iea bioenergy task 34 overview direct thermochemical

IEA Bioenergy Task 34 overview Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IEA Bioenergy Task 34 overview Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction Current status and next triennium Paul Bennett on behalf of Task 34 IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Programme of Research,

  1. IEA Bioenergy Task 34 overview Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction Current status and next triennium Paul Bennett on behalf of Task 34 IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Programme of Research, Development and Demonstration on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of IEA Bioenergy do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member countries.

  2. Current m em bers 2

  3. Objective The advancement of the international im plem entation of bioenergy technology through strategic inform ation analysis and dissem ination in the areas of Direct Therm ochem ical Liquefaction of biomass for bioenergy applications (heat, power, transportation and co-products). 3

  4. Scope  Core technologies  Fast pyrolysis  Hydrothermal Liquefaction  Solvothermal liquefaction  Entire process  Feedstock pretreatment  Bio-oil/ biocrude upgrading  Co-processing in refineries  Direct use of bio-oil/ biocrude (e.g. boilers) 4

  5. Past w ork  Analytical round robins  One of the most useful and successful activities done every triennium  Provided information and recommendations for current standards and de facto standards 5

  6. Past w ork  Pyrolysis pilot plant online database  PyNe Newsletter, running for more than 20 years and Targeting research and industry audiences 6

  7. Next triennium focus areas Draft Technical Support techno-economic assessment of liquefaction W P1 technologies Validate applicable analytical methods for bio- W P2 oil/ biocrude product evaluation Dissem ination and facilitation Support commercialisation through standards and W P3 guidelines development W P4 Facilitate information exchange with stakeholders 7

  8. Next triennium activities Draft Technical advancem ent and accelerate im plem entation  Techno-economic evaluation framework  Validation of Analytical method  Guidelines for bio-oil/ biocrude use  Support bio-oil/ biocrude use standardisation Dissem ination  Newsletter, new website, workshops, success stories, guidelines, brochures 8

  9. Collaborations w ith other tasks Draft  Report on co-processing in refineries with Task 39  Potential collaboration with Task 33 - Gasification  Techno-economic evaluation framework + LCA with new Sustainability Task 9

  10. Join our task!  Contact  your ExCo representative, or  (Task 34 email),  (Task Leader next triennium), or   Ideas for next triennium proposal? 1 0

  11. Thank you for Contact Details Task 34 your attention Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction http: / /


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