improvement and efficient implementation of a lattice

Improvement and Efficient Implementation of a Lattice-based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Improvement and Efficient Implementation of a Lattice-based Signature scheme Rachid El Bansarkhani, Johannes Buchmann Technische Universit at Darmstadt TU Darmstadt August 2013 Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures1 Outline

  1. Improvement and Efficient Implementation of a Lattice-based Signature scheme Rachid El Bansarkhani, Johannes Buchmann Technische Universit¨ at Darmstadt TU Darmstadt August 2013 Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures1

  2. Outline Introduction to Lattice-based Crypto Lattice-based Hash Function Lattice-based Signature Scheme Contributions Experimental Resaults Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures2

  3. Introduction A lattice is the set of all integer linear combinations of (linearly independent) basis vectors B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } ∈ R n : n � b i · Z = { Bx : x ∈ Z n } ⊂ R n L = i =1 A lattice has infinitely many bases: n L = � c i · Z i =1 Definition (Lattices) A discrete additive subgroup of R n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures3

  4. Introduction A lattice is the set of all integer linear combinations of (linearly independent) basis vectors B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } ∈ R n : n � b i · Z = { Bx : x ∈ Z n } ⊂ R n L = i =1 A lattice has infinitely many bases: n L = � c i · Z i =1 Definition (Lattices) A discrete additive subgroup of R n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures3

  5. Introduction A lattice is the set of all integer linear combinations of (linearly independent) basis vectors B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } ∈ R n : n � b i · Z = { Bx : x ∈ Z n } ⊂ R n L = i =1 A lattice has infinitely many bases: n L = � c i · Z i =1 Definition (Lattices) A discrete additive subgroup of R n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures3

  6. Introduction The shortest vector v in a lattice: lattice point with minimum distance λ 1 = � v � to the origin λ 1 ( L ) = x � = 0 , x ∈L � x � min More generally, λ k denotes the smallest radius of a ball containing k linearly independent vectors Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures4

  7. Introduction The shortest vector v in a lattice: lattice point with minimum distance λ 1 = � v � to the origin λ 1 ( L ) = x � = 0 , x ∈L � x � min More generally, λ k denotes the smallest radius of a ball containing k linearly independent vectors Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures4

  8. Computational Problems Definition (Shortest Vector Problem) Given a basis B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } , find the shortest nonzero vector v in the lattice L ( B ), i.e. � v � = λ 1 Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures5

  9. Computational Problems Definition (Shortest Vector Problem) Given a basis B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } , find the shortest nonzero vector v in the lattice L ( B ), i.e. � v � = λ 1 Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures5

  10. Computational Problems Definition (Shortest Vector Problem) Given a basis B = { b 1 , . . . , b n } , find the shortest nonzero vector v in the lattice L ( B ), i.e. � v � = λ 1 Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures5

  11. Hash function Lattice-based hash function [Ajtai96]: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Input parameters: q ∈ Z (e.g. 2 19 ) Choose A ∈ Z n × m uniformly at random, n (e.g. n=256) is q main security parameter m > n · log 2 q x is from a bounded domain, e.g. x ∈ { 0 , 1 } n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures6

  12. Hash function Lattice-based hash function [Ajtai96]: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Input parameters: q ∈ Z (e.g. 2 19 ) Choose A ∈ Z n × m uniformly at random, n (e.g. n=256) is q main security parameter m > n · log 2 q x is from a bounded domain, e.g. x ∈ { 0 , 1 } n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures6

  13. Hash function Lattice-based hash function [Ajtai96]: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Input parameters: q ∈ Z (e.g. 2 19 ) Choose A ∈ Z n × m uniformly at random, n (e.g. n=256) is q main security parameter m > n · log 2 q x is from a bounded domain, e.g. x ∈ { 0 , 1 } n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures6

  14. Hash function Lattice-based hash function [Ajtai96]: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Input parameters: q ∈ Z (e.g. 2 19 ) Choose A ∈ Z n × m uniformly at random, n (e.g. n=256) is q main security parameter m > n · log 2 q x is from a bounded domain, e.g. x ∈ { 0 , 1 } n Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures6

  15. Hash Function f A ( x ) = A · x mod q : is a compression function maps m bits to n log 2 q bits inversion and finding collisions as hard as worst-case lattice problems Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures7

  16. Hash Function Hardness of finding collisions Finding collisions in the average case, where A is chosen at random, is hard, provided approximating SIVP is hard in the worst-case Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures8

  17. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  18. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  19. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  20. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  21. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  22. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Signature scheme by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikunthanatan [GPV08] using Preimage Sampleable Trapdoor Functions (PSTF): Hash-and-Sign for lattices Keygen: random matrix A ∈ Z n × m and trapdoor R , RO H ( · ), q PSTF: f A ( x ) = A · x mod q Signing of message m : signature σ = f − 1 A ( H ( m )) using trapdoor R . Verification: � σ �≤ bound and f A ( σ ) = H ( m ) Similar to RSA Hash-and-Sign, but Verification process differs Forging signatures as hard as inverting lattice-based hash functions Secure in the RO Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures9

  23. From Hash Hunctions to a Signature Scheme Main challenge: How to generate random Matrix A , enabling the signer to sign messages? Solution : Use the trapdoor R to generate a random matrix A . Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures10

  24. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Construction of A according to Micciancio an Peikert [MP12] : � ¯ G − ¯ � A = A | AR Parameters: ¯ A ∈ Z n × n is uniformly dist. q R ∈ Z n × nk is the secret/trapdoor (small entries) A is pseudorandom (comp. instantiation) Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures11

  25. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Implementation issues: q = 2 k more suitable for practice entries of R are sampled from a discrete Gaussian 2 k − 1   1 2 . . . 0 ... G =     2 k − 1 0 1 2 . . . Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures12

  26. From Hash Functions to a Signature Scheme Implementation issues: q = 2 k more suitable for practice entries of R are sampled from a discrete Gaussian 2 k − 1   1 2 . . . 0 ... G =     2 k − 1 0 1 2 . . . Rachid El Bansarkhani Lattice-based Signatures12


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