
HUGHES Research Labs The Importance of Long-Range Dependence of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HUGHES Research Labs The Importance of Long-Range Dependence of VBR Video Traffic in ATM Traffic Engineering: Myths and Realities Bo Ryu Anwar Elwalid (Bell Labs) ACM SIGCOMM 96 Stanford University, CA 1 of 22 HUGHES Research Labs

  1. HUGHES Research Labs The Importance of Long-Range Dependence of VBR Video Traffic in ATM Traffic Engineering: Myths and Realities Bo Ryu Anwar Elwalid (Bell Labs) ACM SIGCOMM ‘96 Stanford University, CA 1 of 22

  2. HUGHES Research Labs Background 1. VBR video traffic exhibits long-range dependence (LRD). 2. Wide interest & general concern. 3. Debate on the relevance of LRD. - “Fatter-than-exponential” tail of ATM buffer overflow probability. - Prior work on video modeling with simple Markovian model produces good results. [Elwalid, Heyman, Lakshman, Mitra, and Weiss; IEEE JSAC, Aug. 1995] 2 of 22

  3. HUGHES Research Labs Star Wars Movie Hurst =~ 0.8 [Garrett and Willinger 1994] 1.0 0.8 Autocorrelation r(k) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 Lag (k) 3 of 22

  4. HUGHES Research Labs B (buffer size) Log[cell loss prob.] LRD ~ C 1 B 2-2H SRD ~ A 1 B 4 of 22

  5. HUGHES Research Labs Outline How important is LRD of real-time video applications in ATM traffic engineering? Buffer Size (max delay): < 20 ~ 30 msec Cell Loss Prob. (P Loss ): < 10 -6 Ι: Effect of long-term and short-term correlations on P Loss ΙΙ: Efficacy of Markov models in predicting P Loss ΙΙΙ: Relevant range of dependence (critical time scale) Note: (i) video model rather than trace (ii) same marginal distribution of frame size (Gaussian) 5 of 22

  6. HUGHES Research Labs Definitions X = { X 1 , X 2 ,...} WSS process with ACF r(k) . • X is asymptotic LRD process if r(k) ≈ Ak -(2-2H) , ( k large) • H: Hurst parameter (1/2 < H < 1) (Note: Short-term correlations are arbitrary) • X is exact LRD if r(k) = 1/2 δ 2 (k 2H ) , k = 1, 2,... ex) Fractional Gaussian Noise, Fractal modulated Poisson processes 6 of 22

  7. HUGHES Research Labs I. Effect of short - and long -term correlations on P Loss • Construct two asymptotic LRD processes Z a & V v by Z a , V v = DAR(1) + FMPP DAR(p): Discrete Auto-Regressive model with order p . FMPP: Fractal Modulated Poisson Process - ak - δ k 2 H v 1 - 1 ( ) ( ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( ) = = - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - rv k rz k v + 1 v + 1 2 • Z a : same long-term, varying short-term correlations. • V v : same short-term, varying long-term correlations. 7 of 22

  8. HUGHES Research Labs DAR(p) Process ( )ε n Xn = VnXn + 1 – Vn – An { ε n }: i.i.d. R.V. with distribution π (ε n ∈ Ζ) { V n }: Bernoulli R.V. ( V n ∈{0,1}) { A n }: i.i.d. R.V with Pr ( A n = i ) = a i , i = 1, 2,..., p . ( A n ∈ {1, 2,..., p }) p – k • ( ) ∑ = r X k bizi i = 1 • Correlations independent of marginal distribution π . • Correlations matching up to p lags. • Computationally efficient. 8 of 22

  9. HUGHES Research Labs Fractal Modulated Poisson Process (ex: FBNDP) R 0 R M 0 I(t) Heavy-tailed • On/Off • Processes FBN Poisson • Generator • Y n = N [ nT ] -N [ (n-1)T ] N ( t ) • Completely characterized by R, M, and pdf of on/off sojourn times. • 1 - δ 2 k 2 H ( ) ( ) , marginal distribution of { Y n } controlled by M . - - rY k = 2 • Computationally efficient 9 of 22

  10. Varying Long-term Correlations ( V v ) Varying Short-term Correlations ( Z a ) L with H = 0.86 v = 0.67 Z with a = 0.7 v = 1.0 0.8 Z with a = 0.9 0.8 v = 1.5 Z with a = 0.975 Z with a = 0.99 0.6 0.6 Autocorrelation r(k) Autocorrelation 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 20 40 60 80 100 Lag k (time unit Ts = 40 msec) Lag k (time unit Ts = 40 msec) Effect on Cell Loss Prob. Effect on Cell Loss Prob. -2 -2 Z with a = 0.7 v = 0.67 Z with a = 0.9 v = 1.0 Z with a = 0.975 v = 1.5 Z with a = 0.99 Log10[ Buffer Overflow Probability ] Log10[ Buffer Overflow Probability ] -4 -4 -6 -6 -8 -8 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Buffer Size (msec) Buffer Size (msec) 10 of 22

