impact of security

impact of Security. I SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY The Speaker is the former - PDF document

GSX 1201s PRESENTATION TITLE: ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY CULTURE:A NEW BUSINESS PARADIGM ABSTRACT "Security is everybody's Concern" is the most frequently expressed among the basic principles of Security; but how it's done is just as

  1. GSX 1201s PRESENTATION TITLE: ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY CULTURE:A NEW BUSINESS PARADIGM ABSTRACT "Security is everybody's Concern" is the most frequently expressed among the basic principles of Security; but how it's done is just as frequently lefi out. Organizational Security Culture is achieved when every member of the organization contributes to its security in thoughts, words and d*eds. Educating every employee in an organization on the fundamentals of security is the first step towards the development of a Security Culture. Security after all is ensuring the attainment of the Company's goals. Statistics show that 80% of losses in an organization are caused by the members. The other Z$s/o happens because the members didn't do anything about them. The ideal security measure an organization needs to protect its resources is having everyone participate in security. The first step is to have all employees take a Security Awareness Test. The result would show the group's Security Quotient. This will be used for a Security Culture Development Program. A higher Security Quotient after a set period will show the program's success. Loss reduction will then be evident. This quantifies the impact of Security. I SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY The Speaker is the former Chairman, Technical Committee of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education that is formulating the Program for Bachelor of Science in lndustrial Security Administration. He wrote the book, "TheArt and Science of Security" which is circulated globally. His book was given a five star rating in its review He is an arcredited subject matter expert on Organizational Security by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas He developed security concepts to quantiff the effectivenes$ of security. He has 30 years experience in Security. He is a member of the Philippine National PolieeAdvisory Counoil on lndustrial Security. He is a former training Director of the Naval lntelligence Officer's Course. SPEAKER DETAILS: Name: Joel Jesus M. Supan Job Title: Chief Executive Officer Corfi pany: Stonewall Security Concepts Country: Philippines E-mail Address: stonewall. sec8 1 @yahoo. com Mobile No:+632 917 889 2154

  2. About the Speaker FiELD OF €XPERTISE ORGANIZATIONAL CLQBAL 5ECURITY FXTHANGE 33 Ysars Practice 0f l;";;;;;;.;;;;-J;-l 0rganizational Security & SECURITY CULTURE: Securlty Services A New Eusiness Faradigm Management & Eduration 8.12 SEFTEMBER 2O19 Past Chair- CHED TC B5ISA McCORMtaX PLACE jCfllC.irGO, lL Bangko Centrai Certified Secur;ty GsX.OR€ r S€sXt? 5ubjefi Matter Erpert Speaker: JOELJESUS M. SUPAN Pl'lP 5051A Advisory Counci! Licens€d Security Consuitant Securit/ Aulhor JOELJESUS M. SUPAN tdticatcr inventcr DESIRED OUTCOME TOPIC OUTLINE For the participants to be familiar with the 1. Security Awareness Jbst Concept of Organirational Security Culture as 2. Oryanizational fucurity Culture Defined a new Business Paradigm, 3. Security Fundamentals {B?B} - Rationale for what it is, Organizational Security Culture its rationale 4. How to achieve Orpnirational Security Cutture and howto achierrc it. SECURIry AWA,RTN ESs QUOTI ENT TEST s :J' SECURITY CULTURE 1 #,: *::ff :;ffi r,T:T,gf*:,, € ' that is based on the fundamental : How do 1t0u Perceive SecuritY? How do you respond to Seeurity lssues PrinciPlessecut,*_^ ., u # & ' '- :,..qi,#,,riu.,,,,..,,",. #ffi and Situations? "

  3. Security Fundamentals {B2Bi Rationale for Organizational Security Culture I N DI CATORS OF ORGAN IZATIONAL 5FCU RITY CU LTU RE $ 1. Ernployees have collectively internalized Security; Security Fundamentals No.1 2. They manifest understanding of security in words and in deeds; The basic objective oi R - Resource 3. They actively contribute ideas to develop security measures; anybusiness:stc T - Tirne 4. No loss has been incurred due to employee ignorance and hat.EI irii:i-rriu'. 5 - Goal negligence. The basic nrissron of any business is n.rg!'.e rt*r,*y, tuw: 'the Art snd dkw of gciw 2012, Security Fundamentals {82Bi Security Fundamentals {82B} Ratisnale for Organizational Security Culture Ratio na le for Orga nizationa I Security Cultu re Security Fundamentals Oiiact of P@ntiYe Security Fundamentais Nn1 No.3 ''eaEffi E.ery company ffiS& rnneAr ki4 The enemies of security J-as{:uilre ig €ssential are hazsrrii, ihieats, to achieve b,'lsiness €@ r-i:;hs, disrui:t!c,ns, oi:jectives. mishaDs, ernergencies, ffiffi &$ rrisis , Cisastris and ior-s. ft€sources sre the "Oh'jecis ef Security" Hazard to Loss Progression Model Functional Relationships of Resources tuM&: "The Ar, @d kiqct of Sewilv, Nl2 *lhe P{t&d Scia@ al Setsity" 2012 w Security Fundamenta ls (B?Bi Security Fundamenbls {82B} Rationale for Organizational Security Culture Rationale for Organizational Security Culture *H* Security Fundamentals ffi Security Fundamentals No.4 No. 5 W- nffi.ffi ldishaps and i-li5rilptiofti are Se.uriry is a prediclabie caused by the ccnfluence af enr.ironment to ensure the a hazard, lls object and th€ attainment of Organi:ational opportunity for both tb iBusiness ) Objectives. ffieet at a specific time, R€SOTJRCES HAZARDS & place, and conditions. OBJECTIVE$ THREATS Threat Differentiation Modei Security Defi nition Framework Soorcei "IieA/f afd 9ree sf kc6iq, mtz. bure: '|he Art end t*tM of Secwify, 2072.

