HVDC Transmission for Rural Alaska STAKEHOLDERS’ ADVISORY GROUP SECOND MEETING January 14, 2010 A NCHORAGE , A LASKA Joel D. Groves , P.E. polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - ENERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 W. 33rd Avenue, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska (907) 258-2420 www.polarconsult.net joel@polarconsult.net polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
MEETING GOALS 1. PROJECT STATUS UPDATE 2. DISCUSS PHASE III GOALS, SITES 3. FORM SAG WORK GROUPS 4. PROJECT Q & A 5. NEXT MEETING polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Project Status – Highlights Manitoba International, LTD under contract as specialist HVDC consultant Operates Nelson River Bipoles, 2 HVDC circuits (3,400 MW) in arctic climate. Operates HVDC Research Centre, Expertise in HVDC operations, hardware, R&D and testing capabilities Tasked with technical review, MTDC network assessment, special hardware, cold climate experience, communications, fault detection, and regulatory assistance. polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Project Status – Converter polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants 1 MW Enclosure (20’x13’) polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Low Voltage Cabinet Weight & Dims: 63”H x 42”D x 74”L 2,300 lbs Emergency Transport: CASA-212-200 Cooling Forced Air polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants High Voltage Assembly Weight & Dims 62”H x 36”D x 127”L 4,900 lbs (wet) 2,100 lbs (dry) Emergency Transport CASA 212-200 Cooling Coolant is Luminol TR/TRi Pour Point -60C Flash Point 170C Natural Oil Convection polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Project Status – Intertie Control Phase III Demo Controls Phase III demo will be point-to-point HVDC power regulation by DC line voltage Communications desirable for control and fault detection Communications necessary for load shed HVDC Vision for Alaska = MTDC Networks More work is needed to define control schema polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Manitoba tasked with developing a roadmap Project Status – Overhead System Validated conceptual design Foundation design in progress Waiting for pricing and product development options from vendors polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Project Status – OH Example GVEA Northern Intertie Commissioned 1968 Guyed lattice, 138 kV 1,000’ – 1,200’ spans Permafrost soils Some frost jacking issues polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Project Status – Submarine Cable Work Plan Conceptual materials and design of cable done Soliciting budgetary pricing from manufacturers to design and manufacture cable in commercial quantities No testing needed in Phase II polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Project Status – Buried Cable Work Plan Unarmored submarine cable is suitable Existing 1/0 35kV AC cable is suitable Frost cracking is key issue in arctic soils No proven solution from utility/oil industry experience. GCI doing some interesting work with telecom cables – same problem Evaluating test options and developing test plan polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Project Status – Construction and O&M Methods Identified existing rigs/equip that can be adapted to construct overhead system Working on O&M methods polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Project Status – Economics Collecting cost data Economic analysis will start in Q2 2011 polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Phase III Demonstration Project - PROJECT OBJECTIVES Prove up HVDC Hardware Prove up innovative technologies Overhead, overland cable, etc. Prove functionality of SWER polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
Phase III Demonstration Project- PROJECT CRITERIA Transmission only Lengths >10 miles Load < 1 MW Benefit Readiness Constructability polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants Phase III Demonstration Project CANDIDATE PROJECTS polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
FROM DISTRIBUTING ALASKA’S POWER polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants NANA PACIFIC/WH PACIFIC/NANA COLT DECEMBER 2008 polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants polarconsult alaska, inc. engineers planners energy consultants
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