THE 2010 JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDY OF HOWARD COUNTY Prepared by: Ukeles Associates, Inc. June 1, 2011
CONTENTS 2 About the Jewish Community Study • Jewish Household and Population Estimates • Demography • Vulnerable Populations and Human Services • Intermarriage and Raising Children as Jews • Jewish Connections • Israel & Philanthropy • The Big Stories •
2010 HOWARD COUNTY JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDY Sponsors and Funders 3 The 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study was jointly sponsored and funded by the Jewish Federation of Howard County and THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. Jewish Federation of Howard County: jcchoco Pearl Laufer, President Deborah Adler, Executive Director THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore Bruce Sholk, Chairman of the Board Marc B. Terrill, President Michael Hoffman, Senior Vice President, Planning & Allocations
2010 HOWARD COUNTY JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDY The Research Team 4 Ukeles Associates, Inc. (UAI) Jacob B. Ukeles, Ph. D., President Ron Miller, Ph.D., Vice President, Research Benjamin Fink, Operations Manager Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS) Melissa Herrmann, Executive Vice President David Dutwin, Ph. D., Vice President Robyn Rapoport, Research Director Bobbie Bregman, Senior Project Director
ABOUT THE STUDY 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study 6 THE 2010 HOWARD COUNTY JEWISH POPULATION SURVEY HAS FOUR MAJOR PURPOSES: To develop a profile of the members of the Howard • County Jewish community; To measure changes since the Jewish population study of • 1999; To allow comparisons with data from the 2010 Baltimore • Jewish Community Study (Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County); To inform planning decisions of the Howard County • Federation.
ABOUT THE STUDY 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study 7 Interviewing began on April 27, 2010 and continued • through June 14, 2010. 30,515 different randomly generated landline telephone • numbers were called.* Over 2,200 households answered a two-to-three minute • ―screener,‖ which determined whether there was an adult in the household who self-identified as Jewish. The ―screening‖ phase identified 375 Jewish households. • 253 Jewish household respondents completed the entire • survey -- 76% of all eligible Jewish households. *Randomly generated cell phone calls were not included in the survey, given the limited budget for the project.
ABOUT THE STUDY 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study 8 • 96% of the 253 survey respondents are Jewish, 4% of survey respondents are non-Jewish persons living with a Jewish adult who were comfortable talking about their household’s Jewish experiences. • The screening response rate was 29% for the 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study. • The maximum survey sampling error for data based on all 253 survey respondents is +/- 8.6% at the standard 95% confidence interval.
JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS & POPULATION ESTIMATES 2010 Howard County Jewish Population Study 10 JEWISH PERSONS o Adults (age 18+) who consider themselves Jewish. o Children being raised as Jews. JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS o Households that include at least one self- identified Jewish adult. PEOPLE LIVING IN JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS INCLUDE: o Jews, and o Non-Jews – non-Jewish adults and children who are not being raised as Jews, including undecided status.
JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS & POPULATION ESTIMATES 2010 Howard County Jewish Population Study What is the Size of the Howard County Jewish Community? 11 Jewish Households 7,500 Jewish Persons 17,200 All People in Jewish Households 20,400 (including 3,200 not-Jewish persons)
JEWISH HOUSEHOLDS & POPULATION ESTIMATES 2010 Howard County Jewish Population Study The Jewish Community Has Increased Since 1999 12 1999 2010 % Change Study Study Jewish Households 6,500 7,500 + 15% Jewish Persons 16,000 17,200 + 8% All People in Jewish 20,100 20,400 + 1% Households
JEWISH HOUSEHOLD & POPULATION ESTIMATES 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study Howard County Growth 1999 and 2010 13 • Howard County’s overall growth from 1999 to 2000 has essentially been mirrored by the growth in Jewish households within the County. In 1999, Howard County’s Jewish households were • 7.5% of all Howard County households. In 2010, the 7,500 Jewish households represented • 7.4% of all Howard County households. • The number of Jewish persons living in Howard County increased 8% from 1999 to 2010. From 2000 to 2010, US Census data showed an • overall decline in the ―white‖ population of 6%, while ―minority‖ group populations increased significantly.* *See, for example, Census 2010: Howard County immigrant population explodes, Lindsey McPherson, Kellie Woodhouse, Columbia Flyer , February 18, 2011, 2010-howard-county-immigrant-growth-explodes/
DEMOGRAPHY 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study Half of the Howard County Jewish Community is Under Age 50 - Half At Least 50 Years Old * 15 Age of All People Living in Howard County Jewish Households Children 18% Younger Adults 16% (18-34) Adults 35-49 16% Adults 50-64 35% Senior Adults 15% (65 and over) *Trend data from 1985 through 2010 show a steadily declining proportion of people in Jewish households are children: 36% in 1985, 32% in 1999, and 18% in 2010. Howard County Census 2010 data show that 26% of people living in Howard County are minor children; the Jewish community tends to be older than the general population.
