
IHRMFORUM Augustine Rono 16 th June 2017 6/19/2017 Objectives of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING AUTHORITY PRESENTATION TO IHRMFORUM Augustine Rono 16 th June 2017 6/19/2017 Objectives of the Presentation To sensitize participants on: The role and functions of NITA; The Industrial training levy


  2. Objectives of the Presentation  To sensitize participants on: • The role and functions of NITA; • The Industrial training levy – purpose and benefits to contributors; • Available Training schemes; • Guidelines on training application, • Guidelines on claiming reimbursement …developing tangible skills since 1925

  3. National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) WHO WE ARE  NITA is a state corporation established under the Industrial Training (Amendment) Act of 2011.  Initially was known as the Directorate of Industrial Training- a Department in the Ministry of Labour.  Under the Ministry of East African Community, Labour & Social Protection  Mandate; to promote highest standards in the quality and efficiency of Industrial Training in Kenya and ensure adequate supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in industry  Has its HQ at Industrial Area Nbi but has offices in; Msa, Ksm, Eld, Nkru, Kakamega, Nyeri, Thika, Embu, Athi-River …developing tangible skills since 1925

  4. NITA Vision, Mission & Core Values  Vision : A globally competitive and adequate workforce for industrial development.  Mission : To facilitate industrial training for enhanced productivity  Core Values  Customer focus  Integrity, transparency and accountability  Creativity and innovation  Lifelong learning  Participation of stakeholders  Equity and access …developing tangible skills since 1925

  5. Governance Structure  The National Industrial Training Board which consists of:  A Chairperson appointed by the Cabinet Secretary;  The Principal Secretary – East African Community, Labour and Social Protection  The Principal Secretary - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology;  The Principal Secretary – National Treasury;  Members nominated and appointed by the Cabinet Secretary as follows:  3 persons nominated by the FKE;  3 persons nominated by the COTU; and  1 other member appointed by the Cabinet Secretary (representing other interest groups) …developing tangible skills since 1925

  6. Mandate The Act gives NITA the following mandate  Industrial training (regulation & provision);  Industrial training Levy Administration (Assess & Collect)  Industrial training curricula;  Integrating labour market information into skills development;  Development and harmonization of industrial training curricula & assessment guidelines;  Assessing industrial training, testing occupational skills;  Awarding certificates including government trade test certificates;  Equating certificates;  Accrediting institutions engaged in industrial training. …developing tangible skills since 1925

  7. Sector Training Committees (STCs)  Sector Training Committees (STCs) are established pursuant to Section 4J of the Industrial Training Act to perform functions determined by the NITB from time-to-time.  A Committee shall consist of such number of persons appointed in writing as the Board may determine, to represent:  Employers in the industry concerned;  Employees in the industry concerned; and  Other interests, …developing tangible skills since 1925

  8. STCs -ToRs The terms of reference for STCs are as outlined below:  Registration of employers for NITA regulation and levy compliance  Determining Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and approve Annual Training Plans.  Developing Industrial Training Schemes including; Occupational competence standards, testing and certification systems, approval of capacity for employers to offer apprenticeship, internship and attachment,  Recommending Training Providers and Assessors for Registration by the Authority.  Recommending mechanisms for improving Industrial Training Levy collection …developing tangible skills since 1925

  9. Economic Sectors The industry is organized into nine (9) economic sectors as follows:  Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing & Allied Agencies,  Mining, Oil, Quarrying & Allied Agencies,  Manufacturing & Allied Agencies,  Energy – Electricity, Gas and Water & Allied Agencies,  Building and Construction & Allied agencies,  Commercial, Distributive, Wholesale, Retail Trade & Allied Agencies,  Transport, Storage, Communication & Allied Agencies,  Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Business Services & Allied Agencies,  Government Ministries, Counties, Parastatals, Education and Research Institutions, Commissions, Community & Allied. …developing tangible skills since 1925

  10. Industrial Training - ITCs NITA operates five (5)Industrial Training Centres (ITCs):  NITA-Nairobi  NITA-Textile Training Institute (Nairobi)  NITA-Kisumu  NITA – Athi River  NITA-Mombasa  Courses are:  Industry-oriented, demand driven courses for both formal and informal sectors – Simulation Centres  Short and long programmes (proficiency courses, skill upgrading courses, artisan, craft & Technician courses, and tailor - made courses).  Centres equipped with boarding facilities, training rooms, workshops and recreational facilities.  Centres have joint capacity of over 5,000 trainees  In addition to the 5, NITA has registered/accredited more than 400 training providers and accredited more than 600 assessment centres …developing tangible skills since 1925

  11. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING LEVY  Industrial Training Act (Cap.237) makes provision for Industrial Training Levy.  Purpose of Levy is to support in full or part the cost of industrial training incurred by employers.  Legal Notice No. 113 of 14 th June, 2007 contains provisions as to the person liable to pay levy, mode of payment and other enabling provisions.  Order requires an employer (unless already registered) to register and contribute Industrial Training Levy.  “An employer shall within 30 days after commencement of Order, unless already registered, apply to Director General in the prescribed form to be registered as an employer”. …developing tangible skills since 1925

  12. Training Levy Contd…..  Director General shall issue a certificate of registration to an employer registered under this Order.  Employer required to pay levy to NITA at a monthly rate of Kshs. 50/= per employee (person employed for wages/salary) including a casual employee, on or before last working day of month.  Payment to be accompanied by a payment return prescribed as “Form 2”.  Registered employer, who ceases permanently or temporarily to employ, shall within 30 days of ceasing, notify Director General accordingly in writing stating reasons of ceasing to be an employer. …developing tangible skills since 1925

  13. LEVY FUND CONT. Registration of employers  Employers are Key partners in delivery of NITA Mandate  All employers need to register with NITA  Registration as an Employer is legal requirement as per Sec 5B of the Act and the Levy order.  N/B :Employer means ‘any person, public body, firm, corporation or company who or which has entered into a contract of service to employ any person, and includes an agent, foreman, or manager;  Employee means ‘a person employed for wages or salary and includes an apprentice, indentured learner, temporary, seasonal and casual worker.’ …developing tangible skills since 1925

  14. Payment of Training Levy  Direct deposit to National Industrial Training Authority KCB Industrial Area Branch Account No. 1102588075,  Bankers Cheque payable to ‘National Industrial Training Authority’  By Mpesa pay bill number 522331. In the place of account number, put your NITA registration number . e.g. CDAT-0001, RETAI-0001  NO CASH PAYMENT FOR TRAINING LEVY  Complete Form 2 (Nita Website) and attach evidence of payment; e.g. banking slips and send to Nita offices  Ensure to get official receipt for any payment …developing tangible skills since 1925

  15. OFFENCES  5% of the amount due shall be added to the amount for each month or part of a month thereafter that the amount due remains unpaid a penalty.  A person who fails to comply with any provision of a training levy order shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings and  if such failure continues after a conviction, such person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty thousand shillings for every month or part thereof during which such failure is continued. …developing tangible skills since 1925

  16. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING SCHEMES industrial training ” means training for a specified industry - which is conducted under the following Schemes and programmes 1. Apprenticeship Schemes- Conducted in NITA Centres/Accredited Centres for Artisan, Craft and Technician apprentices (Dual System-In-plant & In-Centre) 2. Indentured learnership scheme- fully on job training in areas that may not be available in regular formal training institutions. 3. Industrial Attachment scheme- placement of a person in a workplace for the purpose of gaining knowledge and practical skills. A grant may be paid to up-to date employers after 3 months upon successful evaluation. …developing tangible skills since 1925
