implementation workshop

Implementation Workshop The Power of Procurement for Low-Carbon, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

REGIONAL CLIMATE ACTION PLAN 2.0 Implementation Workshop The Power of Procurement for Low-Carbon, Resilient Communities May 10, 2019 1 2 Regional Climate Action Plan Body text Visit: 3 The Power of Procurement

  1. REGIONAL CLIMATE ACTION PLAN 2.0 Implementation Workshop The Power of Procurement for Low-Carbon, Resilient Communities May 10, 2019 1

  2. 2

  3. Regional Climate Action Plan • Body text Visit: 3

  4. The Power of Procurement • Share lessons learned and best practices for innovative procurement strategies that support resilience objectives • Increase dialogue between procurement and resilience/sustainability departments • Review opportunities to evaluate bids using alternative evaluation methods to fully capture a wider suite of societal, environmental, and economic costs and benefits • Deepen understanding on ways in which local governments may begin to track resilience investments and other metrics to monitor progress 4

  5. Agenda The Climate Compact 101 & what’s procurement got to do with it? 10:10 – 10:30 AM Best practices & lessons learned for innovative procurement 10:30 – 11:30 Break 11:30 – 11:45 Procuring for adaptation: Best practices for climate-smart infrastructure 11:45 – 12:30 PM Lunch 12:30 – 1:15 Procuring for a low-carbon future 1:15 – 2:15 Making the case: Metrics, life-cycle analysis, and tracking resiliency investment 2:15 – 3:15 Work Sessions: Track 1: Developing a Resilience Checklist 3:15 – 4:15 Track 2: Procuring Resilience Toolkit Adjourn 4:15 – 4:30 5

  6. The Climate Compact 101 What’s procurement got to do with it? 6

  7. Best Practices & lessons learned for innovative procurement 7

  8. SLR IN BROWARD PROCUREMENT Broward County Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division #3157

  9. #3157

  10. 130 Application 120 (inches relative to mean sea level) Relative Sea Level Rise near Key Projects with life expectancy < 50 years • 110 Easily replaced or adaptable infrastructure • 100 Limited interdependencies • 90 80 West, FL Consider • 70 Potential benefits vs additional costs (upper) • 60 Consequences for under-designing (lower) • 50 40 26” 30 10 20 10 14” ” 6” 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 Year

  11. 130 NOAA High 120 (inches relative to mean sea level) Relative Sea Level Rise near Key (Orange solid line) 110 100 • WG acknowledged potential for rapid acceleration of sea 90 level rise 80 West, FL 81” • Application- risk intolerant critical infrastructure 70 • Planning for projects constructed after 2060 60 • Projects with design life >50 years 50 • Not removable/ replaceable 40 • Interdependent 34” 30 20 10 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 Year

  12. Surge Inundation Project Evaluation Examples • Risk to equipment • Accessibility of roads and sites • Critical Interdependency infrastructure assessment • Land Use • Tools Risk maps • FDOT SLR • Sketch NOAA • #3157

  13. Datums Consistency!! North American Vertical Datum Scope, data, conversion error NOAA Benchmarks Lake Worth Pier Port Everglades #3157 South Miami Beach Virginia Key Key West

  14. Capital Budget Proposal • Explain how resilient to sea level rise • Link to interactive maps • Line item in expense spreadsheet for adaptation contingency #3157

  15. Procurement Process • Procurement Checklis t • All required steps and documents including sea level rise pre-analysis • Tech specs from agency • Board review (bidders and contract) • Permit conditions • Request for Services or Qualifications • Highly qualified and recognizes professional with experience with climate adaptation • Refer to future conditions ordinance and unified sea level rise projection #3157

  16. Selection Committee Meeting • Questions to ask • Describe how you have you applied the unified sea level rise projection in other projects • What factor of safety would you apply in design to account for updates in projection? • What other sea level rise impacts would this project be subject to? • How would you expect sea level rise to compound effects of surge or flooding on this project? • What materials or methods may be considered to counteract effects of sea level rise? • What are the credentials of the team member that will be converting datums and interpreting projections? #3157

