impact of demand response on the efficiency and prices in

Impact of Demand-Response on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Impact of Demand-Response on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets Nicolas Gast (Inria) 1 Journ ee du GdT COS Paris November 2014 1 Joint work with Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL), Alexandre Proutiere (KTH) and

  1. Impact of Demand-Response on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets Nicolas Gast (Inria) 1 Journ´ ee du GdT COS – Paris November 2014 1 Joint work with Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL), Alexandre Proutiere (KTH) and Dan-Cristian Tomozei (EPFL) Nicolas Gast – 1 / 35

  2. Quiz: what is the value of energy? 1 0$. 2 150 k $ 3 − 150 k $. Average price is 20$/MWh. Average production is 0. Nicolas Gast – 2 / 35

  3. Quiz: what is the value of energy? 1 0$. YES: If you are a private consumer. 2 150 k $ 3 − 150 k $. Average price is 20$/MWh. Average production is 0. Nicolas Gast – 2 / 35

  4. Quiz: what is the value of energy? 1 0$. YES: If you are a private consumer. 2 150 k $ YES: If you buy on the real-time electricity market (Texas, mar 3 2012) 3 − 150 k $. Average price is 20$/MWh. Average production is 0. Nicolas Gast – 2 / 35

  5. Quiz: what is the value of energy? 1 0$. YES: If you are a private consumer. 2 150 k $ YES: If you buy on the real-time electricity market (Texas, mar 3 2012) 3 − 150 k $. NO (but YES for the red curve! Texas, march 3rd 2012) Average price is 20$/MWh. Average production is 0. Nicolas Gast – 2 / 35

  6. Can we understand real-time electricity prices? Source: Cho-Meyn 2006. Prices in $/MWh Time of the day Time of the day Is it price manipulation or an efficient market? Nicolas Gast – 3 / 35

  7. Motivation and (quick) related work Control by prices and distributed optimization PowerMatcher: multiagent control in the electricity infrastructure – Kok et al. (2005) Real-time dynamic multilevel optimization for demand-side load management – Ha et al. (2007) Theoretical and Practical Foundations of Large-Scale Agent-Based Micro-Storage in the Smart Grid – Vytelingum et al (2011) Dynamic Network Energy Management via Proximal Message Passing – Kraning et al (2013) Fluctuations of prices in real-time electrical markets Dynamic competitive equilibria in electricity markets – Wang et al (2012) Nicolas Gast – 4 / 35

  8. Issue: The electric grid is a large, complex system It is governed by a mix of economics (efficiency) and regulation (safety). Nicolas Gast – 5 / 35

  9. Our contribution We study a simple real-time market model that includes demand-response. Real-time prices can be used for control ◮ Socially optimal ◮ Provable and decentralized methods However: ◮ There is a high price fluctuation ◮ Demand-response makes forecast more difficult ◮ Market structure provide no incentive to install large demand-response capacity Nicolas Gast – 6 / 35

  10. Outline Real-Time Market Model and Market Efficiency 1 Numerical Computation and Distributed Optimization 2 Consequences of the (In)Efficiency of the Pricing Scheme 3 Summary and Conclusion 4 Nicolas Gast – 7 / 35

  11. Outline Real-Time Market Model and Market Efficiency 1 Numerical Computation and Distributed Optimization 2 Consequences of the (In)Efficiency of the Pricing Scheme 3 Summary and Conclusion 4 Nicolas Gast – 8 / 35

  12. We consider the simplest model that takes the dynamical constraints into account (extension of Wang et al. 2012) Supplier Demand • Storage (e.g. battery) Flexible loads Each player has internal utility/constraints and exchange energy Nicolas Gast – 9 / 35

  13. Two examples of internal utility functions and constraints Generator: generates G ( t ) units of energy at time t . ◮ Cost of generation: cG ( t ). ◮ Ramping constraints: ζ − ≤ G ( t + 1) − G ( t ) ≤ ζ + . Nicolas Gast – 10 / 35

  14. Two examples of internal utility functions and constraints Generator: generates G ( t ) units of energy at time t . ◮ Cost of generation: cG ( t ). ◮ Ramping constraints: ζ − ≤ G ( t + 1) − G ( t ) ≤ ζ + . Flexible loads: population of N thermostatic appliances: Markov model Consumption can be anticipated/delayed but = ◮ Fatigue effect ◮ Mini-cycle avoidance ◮ Internal cost: temperature deadband. ◮ Constraints: Markov evolution and temperature deadband, switch on/off. Nicolas Gast – 10 / 35

  15. We assume perfect competition between 2, 3 or 4 players (supplier, demand, storage operator, flexible demand aggregator) Player i maximizes:   � ∞   W i ( t ) P ( t ) E i ( t ) dt E − arg max   E i ∈ internal constraints of i 0 � �� � � �� � internal utility (spot price) × (bought/sold energy) Nicolas Gast – 11 / 35

