

IMPLEMENTATION METHODS COLORADO FRONT RANGE LANDSCAPE RESTORATION INITIATIVE Implementation Methods Through 6 Years Of Fuels Reduction & Restoration Treatments Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project, Colorado Front Range

  1. IMPLEMENTATION METHODS COLORADO FRONT RANGE LANDSCAPE RESTORATION INITIATIVE Implementation Methods Through 6 Years Of Fuels Reduction & Restoration Treatments Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project, Colorado Front Range Initiative, Pike National Forest.

  2. COLORADO FRONT RANGE LANDSCAPE INITIATIVE Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership & Roundtable  800,000 acre Wildland-Urban Interface landscape.  Dominated by ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir. Conduit for 75% of Colorado’s  drinking water. Woodland Park Healthy Forest Initiative Area 2

  3. MAJOR TREATMENT GOALS  Fuels Reduction  Reduce canopy closure (mid structure stage, closed to open)  Reduce ladder fuels  Increase Heterogeneity (ICO - Individuals, Clumps, Openings)  Clumpy (tree spacing)  Variable residual density (structure)  Openings (structure)  Favor early seral / shade intolerant species for retention  Enhancement of Aspen  Retention of Legacy Trees  Product Utilization  Biomass, non-sawtimber, sawtimber 3

  4. SILVICULTURAL METHODS UNEVEN-AGED METHODS, SELECTION SYSTEMS  Variable Spacing - Thinning  Clumps & Groups: Experimenting with different implementation methods  Variable Residual Density  COVER TYPE LIVE BASAL AREA (sq. ft.) 40 – 60 Ponderosa pine / Douglas-fir 60 – 80 Dry Mixed Conifer 80 – 100 Mesic Mixed Conifer (live conifer BA) 0 – 40 Aspen  Openings  Patch cutting around aspen  Persistent openings on south facing slopes  Patch cuts on north slopes that regenerate aspen and pine / remove dense Douglas-fir & spruce 4

  5. IMPLEMENTATION METHODS – CUT & LEAVE TREE DESIGNATION Most subjective  DxP - Designation by Prescription  Sample Marking  Hybrid ITM w/ DxP  Hybrid ITM w/ DxD (Designation by Description)  ITM (Individual Tree Marking) Low-No discretion 5

  6. 6 DESIGNATION BY PRESCRIPTION PHANTOM CREEK 1 2011 Post-treatment Pre-treatment


  8. 8 LEAVE TREE MARKING LONG JOHN 2012 Post-treatment Pre-treatment


  10. DxP WHAT WORKS  Vary residual density by forest type in areas with distinct stand breaks / aspect changes  Retention of legacy ponderosa pine per tree characteristics Patch cuts around aspen clones – south facing pine /  aspen stands  Thin from below, even spacing CHALLENGES  Opening Designation - range of location criteria  Variable tree spacing Variable Density – similar stands/terrain  10

  11. TRADE OFFS - DxP  Personnel experience - use of DxP may work where experience is high. Very limited with high turnover  Efficiency  DxP will save time and $ with layout, contract prep  Savings gained by prep crew transferred to sale administrator and/or contractor  Accuracy - cruising more subjective with DxP (may not matter depending upon market conditions, type of contract, etc.)  Accountability - less accountability with contract administration  Desired Conditions - less certainty in post treatment results 11

  12. SOLUTIONS  Prioritize use of DxP by objectives, stand type & RX  Visualization Guide  Sample Marking  Emphasis on residual stand attributes in contract acceptance provisions  Include tolerances in contract provisions 12

  13. KEY TAKE HOME MESSAGES  No “one size fits all” implementation method  Opening designation has not worked well via DxP or DxD  Rule of thumb: RX may be too complicated to implement via DxP with more than 3 key prescription criteria  Emphasis on heterogeneity should be at the project - watershed - landscape scale  Prioritize areas where highly complex structures are desirable and implementation methods may require more time and $  Heterogeneity at the stand scale is a process that may take multiple entries. 1st entries often reduce structural complexity in order to shift species composition and reduce densities 13


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