human c centric user er accep eptance t e testing

Human C Centric User er Accep eptance T e Testing Rebecca Long - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Human C Centric User er Accep eptance T e Testing Rebecca Long @amaya30 #PNSQC2020 1 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020 1 Hello! Rebecca Long @amaya30 Spokane, Washington QA Manager at Engie

  1. Human C Centric User er Accep eptance T e Testing Rebecca Long @amaya30 #PNSQC2020 1 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020 1

  2. Hello! • Rebecca Long • @amaya30 • Spokane, Washington • QA Manager at Engie Impact • President & Founder of non-profit Future Ada • Co-Founder of SpoQuality User Group 2 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC20202

  3. Outline User Acceptance Testing The Human-Element Best Practices 3 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  4. User Acceptance Testing 4 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  5. What is UAT? Build • Special testing phase between QA sign- Manage Risk Confidence off & Production use • UA Testers are representatives of your Goals end-user base • Tests from the end-user perspective Assess Confirm Business Release Process Readiness 5 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  6. The Human-Element 6 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  7. Surprise! Humans are involved in UAT • Humans come with a lot of human specific things… • Emotions, lives, families, baggage, hopes & dreams • Different communication styles, backgrounds, educations, & experiences • Remembering this and accounting for the human-element will help improve your UAT process 7 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  8. Communication & Trust • Trust has a direct correlation to our ability to effectively communicate • Low-trust environments  defensiveness • High-trust environments  higher collaboration Levels of Communication 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey 8 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  9. Trust Accounts • Need to invest in “Trust Accounts” • Deposits come from trust building behaviors • Withdrawals come from trust breaking behaviors • Deposits & withdrawals look different to different people • Withdrawals are generally larger than deposits 9 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  10. Trust Building Behaviors Open and honest with the reality of our software and processes Recognize gaps and actively work to improve them Own up to mistakes Stick to commitments Be transparent if things need to shift Extend trust to others 10 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  11. Inclusive Environment • UAT spaces & communication should be positive & inclusive • Everyone should feel welcome, included & that their feedback is valued • Use inclusive language • Avoid inappropriate language & humor • Define terms that may not be known by everyone • Blame & judgement free zone 11 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  12. Empathy • Empathy is about being able to step into someone else’s shoes to see & feel what they are experiencing 12 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  13. Empathetic Leadership • Engineering Team should take an empathetic leadership role in UAT • Have empathy on the UA tester experience • Withhold judgement for “mistakes” or “user errors” • Checking your biases about users (and testers and anyone else) at the door • Do not get frustrated when problems are reported • Take the experience seriously • Ensure they can provide the experience back to the Engineering Team 13 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  14. Best Practices 14 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  15. Clear Expectations • Define process, goals, roles, and responsibilities upfront • Communicate these expectations to UAT group • Not setting clear expectations leaves people to their implicit expectations • When implicit expectations are not met… • Trust is broken • Communication breakdowns happen • Stress and frustrations are increased 15 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  16. Feedback Loops • Human-centric feedback loops aid in fast flow of communication between UAT group members • Designate a UAT Coordinator to facilitate & manage structured & clear communication channels • Kickoff / Wrap-Up Meetings • Daily touchpoints • Open group chat channels • All feedback loops should be inclusive & safe for everyone to participate in • Be open to adjusting your feedback loops as you go to accommodate the communication needs of your group • Continuously improving your feedback loops & communication processes builds trust 16 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  17. Documentation • Save time & frustration with good upfront documentation • Purpose, goals, roles, responsibilities, scope, assumptions, constraints, environment details, risks, etc. • Checklists help track vital setup & teardown procedures • Provide test scripts to UA testers • Provide templates for bug reports • Don’t make it overly complicated or tedious 17 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  18. Success Template Prep UAT • Understand Test Needs • Kickoff • Leadership Commitment • Testing Session • Environment Setup • Daily Touchpoints • Documentation • Close Out 18 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  19. Wrap-Up • The human-element is complicated to account for & manage • Well managed it can result in… • Less frustration & stress • More effective communication & collaboration • Be adaptable since every team & individual are different 19 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  20. Working with humans is an iterative process where you want to fail fast , acknowledge & learn from your mistakes, & continuously improve Like in Agile Development… 20 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020

  21. Thank you! • Rebecca Long • @amaya30 • • 21 Human Centric User Acceptance Testing / @amaya30 # PNSQC2020


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