DEMOGRAPHY 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study 25% of All Respondents Were Born in Baltimore, 10% Elsewhere in Maryland, 24% in New York-New Jersey 17 Respondent Place of Birth Greater Maryland Baltimore (other) 25% 10% Other Non- USA 3% FSU 1% h New York New Jersey Other USA 24% 27% D.C., Delaware Virginia 10% One survey respondent reports having been born in Howard County. In 1999, similar patterns emerged.
DEMOGRAPHY 2010 Howard County Jewish Population Study Newcomers: 27% of All Survey Respondents Moved to Howard County in the Last Ten Years 18 Years Respondent Has Lived in Howard County 20 Years or More* 48% 0 - 5 Years 15% 6-10 Years 11-19 Years 12% 25% *Twenty years or more living in Howard County includes a few respondents born in Howard County. In contrast to the 27% newcomer rate in Jewish Howard County, in the 2010 Greater Baltimore Jewish Community Study only about 10% of all respondents moved to the area in the ten years preceding the survey.
DEMOGRAPHY 2010 Howard County Jewish Population Study Household Structure: Howard County and Greater Baltimore Jewish Households 20 2010 2010 Household Composition Howard Greater County Baltimore No Children in Household (Adults Age 18-64) : 16% Respondent Under Age 50, No Children 6% 37 Respondent 50-64, No Children in HH 19 Children in Household (Adults Age 18-64) : 1 5 Unmarried Parent, 18-64, Children in HH Married, 18-64, Children in HH 27 27 Senior Households (Any HH Member 65+) :* Age 65+ Person, Married or Lives w/Others 25 20 3 13 Respondent 65+, Lives Alone TOTAL 100% 100% *‖Unmarried parent‖ includes respondents who have never been never married, and those who are divorced, widowed, separated or living with another person. A few senior respondents with children have been placed in the 65+ ―lives with others‖ category. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding for presentation.
VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study One-of-Four Jewish Households Are Just Managing Financially 22 Respondent's 2010 Subjective Assessment of Household's Financial Status: Howard County Comfortable 47% Just Managing to Make Ends Meet 21% Cannot Make Ends Meet Have Extra 4% Money Well Off 15% 13% In general, respondents are more likely to answer the subjective finances question than questions on income; only 3%-4% of all respondents refused to answer the subjective financial status question while 10% refused to provide any income information.
VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study Annual Income: 51% of HH Report At Least $100,000 Compared to 35% in Greater Baltimore Study 24 Annual Household Income: 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study Under $25,000 9% Over $25,000 - Refused Additional Details 13% $25,000 - $49,999 8% 9% $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 10% 22% $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 -$249,999 18% $250,000 and over 11% The percentages in the chart above reflect income patterns excluding those who totally refused to answer, but including those who only responded that their household income was at least $25,000 annually. About 8% of all respondents refused to answer any questions related to income.
VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 2010 Howard County Jewish Community Study Respondents Earning Under $50,000 Are Most Likely to Report They Cannot Make Ends Meet or Are Just Managing 26 Percent of Howard County Jewish Households Which Either Cannot Make Ends Meet or Are Just Managing by Household Income Under $50,000 89% $50,000- 24% $99,999 $100,000- 18% $149,999 At least 2% $150,000
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