  16. We assume perfect competition between 2, 3 or 4 players (supplier, demand, storage operator, flexible demand aggregator) Player i maximizes:   � ∞   W i ( t ) P ( t ) E i ( t ) dt E − arg max   E i ∈ internal constraints of i 0 � �� � � �� � internal utility (spot price) × (bought/sold energy) Players share a common probabilistic forecast model Players cannot influence P ( t ). Nicolas Gast – 11 / 35

  17. Definition: a competitive equilibrium is a price for which players selfishly agree on what should be bought and sold. ( P e , E e 1 , . . . , E e j ) is a competitive equilibrium if: For any player i , E e i is a selfish best response to P :   � ∞   E W i ( t ) − P ( t ) E i ( t ) dt arg max   E i ∈ internal constraints of i � �� � � �� � 0 internal utility bought/sold energy The energy balance condition: for all t : � E e i ( t ) = 0 . i ∈ players Nicolas Gast – 12 / 35

  18. An (hypothetical) social planner’s problem wants to maximize the sum of the welfare.     � ∞   � ( E e 1 , . . . , E e   j ) is socially optimal if it maximizes E W i ( t ) dt ,     0 i ∈ players   � �� � social utility subject to For any player i , E e i satisfies the constraints of player i . The energy balance condition: for all t : � E e i ( t ) = 0 . i ∈ players Nicolas Gast – 13 / 35

  19. The market is efficient (first welfare theorem) Theorem For any installed quantity of demand-response or storage, any competitive equilibrium is socially optimal. If players agree on what should be bought or sold, then it corresponds to a socially optimal allocation. Nicolas Gast – 14 / 35

  20. Proof. The first welfare theorem is a Lagrangian decomposition For any price process P : social planner’s problem   �  � max W i ( t ) dt E  E i satisfies constraints i i ∈ players ∀ t : � i E i ( t ) = 0 selfish response to prices �� � � ≤ max ( W i ( t ) + P ( t ) E i ( t )) dt E E i satisfies constraints i i ∈ players � If the selfish responses are such that E i ( t ) = 0, the inequality is an i equality. Nicolas Gast – 15 / 35

  21. Proof. The first welfare theorem is a Lagrangian decomposition For any price process P : social planner’s problem   �  � max W i ( t ) dt E  E i satisfies constraints i i ∈ players ∀ t : � i E i ( t ) = 0 selfish response to prices �� � � = max ( W i ( t ) + P ( t ) E i ( t )) dt E E i satisfies constraints i i ∈ players � If the selfish responses are such that E i ( t ) = 0, the inequality is an i equality. Nicolas Gast – 15 / 35

  22. What is the price equilibrium? Is it smooth? Nicolas Gast – 16 / 35

  23. What is the price equilibrium? Is it smooth? Production has ramping constraints, Demand does not. Nicolas Gast – 16 / 35

  24. Fact 1. Without storage or DR, prices are never equal to the marginal production cost (Wang et al. 2012) No storage Nicolas Gast – 17 / 35

  25. Fact 1. Without storage or DR, prices are never equal to the marginal production cost (Wang et al. 2012) No storage Nicolas Gast – 17 / 35

  26. Fact 2. Perfect storage leads to a price concentration Small storage Large storage Nicolas Gast – 18 / 35

  27. Fact 3. Because of (in)efficiency, the price oscillates, even for large storage 0 5 10 Realistic storage: two modes in √ η Perfect storage: price becomes equal and 1 / √ η to the marginal production cost Nicolas Gast – 19 / 35

  28. Outline Real-Time Market Model and Market Efficiency 1 Numerical Computation and Distributed Optimization 2 Consequences of the (In)Efficiency of the Pricing Scheme 3 Summary and Conclusion 4 Nicolas Gast – 20 / 35

  29. Reminder: If there exists a price such that selfish decisions leads to energy balance, then these decisions are optimal. Price P ( t ) • Supplier Demand Storage (e.g. battery) Flexible loads Theorem For any installed quantity of demand-response or storage: There exists such a price. We can compute it (convergence guarantee). Nicolas Gast – 21 / 35

  30. We design a decentralized optimization algorithm based on an iterative scheme Iterative algorithm based on ADMM Generator 1. forecast price P (1) , . . . , P ( T ) , ¯ E Demand Price P ( t ) . . 2. forecasts consumption E . Fridges 3. Update price Theorem The algorithm converges. Nicolas Gast – 22 / 35

  31. We use ADMM iterations. Augmented Lagrangian: �� � − ρ � � � � � 2 E i ( t ) − ¯ L ρ ( E , P ) := W i ( E i ) + P ( t ) E i ( t ) E i ( t ) 2 i ∈ players t i t , i ADMM (alternating direction method of multipliers): E k +1 L ρ ( E , ¯ E k , P k ) for each player (distributed) ∈ arg max E ¯ L ρ ( E k +1 , ¯ E k +1 E , , P k ) projection (easy) ∈ arg max ¯ i ¯ E s.t. � E i =0 � P k − ρ ( P k +1 E k +1 := ) price update i i Nicolas Gast – 23 / 35


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