hubspot what it is why you might want to use it

HubSpot: What it is & why you might want to use it. WordPress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HubSpot: What it is & why you might want to use it. WordPress Cambridge Meetup 13.02.2017 AGENDA 1. Big picture 2. Marketing platform 3. Sales platform 4. CMS Inbound Methodology Marketing Platform Blog SEO Social Media Contacts Email

  1. HubSpot: What it is & why you might want to use it. WordPress Cambridge Meetup 13.02.2017

  2. AGENDA 1. Big picture 2. Marketing platform 3. Sales platform 4. CMS

  3. Inbound Methodology

  4. Marketing Platform Blog SEO Social Media Contacts Email Landing Pages CTAs Lead Nurturing Metrics

  5. Contacts Email-centred 1. Marketing activity tracked 2. History builds over time 3.

  6. Blog

  7. Email

  8. Metrics

  9. Workflows Nurture leads over time 1. Based on behaviour 2.

  10. Marketing Platform Blog SEO Social Media Contacts Email Landing Pages CTAs Lead Nurturing Metrics

  11. Sales Platform Contacts Companies Deals Metrics / Reporting Calls Meetings Documents Sequences Tasks

  12. CMS (COS) Templates Drag & Drop Mobile Optimised Smart Content Hosting CDN Staging

  13. Best CMS(?) G2 Crowd 1. Customer satisfaction 2. Scale / market penetration 3.

  14. Site pages Wysiwyg – easy to 1. update Modular 2.

  15. New Template

  16. Templates Drag & Drop modules

  17. Smart Content Content delivery / display based on specific criteria

  18. CMS (COS) Templates Drag & Drop Mobile Optimised Smart Content Hosting CDN Staging


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