  4. Security Funda nnentals {B2B} Security Fundarnentals {82B} Rationa le for Orga nizationa I Secu rity Culture Rationale for Oryanizational Security Culture r Thefe is no absolL$€ 6ecuri9 Security Fundamentals Security Fundamentals 1 PBfssrsei :i{iir:i9,h/ No. 6 " Securily is good ody es its weakesl link No. 7 .:.. O*N1 rdliokr :ie.i",iilr.' Hjgh relatiye iecurity can be achieyed in depth The Principles of Securift are The Aspects Securitv are . No two fasilities haye lhe safie secwity nesds ; 3, Information se{ilrity indispensabie bases for the the measures by wlrich : 4. Environment Security tr Hatards may c6me from within and rithout creaticn of Business Security Security c:n be achieved Plans and Programs tr There is no imp€nekable barrier 5. ReFtation Se&rity / s€e.urity is everybody's concern 6. Plrysical Se.urity Basic Principles of Security Aspects Security tuwe: -fte Ad and scilro el kdvily, 2Ar2. gptw:'ft8 Attotd sdw oig€irrtv. mQ, Security Funda mentals {828} Security Fundamentals {BlB} Rationa le for Orga nizationa I Security Culture Rationa le for Orga nizationa I Secu rity Cu ltu re Security Fundamenbls Security Fundamentals t,lo. 8 No. 9 Security lntegraticn and Secr:rity has a neler- Convergence are programs by ending Functional Cycle tffifrS mscr which ail the Aspects of of Preraention, Response, Security are put together to snd li?vestiBation complement and supplement each other. Oper:tional Objectives 0f Security Stoner4.all Security Model tuee: "'lhe Art @d *iae d klri'I,, elz for Security lntegration sore; "Irre itrtedgcidr@ al56wit a 2012 Organizational Security Culture De\relopment Organizational Security Cuhure Derclopment Constraints i n Dewloping Organizational Security Organizational Security Culture @ ;-.**"*^)E, Culture $ SfcuRrY cutluBE Security Domains are ls done by incorporating the ,{ perceired to be different is an e5tablilhed 5lstem of €ls, s Basic Security Concepts in turfs. beliefs af,d €tnic of af, orgs;nton all the Aspects 0f Business thal i5 basd on tle fund€flwtal pnnapls suritY. Adrninistratiol and $iil U, Security Domain are the b* Op€rat'on t,+ - *#l appiications of fucurlty Aspects U Confusion in Security Domains

  5. Organizational fucurity Culture Development Orga nizationa I fu curity Culture Development Constrai nts in Developi ng Step 1 Organizational S€curity Culture Adopt an 0rgan!ratr*nai Ihe mindset of the old seft.i!-ity l-'llliosophV that is corivention is predispased based on the Prlncipies and to the use of furre and Aspect af Securlty and their i$riif iiation i0r sei:*rii't inteEretion Stonewall Security Model Tyranny of "For Compliance" for Security lntegration sorc; ' d sean;V, fr1f Organizational Security Culture Developrnent Oryanizational Security Cuhure Development Step 2 Step 2 OPFRATION SECURTTY Create and adcpt a Create and adspt a Ensurs that all Policip, Security Pc{rcy Stat€rfi ent Securily Poiicy Statement Systems, Procedurd and Reguiation with the and Regulation with the Rulerand Regulatiors rorrespanding rationale, corresponding rationale, arefullowed and objectives, dissemination objectives, disseminatron enforced proceCures. physical prr:cedures, physical support and toals for suppcFr and tools for enforcement en{orcement Aspects Security -{€uar: -ihe^troni3t ienecfsecrny?Gr}. Business Organization as a Vehicle to it5 Objective hwe: 5he *t ond k:@e of kcwily, 2f12 Organizational Security Culture Developrcent Qrganizational Security Cnlture De\€lopment PERSOI'INEL SECURITY PERSONNEL SECURI T Ensures that all Ensures that all Step 3 Empioyers ere Step 4 Emplopes are capablg reliable, capable, reliable, fustwordry, lqel, trl6t$r6rttry, lofaf lnclude Security Duties Educate ali employees on healthy and happry. healtky ard happy. and Responsibilities in the fundamentals of ELFMENTS ELEMENT5 the lndividual Emplcyee's Security upc,n hiring. 1. Personai Hisbry 1. Personal Hbbry 1..*'i, Resuli Ar€ar and ?. Due Diligence 2. Due Oiligence j. €ei*cat!*r & t"r'sining 3. t{iueiitlc5 & Tr?inarls Prndurtrvity lndicatar$ Security is not c$vered in 4.5speNrsiai' ,1. 5G!-ruisiix; an academic undertaking. 5. fueluation 5. Evaluedon 6. Debriefiq 6. Debriefir€ fupects Security fupects Security So!e.'' e,4.tordsderFe of ktqitf, 2At2. So@j "'?eA.{srd.tjffi of s€cg'r'.y, ,{tlz.


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