural productivity growth after 1985 (Huang and Rozelle, 1996; Jin et al., 2002 ; Jun et al., 2008)
Topographic Map of China Northeast Plain Northern Plain About 1/3: Qinghai-Tibet Intensive Plateau agriculture Chang Jiang Downriver Plain About 2/3: Pearl River Low input, resource- Delta Plain limited agriculture Use every piece of land, produce so much as possible!
Importance of upland crop production –Contributed to 45% of total grain production –Most poor and poverty relieve area –Ecological protection zone for China 图 例 干旱区 半干旱偏旱区 半干旱区 半湿润偏旱区 半湿润区 湿润区 0 1,000 2,000 Km
Sunshine:? Precipitation:? Evaporation:? Grain Yield: ? Farmers field without water conservation measures
Rainwater harvesting system Cisterns receiving water from runoff for crop production
Plastic Film Mulching System For Rainwater Use
Yield: 7000-11000kg·ha-1 Yield: 2000-3500kg·ha-1 WUE: 19-30 kg·ha-1·mm-1 WUE: 7-10 kg·ha-1·mm-1
Diversity of intercropping system in west of China Flax/Maize Potato/Maize Wheat/Maize Vegetable / Maize Pea/Maize Soybean/Maize
Interspecific interactions between species enhance productivity Intercropping Advantage of Several Intercropping Systems Land equivalent Intercropping ratio (LER) system Wheat/maize 1.21-1.58 Wheat/soybean 1.23-1.26 Faba bean/maize 1.13-1.34
Increase crop yield with efficient nutrient use in intensive agriculture of China Northeast Plain Northern Plain Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Chang Jiang Downriver Plain About 1/3 Pearl River Delta Plain Arable Land: 1217.2 million hm 2 ( 2008) About 2/3
Grain production and resources input 300 7 10 9 Film consumption/Chemicals consumption (10000 ton) 6 250 ) Grain area(Mha) 8 5 7 ( 10Mt ) ) ) ) 200 6 4 ( ( Fertilizer cosumption ( 5 ( t/ha ) ) ) Fertilizer 3 150 4 Irrigation Grain Yield ( ( ( 3 2 Plastic film 100 2 Chemicals 1 1 Grain area 50 0 0 1961 1967 1973 1979 1985 1991 1997 2003 2009 2015 2021 Grain yield has been merely secured by much higher input of resources
Fertilizer Overuse and Misuse Fertilizer Overuse and Misuse
China fertilizer consumption and grain production (1980=100) 粮食产量 600 肥料用量 512 Grain production 500 Fertilizer application 382 400 300 238 165 200 139 136 100 100 100 0 1980 1990 2000 2010 (WF Zhang et al., unpublished results)
Grain yield and N rate of rice crop Grain yield* Country N rate (t ha -1 ) (kg ha -1 ) China 6.26 ~200 Japan 6.42 70 South Korea 6.79 110 *FAO, 2004
Low nutrient use efficiency (NUE) --- Low PFP Partial factor productivity: PFP N = kg harvest product per kg N applied 200 60 175 55 150 50 Fertilizer application rate (kg/ha) 125 45 PFP N (kg grain/kg N) 100 40 75 35 50 30 y = -0.9308x + 1892.1 25 25 2 = 0.8502 R 0 20 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 year Substantial decrease in PFP N with increased rate of fertilization
The five key threats of excessive Nitrogen
� Four fold increase in N inputs to estuaries since 1980 Eutrophication � Increased N inputs contribute to eutrophication, decreased fish production, and toxic algal bloom (red tides) � The occurrence of red tides increased from 10/yr in the 1960s to 300/yr now (Norse and Zhu,2004) (CCICED,2005) Blue alga attacked Tai lake again and Wuxi people are threatened by drink water shortage. Is it too naughty to be solved? China News, April 16, 2008
9.0 -0.5 8.0 7.0 Soil pH 6.0 5.0 4.0 2000s 1980s Soil pH changes in major croplands in China(1980s- 2000s) (Guo et al., 2010, Science)
( ( ( ( start in 1990 with initial soil pH at 5.7 ) ) ) ) 12 years fertilization experiment in Hunan Province pH 6.2 M NPKS pH 4.6 pH 6.1 NPKM NPK pH 4.5 pH 5.3 PK pH 4.3 NK NP pH 4.5 N pH4.2 pH5.5 No fertilizer (Xu MG,PC)
Outline � Challenges and problems of food production and environmental protection � Development of Integrated Soil-crop System Management technology (ISSM) � Summary and prospects
Challenges: Can we increase crop yield and nutrient use efficiency at the same time? - Can food security and environment quality be ensured simultaneously? The 2nd step 30%-50% Crop productivity ( High-yield ) The 1st step 15%-20% ( saving fertilizer ) Increase soil fertility At present Water and nutrient input
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