How happy is the United Kingdom? Gauging UK’s well being index
What is Happiness? Happiness is defjned as the degree to which an individual judges the overall quality of his/her life-as-a- whole favorably. Rutu Veenhoven (Director, World Database of Happiness and founding editor of Journal of Happiness studies) Philosophers, economists and politjcal leaders have long emphasized human wellbeing as the purpose, the end, of development. Aristotle said in ancient Greece, “Wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking, for it is merely useful for the sake of something else.”
CONCEPT OF HAPPINESS The word ‘happiness’ is used in various ways. In the widest sense it is an umbrella term for all that is good. In this meaning it is ofuen used interchangeably with terms like ‘wellbeing’ or ‘quality of life’ and denotes both individual and social welfare. Rutu Veenhoven (Director, World Database of Happiness and founding editor of Journal of Happiness studies)
Happiness, well being and the United Kingdom Today the Government is asking the Offjce of Natjonal Statjstjcs to devise a new way of measuring wellbeing in Britain. And so from April next year, we’ll start measuring our progress as a country, not just by how our economy is growing, but by how our lives are improving; not just by our standard of living, but by our quality of life. David Cameron’s speech on 25th November,2010...published in
Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree Britjsh sociological researcher, social reformer Aneurin Bevan Responsible for establishing Natjonal Health Service in 1948. William Henry Beveridge Author of Beveridge report on social insurence and allied service.
This is a wonderful day for the cause of happiness. For the fjrst tjme in Britjsh history, well-being is accepted as a proper objectjve of government policy, and therefore worth measuring as accurately as possible. Layard’s speech on Wellbeing Conference, 25 November 2010. Professor Richard LAYARD Programme Director,well being,London School of Economics.
ONS (offjce of Natjonal Statjstjcs) is developing new measures of Natjonal well-being, to meet a wide range of uses. The new measures are intended to cover the quality of life of people in the UK, the environment and sustainability, as well as the economic performance of the country.
Some of the aspects that have been suggested as afgectjng natjonal well-being Income and wealth Job satjsfactjon and economic security Ability to have a say on local and natjonal issues Having good connectjons with friends and relatjves Present and future conditjons of the environment Crime Health Educatjon and training Personal and cultural actjvitjes, including caring and volunteering
The Natjonal Statjstjcian also has launched a debate on natjonal well-being. It has started on 25 November 2010 and will end on Friday 15 April 2011. As part of the Natjonal debate, the Natjonal Statjstjcian will be convening an advisory Forum. The forum’s role will be to discuss the main themes that emerge from the natjonal debate and help design the new measures.
Why measure natjonal well-being? For the last 60 years, progress has ofuen been assessed using economic measures such as growth in Gross Domestjc Product (GDP). It is now recognised that a full picture of how a country is doing – natjonal well-being cannot be understood by looking at a single measure such as GDP alone. There is growing demand for wider measures of progress, or a more complete picture of ‘how society is doing’. The Natjonal Statjstjcian’s new measures of natjonal well-being in the UK includes measures of economic performance and social progress and the impact on the environment.
Internatjonal interest in new measures of well-being.
The European Eunion’s “GDP and Beyond” Global challenges such as climate change, global poverty, pressure on resources and their potentjal impact on societjes are not addressed in GDP. Gross Domestjc Product (GDP) is the best known macro-economic measure of the performance of the market economy of a natjon. By design and purpose it is not a welfare measure. GDP does not measure environmental sustainability or social inclusion. These limitatjons need to be taken into account to fjnd adequate solutjons to steer economies.
The Stjglitz Report In February 2008, President Nicholas Sarkozy, asked Joseph Stjglitz, Amartya Sen and Jean Paul Fitoussi to create a Commission, called “The Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress” (CMEPSP). The Commission aims to identjfy the limits of GDP as an indicator of economic performance and social progress. Considers additjonal informatjon required for the productjon of more relevant indicators. Assess the feasibility of alternatjve measurement tools.
Organisatjon for Economic Co-operatjon and Development (OECD) The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutjons to common problems. It looks at issues directly afgectjng the lives of ordinary people, taxes and social security, and how much leisure tjme should they can take. OECD set out to make life harder for the terrorists, tax dodgers, crooked businessmen and others whose actjons undermine a fair and open society. The common thread of OECD’s work is a shared commitment to market economies backed by democratjc instjtutjons and focused on the wellbeing of all citjzens.
Human Development report
People ofuen value achievements that do not show up at all, or not immediately, in income or growth fjgures: greater access to knowledge, betuer nutritjon and health services, more secure livelihoods, security against crime and physical violence, satjsfying leisure hours, politjcal and cultural freedoms and sense of partjcipatjon in community actjvitjes. The objectjve of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creatjve lives.” ... Mahbub ul Haq, Founder of the Human Development Report Mahbub ul Haq, Founder of the Human Development Report
United Natjon’s the millennium development goals (MDGs) The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight internatjonal development goals that all 192 United Natjons member states have agreed to achieve by the year 2015.
Life Situatjon Index – Well-being in the Netherlands Measures of Australia’s Progress(MAP) Canadian Index of Wellbeing Quality Council of India
Bhutan’s Gross Natjonal Happiness The concept of gross natjonal happiness (GNH) was developed to defjne an indicator that measures quality of life or social progress in more holistjc and psychological terms than gross domestjc product (GDP). The term was coined in 1972 by Bhutan’s former King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who has opened Bhutan to the age of modernizatjon. He used the phrase to signal his commitment to building an economy that would serve Bhutan’s unique culture based on Buddhist spiritual values.
Existjng data and analysis relevant to measuring natjonal well-being in the UK
Social Trends Social Trends draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisatjons to provide a comprehensive guide to UK society today, and how it has been changing. It generally covers the aspects of health, educatjon, populatjon, lifestyle and social partjcipatjon.
Sustainable Development indicators (SDI) by Department for Environment, Food and Rural afgairs (Delfra) The challenges we face now and in the future are immense: soaring demand and environmental degradatjon are set to threaten our ability to produce food at the same tjme as the global populatjon rises to nine billion by 2050. Sustainable development is the only way that we can deal with the crisis of sustainability and build a UK that will fmourish in the world of tomorrow. Now more than ever we need to be thinking about balancing environmental, social and economic needs. Instead of settjng it aside as a ‘luxury’ for betuer tjmes, we must recognise that it is the key to solving our problems.
Wealth in Great Britain survey The Wealth and Assets Survey collects informatjon about the economic well-being of households and individuals in Great Britain. The survey asks people about their assets and liabilitjes in order to estjmate household and personal wealth. This survey includes informatjon on; property, fjnancial, physical and private pension wealth; savings, debt, borrowing and arrears. The survey asks people about their attjtudes to debt, saving and retjrement.
Wellbeing Knowledge Bank Measuring Subjectjve Wellbeing in the UK Measures of subjectjve wellbeing aim to capture people’s self-reported thoughts and feelings about various aspects of life (e.g. life satjsfactjon, happiness, work, relatjonships, psychological wellbeing).
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