  11. HUGHES Research Labs II. Efficacy of Markov models in predicting P Loss of LRD traffic • Target (asymptotic) LRD process Z a • DAR(p): matches the first p ( p small) correlations • Exact LRD model L based on FMPP: matches only the long-term correlations (Hurst parameter) of Z a . • Marginal distribution is same for all the models. 11 of 22

  12. Bahadur-Rao Asymptotic (Gaussian marginal distribution) N = 30 Sources, mean = 500 (cells/frame), variance = 50000, capacity = 608 (cells/frame), util = 82% -2 Z with a = 0.7 DAR(1) -3 DAR(3) DAR(6) Log10[ Buffer Overflow Probability ] -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 0 5 10 15 20 Buffer Size (msec) 12 of 22

  13. -2 Z with a = 0.975 DAR(1) DAR(2) DAR(3) L with H = 0.86 Log10[ Buffer Overflow Probability ] -4 -6 -8 0 5 10 15 Buffer Size (msec) • L underestimating Z a • Larger p , better prediction 13 of 22

  14. Z with a = 0.975 DAR(1) DAR(2) DAR(3) -5 Log10[ Buffer Overflow Probability ] L with H = 0.86 -10 -15 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Buffer Size (msec) • L eventually outperforms DAR(p), but only over the range of no interest. 14 of 22

  15. Analysis of Buffer Overflow Probability [Courcoubetis & Weber, Duffield, De Veciana, etc.] • For N Gaussian sources, each with mean µ , variance σ 2 , and ACF r(k), ( > ) ( ( , ) ( , , ) ) P W B = exp – NI c b + g c b N ( , , ) N ⁄ lim g c b N = 0 → ∞ N src 1 ] 2 [ ( µ ) b + m c – ( , ) ≡ I c b inf m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ≥ ( ) 1 2 V m C m m   σ 2 m ∑ ∑ B ( ) ≡ ( ) r i ( )   src N V m Var Xi = + 2 m – i   i = 1 i = 1 • b = amount of buffer space per source ( B = Nb ) • c = amount of bandwidth per source ( C = Nc ) 15 of 22

  16. HUGHES Research Labs Relevant Range of Dependence (Correlation): Critical Time Scale (CTS) • For given buffer size b and link capacity c , ] 2 [ ( µ ) b + m c – m ∗ b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = arg inf (in units of frame) ≥ ( ) m 1 2 V m ☞ Only the first (m * b -1) correlations are needed to evaluate P(W>B). ☞ Correlations beyond time scales ≥ m * b are irrelevant to P(W>B). ☞ CTS ≡ m * b 16 of 22

  17. HUGHES Research Labs Facts on CTS • m * 0 = 1 ⇒ No buffer, no effect of correlation on cell loss rate! • m * b < ∞ as long as b < ∞ . • m * b is linear with b for large b . 17 of 22

  18. HUGHES Research Labs Related Work on CTS • Frequency domain analysis [Li and Hwang] ⇒ cutoff frequency . ⇒ Low frequency behavior (long-term correlations) dominant impact on queueing performance. (???) • Direct relation between cutoff frequency and CTS [Montgomery and DeVaciana]. 18 of 22

  19. HUGHES Research Labs Simulation Study with Star Wars Movie Simulation Setting: Trace: Star Wars (intra-frame coding only) [Garrett 1993 PhD thesis] Hurst parameter : about 0.8 cell size: 44 bytes/cell mean rate = 632 cells/frame min rate = 196 cells/frame max rate = 1784 cells/frame capacity = 725 cells/frame link utilization = 0.89 number of sources = 20 cell loss curve of the trace averaged over 5 different sets of starting points Empirical marginal distribution used for DAR(p), p = 1,2,3. Length of each replication = 10,000 sec number of replications per model = 60 19 of 22

  20. HUGHES Research Labs N C = Nc B = Nb Cell Loss (finite buffer) 20 of 22

  21. Short-term Correlations Matching for Star Wars trace with DAR(p) 1.0 Trace DAR(1) DAR(2) 0.8 DAR(3) Autocorrelation r(k) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Lag (k) 21 of 22

  22. Comparison of Cell Loss Probability −4 Trace DAR(1) DAR(2) DAR(3) −5 Log10[ CLR ] −6 −7 0 20 40 60 80 Buffer Size (msec) 22 of 22


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