How do I ask questions? We will be live tonight taking over the college’s Twitter & Facebook! Have a question that you need answered? Tweet #AskPGCC or post the question to our Facebook event page and it will be answered! Caitlin Minch Prince George’s Community College Naomi Jazziel @PGCCNews
What is Dual Enrollment? ▪ Eligible high school students take college courses while satisfying high school requirements ▪ Maryland “College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013” ▪ Little to no cost for students! #AskPGCC
Why Dual Enrollment? Be Prepared Save Time Save Money Experience college and explore Earn college credit and satisfy Lower your overall college high school requirements. your interests early. costs. #AskPGCC
Our Program Overview ▪ Students take college-level courses ▪ Specific courses qualify for “dual credit” (list available on PGCC page of ▪ Students may not take developmental/remedial courses ▪ PGCPS will pay tuition for all students dually enrolled in qualified courses ▪ Fees and textbooks will be paid for students who receive free and reduced meals. #AskPGCC
What is the student experience like at PGCC? Most popular classes: EGL-1010, PSY-1010, SOC-1010, BIO-1010, INT-1010, COM-1010, PHL-1010, BMT-1010 #AskPGCC
What is the student experience like at PGCC? Real college classes Small class sizes Awesome professors Dual enrollment student #AskPGCC
What’s after dual enrollment? Finish your associate degree! Former dual enrollment students can qualify for at least a 50% tuition assistance grant Many full scholarships available! #AskPGCC
Summer 2020 COVID-19 Given the global pandemic impact of the COVID-19, every college and university is now in a place where face-to-face classes must be transitioned to distance learning until further notice. The Impact on Summer 2020 ✓ PGCPS has waived the two course requirement pre- requisite for students to enroll in a distance learning course. ✓ All dual enrollment participants are limited to a maximum of two distance learning courses for the summer term. Summer Format ✓ Classes are offered as 5, 8, and #AskPGCC 10 week sessions
Summer 2020 Prince George’s Community College will offer two distance formats: Traditional Online Learning Remote/Virtual ➢ Asynchronous ( at your leisure ) ➢ Synchronous ( in sync ) ➢ There are no formal meeting times ➢ There are formal (remote) meeting ➢ Students log in and complete work times listed for the course ➢ Students log in during set meeting times and assignments at their ➢ There are live discussions and convenience (yet by the syllabus due dates) group/class participation
Fall 2020: Where can students take courses? 5 Locations for Classes ▪ Largo, Main Campus ▪ University Town Center (UTC), Hyattsville ▪ Joint Base Andrews (JBA), Clinton ▪ Laurel College Center (LCC), Laurel ▪ Oxon Hill High School Hub School (OHHS), Oxon Hill ▪ Select PGCPS high schools, starting Fall 2019! Students must provide their own transportation In the event Fall courses need to be converted to distance #AskPGCC learning, we will work with students as needed.
Fall 2020: When can students take courses? Class formats and times available: ▪ In-person ▪ Morning ▪ Afternoon ▪ Evenings ▪ Weekends ▪ Students may not take “Weekender” courses (all evening Fridays and all-day Saturdays) ▪ Hybrid ▪ Online, after successfully completing 6 credits with a 2.5 cumulative GPA In the event Fall courses need to be converted to distance #AskPGCC learning, we will work with students as needed.
Who is Eligible? ▪ Students must: ▪ Be enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade on the first day of the semester in which the course is offered. ▪ This will apply to rising 11th and 12th graders during summer session. ▪ Have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and be in good academic standing at Prince George’s Community College. Then, they may move forward with testing. #AskPGCC
Who is Eligible? ▪ Students must: ▪ Meet college requirements on college admissions tests: SAT, ACT, Accuplacer. ▪ Developmental (remedial) courses may not be taken ▪ The Accuplacer MUST be taken at the high school #AskPGCC
What is the cost? ▪ Tuition: Free! ▪ Instructional Services Fee: $48/credit ▪ Registration Fee: $25/semester ▪ Textbooks cost varies Example: One 3-credit course in a semester would cost $169, plus textbooks Cost of fees and textbooks will be paid for students who qualify for free & reduced meals at school #AskPGCC
Application Process ✓ Qualify based on grade level and GPA ✓ Receive college-level scores on a placement test • Accuplacer must be taken at the high school ✓ Prepare course selections Visit to find your school's contact
Application Process #AskPGCC
Application Process ✓ Speak with your high school counselor ✓ Receive an email from PGCC to your PGCPS email address with application instructions ✓ Apply and select courses in the PGCC DualEnroll site ✓ Request your parents’ approval ✓ Activate Owl Link account and complete New Student Orientation online Applications for Summer and/or Fall 2020 due Wednesday May 6 #AskPGCC
Who is Eligible? Proficiency requirements In order to be considered “proficient” in reading, writing, or math, students must achieve ONE of these minimum scores:
How do I know the prerequisite requirements for a PGCC course? O4otzSwAPdM& ▪ Owl Link contains most complete and up-to-date info ▪ Example: This NTR-1010 course only requires reading proficiency (not math or writing)
How do I know the prerequisite requirements for a PGCC course? ▪ Open the PGCC College Catalog, and click Course Descriptions tab ( , click “College Catalog” at the bottom of the screen) ▪ Enter a course and prerequisite info will be in the description ▪ From any other screen, click the name of the course to expand the description ▪ Example: This NTR-1010 course only requires reading proficiency #AskPGCC (not math or writing proficiency)
How do I choose a class? ▪ Academic Catalog: ▪ ▪ Programs of Study ▪ Course Descriptions ▪ General Education ▪ Dual Credit options (high school and college credit): ▪ PGCPS Guidelines: → PGCC tab ▪ The Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities (ARTSYS): ▪ ▪ Speak with your COAST Coordinator or Dual Enrollment representative ▪ ▪ Email a PGCC Advisor ▪ #AskPGCC
How do I find the registration information for a specific PGCC course? ▪ Owl Link contains most complete and up-to-date info ▪ Example:
How do I find the registration information for a specific PGCC course? • In DualEnroll #AskPGCC
What do I need to know about each semester? Spring courses: ▪ Seniors cannot earn high school credit for dual credit courses during Spring semester (right before high school graduation) Summer courses: ▪ Summer 2020: All courses taught via distance learning ▪ Summer I begins while PGCPS is still in session ▪ 5-week Summer courses are triple the pace of regular semester courses ▪ Students should not plan vacations during Summer courses Fall courses: ▪ Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to select #AskPGCC late start Fall courses if PGCPS starts after Labor Day
What happens after I apply and request my classes? ▪ Students’ application will be routed for approval to: ✓ Parent ✓ PGCC ✓ High School Counselor (and program coordinator, if applicable) ▪ If fully approved, student will be registered for their selected course(s) and bill will be adjusted by mid May ▪ Students will make payment arrangements: ▪ May 25 deadline for Summer courses ▪ August 6 deadline for Fall courses #AskPGCC
PGCC Dual Enrollment Deadlines & Contact Info ▪ Summer and Fall schedule of classes now available in Owl Link PGCC ▪ Wednesday May 6 : Applications ▪ Caitlin Minch, Dual due via PGCC DualEnroll site, which Enrollment Program Manager includes ▪ ▪ Application ▪ (301) 546-7469 ▪ Course selection ▪ ▪ Parent approval ▪ New student orientation PGCPS ▪ Olivia Pearson, Mardia Blyther, Alonzo Bailey ▪ ▪ #AskPGCC
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