  17. Procurement Policy Deforestation-Free Procurement Act (AB-572) • Require state contractors to have policies ensuring that the beef, soy, palm oil and other commodities they import to California aren’t contributing to tropical deforestation. • Tropical deforestation is an urgent problem that affects all Californians by accelerating climate change, which causes fires, drought, sea-level rise, and a melting snowpack. So the California legislature is to be commended for recognizing this global issue. #3157

  18. Life Cycle California Executive Order B-30-15 • State agencies shall take climate change into account in their planning and investment decisions, and employ full life-cycle cost accounting to evaluate and compare infrastructure investments and alternatives. The state's Five-Year Infrastructure Plan will take current and future climate change impacts into account in all infrastructure projects Federal Flood Risk Standard • ensure that agencies address current and future flood risk and ensure that projects funded with taxpayer dollars last as long as intended. #3157

  19. Federal Project Example • Project co-op agreements require eligibility for flood insurance program • SLR protection criteria results in higher appropriation ranking • Fed funding prohibits using locally preferred (SLR) expert • Contract separately • Beach project life cycle ~10 yrs • Redesign in 5 th year procurement in 6 th year • • Consider contingencies, horizon #3157

  20. #3157 1.At what other procurement steps should sea level rise be referenced? 2.What % of staff involved in procurement process would feel comfortable incorporating sea level rise? Why not? 3.Who would you consult with to verify sea level rise information? #3157

  21. MIAMI BEACH BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS OF THE STORMWATER PROGRAM ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 21

  22. Key Questions to Answer ▪ What is the effectiveness of the City’s planned Business case components: infrastructure improvements (e.g., raising roads, • Expected losses/property increasing drainage capacity) at reducing flood risk? damage ▪ How much would additional private sector • Changes in property values • Insurance premiums investments in flood mitigation reduce flood risk • Property tax revenues overall? • Tourism revenues ▪ What is the effect of these investments on property • Operational/response costs values? • Traffic disruptions • ▪ What are the other benefits of reduced flooding? Business closures • Resilience construction ▪ Overall, what is the business case for public and private sector stormwater resilience investments? ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 22

  23. INTERDISCIPLINARY EVALUATION COMMITTEE CRO Depu ty RISK CF Mana O ger PUBLI MIAMI C BUDG WOR ET KS Direct Direct or or ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 23

  24. Team Roles Overall project management, vision, oversight Property value analysis Economic analysis Citywide risk modeling Expected damages Flood risk effects on insurance premiums Integrated flood modeling Communications Adaptation strategies for individual property owners Support property value analysis Qualitative analysis Advisory support 24 ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose.

  25. FUNDING $110K $285K $395K TOTAL BUDGET SURPLUS STORMWATER FUND ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 25

  26. POOL OF QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS WOOD AECOM -Top BALMORAL GROUP ranked HAZEN AND SAWYER CH2M HILL (JACOBS) ARUP ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 26

  27. Scope of Work Stage 1 T1 – User Engagement • Documentation of user needs • and Data Collection Data inventory T2 – Citywide SLR and Storm T3 – Integrated Flood Modeling T4 – D etermine Property Value Stage 2 Surge Risk Model (First Street neighborhood) Impacts • • • Expected annual coastal flood losses Inundation extents/depths under baseline, Hedonic pricing model linking w/ and without SLR public investment, and private investment property values to flood risk to • Extent and depth of surge under scenarios property and nearby roads various scenarios T5 – Individual Property Business T6 – Neighborhood-level Stage 3 T7 – Citywide Business Case Case Business Case • • • Calculate costs and benefits of Calculate costs and benefits of public Estimate Citywide cost of inaction; different homeowner resilience and private resilience investment appropriate level of investment in investment options options resilience Stage 4 • Communication products (2-pager, T8 – Communicate presentation) Business Case ICF proprietary and confidential. Do not copy, distribute, or disclose. 27


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