ict implementation business models and logistics

ICT implementation, business models and logistics operations A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ICT implementation, business models and logistics operations A practical tool-box today may be more useful than the factotum in our dreams. The Clecat/Fiata description of services Freight Forwarding and Logistic Services" means services

  1. ICT implementation, business models and logistics operations A practical tool-box today may be more useful than the factotum in our dreams.

  2. The Clecat/Fiata description of services Freight Forwarding and Logistic Services" means services of any kind relating to the carriage (performed by single mode or multimodal transport means), consolidation, storage, handling, packing or distribution of the goods as well as ancillary and advisory services in connection therewith, including but not limited to Customs and fiscal matters, declaring the goods for official purposes, procuring insurance of the goods and collecting or procuring payment or documents relating to the goods. Freight Forwarding Services also include logistical services with modern information and communication technology in connection with the carriage, handling or storage of the goods, and de facto total supply chain management. These services can be tailored to meet the flexible application of the services provided. http://www.clecat.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=9

  3. Contents & roadmap • logistics operation enhancement through technology • understanding the impact of ICT implementation in business models • the relationship between ICT in logistics, EU programmes thereof • historical backtrack: the “single window” principle, the struggle against the lack of common standards, UNeDocs • the pivotal function that the Customs reform • the security dimension • interoperable ICT implementations • business models, e.g. WCO data model, Short Sea XML, etc. • the alignment of standards and business models • The ONE integrator, or dealing with complex system? • Conclusion in reply to the question: how much of ICT filters into the business and what will LSP’s want to buy into

  4. Logistics operation enhancement through technology • The case of the Fiata VT programmes: • 14. 12 hrs INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) IN FORWARDING • Learning objectives • The applicant should be able to appreciate the fundamental essentials in the usage of technologies attributed in the application of computer and communication . Such technologies that are applicable in Forwarding, either in form of applications or standards, are focussed on data collection, exchanging and manipulation. The applicant must also appreciate the extent of the e-business and e-commerce in the world of the Internet and the world wide web (www). In addition, fundamental understanding of security and electronic signatures used in e-commerce should also be appreciated. • 14.1 1 hr BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF COMPUTER AND ITS ENVIRONMENT • 14.2 1 hr ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FORWARDING • 14.3 1 hr DATA STORAGE & MANAGEMENT AND DATABASES

  5. Understanding the impact of ICT implementation in business models • LSP’s employ ICT solutions at all levels, the “big boys” do so since mid ’70’s: • The “classic” logistics software suite: Magaya • Integration is on the way, at least in regional and local environments: • The “all in package”: Singapore • The proprietary solution still prevails • Tailor made to business model • Interconnects with main clients • Adjustable to new and more complex requirements

  6. The relationship between ICT in logistics, EU programmes thereof • Call for tender ENTR/09/041 “Assisting SMEs to participate in global digital supply chains in the transport and logistics sector in the Single market” • Deadline: 21 September 2009 • Published in OJ n° 2009 / S 122 -176965 of 30/06/2009 • eBSN is an open policy coordination instrument that brings together eBusiness policy makers and experts to exchange experiences on good eBusiness policies for SMEs. More recently, eBSN adopted a sector-specific policy approach for e-Business. • Enterprise and Industry DG launched a series of pan-european sector-specific pilot actions, this one in logistics. • this call for tender is aimed to harmonise business processes and data exchange architectures and standards, at European and/or international level, within the transport and logistic sectors.

  7. Historical backtrack: the “single window” principle, the struggle against the lack of common standards, UNeDocs • The UN Layout Key • The UN Layout Key goes electric ……… • A single window with a wide view…. • All together now? UNedocs • The Core Components • The UNTDED, as it was • The UNTDED, as it is: • At the last e-business MoU/MG meeting last April a report on the TDED Alignment Project was given, • Resolution; The MoU/MG welcomes the initiative by the ISO 7372 MA to ensure consistency between TDED and EDED, and to set up references from the ebXML CCL, and encourages members to support the work with resources.

  8. The pivotal function that the Customs reform and the security dimension • Two pillars: • EU Modernised Customs Code • e-Customs • Customs reforms stems from security amendment (648), but its roots are farther back in the EU Customs Union • Extensive consultations with the trading community • MASP 2003 – 2013 (and beyond?) •  when all this legal and technological body is in force, it will dictate the way forward for a large part of logistics interoperability instruments

  9. ICT implementations and interoperability • The WCO Data Model • The UCR • The Handshake: • Working document TAXUD/2030/2009 (draft proposal for an amendment of the Customs Code Implementing Provisions) defines the person responsible for notifying the customs office of exit of the exit of the goods. This notification shall include the Movement Reference Number (MRN) of the export declaration. To this end, at the latest when handing over the goods, the first holder shall advise the next holder of the MRN. • Short Sea XML • Rosettanet • Odette

  10. The alignment of standards and business models • Even without looking at proprietary solutions, there is a proliferations of tags, standards and different approaches • The only internationally recognised instruments that are likely to influence business process in future are: • SAFE framework of standards • WCO data model • EU and US security led legislation • The BIG issue (dream?) is mutual recognition  re-use of publicly available data • e.g. export declaration in one country used to declare in import country + carrying additional information for SW purposes and for private sector requorements.

  11. Conclusion in reply to the question: how much of ICT filters into the business and what will LSP’s want to buy into • ICT has gradually filtered into logistics, starting from the ’80’s, it is now an integral part of logistics business models. • Proprietary systems prevail in private and public sectors • The ONE integrator, or dealing with complex system? • A “universal” system is no longer possible or wanted. Managing neighbouring systems is the best answer. • The function of LSP’s in the ICT environment is to successfully interfacing all the interlocutors within the SC. • The combination of security and e-Customs requirements will set the pace of future applications. • Industry is likely to buy into systems that allow interfacing existing systems.


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