implementation deputy director general mr m tshangana

IMPLEMENTATION Deputy Director General: Mr M Tshangana 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS YOUTH SUMMIT PRESENTATION ON THE YOUTH BRIGADE PROGRAMME & IMPLEMENTATION Deputy Director General: Mr M Tshangana 1 INTRODUCTION DHS is committed to delivering 1.5 million housing opportunities in the next 5 years


  2. INTRODUCTION • DHS is committed to delivering 1.5 million housing opportunities in the next 5 years (2014-2019) • This falls in line with the construction targets as outlined in the NDP 2030 • DHS seeks to mainstream participation of Youth in the sector to match the vision of the dept. • Human Settlements Youth Brigade (HSYB) aims to take advantage of these opportunities 2

  3. Youth Development in South SA • SA Government is pro youth Development • Implementation: Done through government Departments, Private Sector, CBO’s, NGO’s,etc • Supporting Policy and Legislation : African Charter, National Youth Policy 2009-2014, Skills Development Act, etc • Pronouncements: SONA – 17 June 2014, NT Budget Vote, HS Budget Vote Speech • Benchmarking: National and Internationally 3

  4. HS as Economic Driver Over the past 20 years human Settlements provision has: • Contributed asset economic opportunities through construction of 2.8 million houses; • Provided work opportunities through bulk infrastructure for over 876 774 serviced sites; • Created 1.259 million direct and indirect jobs in construction (Source: National Development Plan) 4

  5. YOUTH BRIGADE CONCEPT A Youth Brigade is a youth cadre movement committed to create a patriotic service to enhance the development goals and objectives through service delivery. The youth are placed in different sectors to deliver service to different departments. The purpose of the Youth Brigade is to build patriotism and constructive civic engagements (NYS Learning Forum). 5

  6. Opportunities scope created by BNG Social Market Security Location Profile Need Structures & Communication • Roles and Responsibilities Social Element Feasibility • Communication • Systems and Processes Financial • Values Structuring Financial Institutional HS Value Element Element Costing Legal Chain • Constitution Cost • Legislation Apportionment • Regulations & Funding Physical Element • Policies and Sources Guidelines Contractual Internal External Top Other Land Services Services Structures Amenities 6

  7. Current Existing Programmes • Youth Build Comprehensive : Implemented in Ivory Park (2010/11), Escourt, (Winterveldt, Jan Kempdorp - (2013-14) • Youth Build Letsema (Blitz/ Ilima) : - Project entails construction of 76 housing units to commemorate 1976 youth uprisings. - Project implemented-Umlalazi (2009), Ivory Park (2010), Ga Manthata (2011), Kirkwood (2012), Langa (2013) Lindelani (2014), - National Youth Service 7

  8. Current Models NYS/ YB MODEL Community Structured Learning & Exit Opportunities: Service Individual Development Self or formal employment + = & Further learning Integrated model that harness the potential of youth to become active citizens that contribute to social development as they gain skills. This programme is implemented in partnership with all DHS Provinces, Key Municipalities, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and NHBRC 8

  9. GAUTENG: Ivory Park 2010 9

  10. HS BASKET OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH Education & Skills Development Stream: Mainstreaming participation of youth to access education and skills development opportunities: - Professionalisation : Human Settlements Degree, and Built Environment courses, Property Management, Town & Regional planning, Real Estate, etc - Education and training : short skills training, Learnerships, Internships, Apprenticeship eg Estate Agency, Tenants management, etc 10

  11. HS BASKET OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH • Enterprise Development stream: Intensifying participation of youth in the HS value chain (Planners, Project managers, Engineers, Conveyancers, Contractors etc) - Youth owned entities : Mentoring and Coaching, sub contracting, contracting, bridging finance - Local procurement to support Manufacturing and materials supply - Quota’s/ set asides : 10 % of mega projects for youth owned entities 11

  12. HS BASKET OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH Youth Enterprise development stream: - PHP : project management, Self build housing coops, supporting savings for housing, - Social and rental housing: - Access to housing finance: for housing and incremental housing (RHLF, NURCHA, NHFC) - Green Economy : Energy Efficiency, alternative technology, Waste recycling/Management, etc - Construction of social and economic amenities 12

  13. BASKET OF OPPORTUNITIES/ 2 National Youth Service - (implemented in partnership with mega and approved housing projects – 2000 youth intake per annum) - Skills training: Bricklaying, etc - Community service (actual construction of a house) - Artisan Training (Two year programme with FET’s) ending with trade test - Structured HS exit opportunities 13

  14. KZN: Umlalazi (Eshowe) 2009 14

  15. YOUTH BRIGADE (HSYB) • Minister anounced the launch of Brigade during the 2014/15 budget vote speech • HSYB will mobilize (10 000) youth in the next 5 yrs (2000 per annum starting in 2015). • HSYB will partner with DRDLR to place 10000 National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC) • Focus of the programme will be to entrench Patriotism and Service culture by providing technical & life skills training, character building programme and facilitate access to economic opportunities in human settlements mega projects and entire value chain as exit opportunities. 15

  16. GUARD OF HONOR – EASTERN CAPE- Ludalazi (Port St Johns) 2013 Hand Over of a house: Indigent Beneficiary 16

  17. YOUTH BRIGADE Structured Exit Opportunities: - 10% youth contracting opportunities in mega projects either as individual business or cooperatives - 10% of allocation of budget to youth owned business on human settlements projects (Budget allocation) - Human Settlements Business Plans aligned to allocation quotas (Provs & Metros) - Youth, women and people with disability friendly procurement process - Self Build housing cooperatives supported - National call ups for service (HS Ambassadors) 17

  18. LIMPOPO: Ga Manthata (Dendron): 2011 18

  19. YOUTH BRIGADE - Mentoring and coaching of youth enterprises - Prioritising youth from human Settlements sector training interventions in employment in government, HSI’s and private sector - Prioritising training and education aligned to broad human settlements opportunities - Youth sector commitment on fast-tracking housing delivery - This will culminate into signing of DHS-Youth Accord/ Pledge NB: Benchmarking with Department of Public Works, Cuba, Botswana, Tanzania & Ethopia has happned 19

  20. PROGRAMME FUNDING • Advanced partnerships for cost sharing in programme implementation • DHS • EAAB • NYDA • NHBRC • National Skills Fund (NSF) • Provincial Departments • Metros & Municipalities • Sister Departments & Stakeholders 20

  21. NORTHERN CAPE: Jan Kempdorp Training Site: Bricklaying 21

  22. NORTHERN CAPE: Sol Plaatje (Lindelani): 2014 Completed Youth Build Product 22

  23. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS • Programme coordinated under new branch focussing on Youth & Women Empowerment and cascaded to Provinces • Mainstreaming of the Youth Brigade programme • Internal & External Social partners and Stakeholder working groups 23

  24. THANK YOU “We have come a long way – Celebrating 20 Years of Freedom!” 24

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