How do galaxies evolve into the forms they have today? Spheroid Galaxies Disk Galaxies Hubble 1936 Susan Kassin (Space Telescope Science Institute) Raymond Simons (Johns Hopkins), Camilla Pacifici (STScI), DEEP2 & SIGMA Survey teams, VELA simulation team
Galaxies at a redshift of 1 (8 billion years ago) credit: AEGIS Survey
What are galaxies? NGC 4414, credit: NGC 1132; credit: Hubble Heritage
How and when are disks assembled? How & when do disks obtain their current well-ordered state? M63, credit:
Disk galaxies rotate under the influence of gravity -200 km/s NGC 7171 30” Weiner incl. Kassin et al. 2006 Sandage & Bedke 1988 +200 km/s Velocity map of a local disk galaxy
How and when do quiescent spheroids form? NGC 1132; credit: Hubble Heritage
Outline • Disk Formation “Mass of Disk Formation” o Assembly of disks over cosmic time o • Spheroid Formation Formation timescales vary with galaxy mass and redshift o • JWST observations of nascent galaxies
Background Models of Disk Formation and Evolution
Analytic Model of Disk Collapse 1. Angular momentum acquisition 2. Baryons collapse to a disk • Disks start off well-ordered • They grow in radius in an “onion skin” manner 3. Collapse from the inside out (onion skin) e.g., White & Rees 1978; Fall & Efstathiou 1980; Blumenthal et al. 1984; Mo, Mao & White 1998; Dalcanton, Spergel, & Summers 1997
Analytic & numerical theory: Tully-Fisher is tight Luminosity ~ Velocity 3 magnitude rotation velocity (km/s) e.g., Mo, Mao, & White 1998; Sales et al. 2017
Dynamical theory of isolated disk evolution Stars start off in a well-ordered and thin disk. Their velocity dispersion increases with time via: • Molecular clouds (e.g., Aumer, Binney, & Schönrich 2016) • Merging satellites (e.g., Velazquez & White 1999) • Buckling of bars (e.g., Debattista et al. 2006) Stellar velocity dispersion • Spiral structure (km/s) • Minor mergers (e.g., Moster et al. 2011) Time (Gyrs) Aumer, Binney, & Schönrich 2016
Analytic Theory of an isolated disk • Disks start off well-ordered and thin • They thicken with time • Disks lie on a tight Tully-Fisher Relation • Disks grow in radius in an “onion skin” manner We examine this picture with observations of galaxy kinematics at a range of redshifts.
Outline • Disk Formation “Mass of Disk Formation” o Assembly of disks over cosmic time o • Spheroid Formation Formation timescales vary with galaxy mass and redshift o • JWST observations of nascent galaxies
Galaxy kinematics from z=3 to now To study the evolution of galaxy kinematics, we need spectra and Hubble images for a hundreds of representative galaxies over a significant range in redshift and stellar mass. • Star- forming galaxies on the “main sequence” • No cuts on morphology • Spectra from DEEP2 & SIGMA Surveys (Newman et al. 2012, Simons, Kassin et al. 2017) • Hubble images from AEGIS & CANDELS (Davis et al. 2007, Grogin et al. 2011) • Total stellar mass is measured from multi-band photometry
Galaxy kinematics are measured from emission lines Simons, Kassin et al. 2016 z=2 Hα velocity dispersion 175 km/s velocity radius 70 km/s radius radius wavelength • We measure σ , which had not been done before, and V rot • We corrected V rot and σ for the effects of seeing, which had not been done before. • Slits are aligned to within 45° of galaxy major axes to measure V rot • We correct V rot for inclination using Hubble image Weiner inc. Kassin et al. 2006, Kassin et al. 2007, Covington, Kassin et al. 2010, Kassin et al. 2014
“Local” Tully -Fisher Relation at z=0.2 Tully- Fisher “Ridge - line” from Reyes et al. 2011 log rotation velocity V rot (km/s) log stellar mass (M ⦿ ) Simons, Kassin et al. 2015; also Bekeraite et al. 2016 (CALIFA), Bloom et al. 2017 (SAMI)
Ordered disks lie on ridge-line, Disturbed galaxies lie off of it
“Local” Tully -Fisher Relation (z~0.2) Simons, Kassin et al. 2015; also Bekeraite et al. 2016 (CALIFA), Bloom et al. 2017 (SAMI)
“Local” Tully -Fisher Relation (z~0.2) “Mass of Disk Formation” disks may not form disks will form Simons, Kassin et al. 2015; also Bekeraite et al. 2016 (CALIFA), Bloom et al. 2017 (SAMI)
Analytic Theory of an isolated disk • Disks start off well-ordered and thin • They thicken with time • Disks lie on a tight Tully-Fisher Relation • Disks grow in radius in an “onion skin” manner Tully-Fisher falls apart for local low mass galaxies. Local low-mass star-forming galaxies are often not disks .
Outline • Disk Formation “Mass of Disk Formation” o Assembly of disks over cosmic time o • Spheroid Formation Formation timescales vary with galaxy mass and redshift o • JWST observations of nascent galaxies
Gas kinematics tell us about the physical state of galaxies s dominated mixed V rot dominated 6 ” z~1 HST z~1 HST z~1 HST 1 ” 0.75 ” spatial, 8 ” V rot 75 km/s 29 km/s V rot sini = 208 km/s s = 40 km/s 55 km/s 59 km/s
Gas kinematics tell us about the physical state of galaxies s dominated mixed V rot dominated 6 ” z~1 HST z~1 HST z~1 HST 1 ” 0.75 ” σ is a gas velocity dispersion. • Integrates over velocity gradients on scales below the seeing • Quantifies disordered motions in galaxies (Weiner et al. 06, Kassin et al. 2007, Covington, Kassin et al. 2010) • Does not indicate a thick disk like in the Milky Way (Gilmore & Reid 1983)
Tully-Fisher Relation at z~0.2 log stellar mass (M ⦿ ) log V rot (km/s) Kassin et al. 2007
Tully-Fisher Relation from z~0.2 to z~2 z~1 z~0.8 z~2 z~0.2 z~0.5 log stellar mass (M ⦿ ) log V rot (km/s) Kassin et al. 2007; Simons, Kassin et al. 2016
z~1 z~0.8 z~0.2 z~2 z~0.5 log stellar mass (M ⦿ ) log V rot (km/s) log stellar mass (M ⦿ ) 2 0.5V rot 2 + s 2 S 0.5 log S 0.5 (km/s)
Do V rot and σ evolve with time?
The evolution of galaxy kinematics M ★ = 10 10 – 10 11 M σ V rot 10 9 – 10 10 M (km/s) (km/s) redshift redshift Representative star-forming galaxies, no cut on morphology Kassin et al. 2012, Simons, Kassin et al. 2017, σ trend also Wisnioski et al. 2015 & Turner et al. 2017
How does the fraction of disk galaxies evolve? Let’s characterize disk galaxies: • V rot / σ ~ 10 (local massive disks) • V rot / σ > 3 (analog of local low mass disks) • V rot / σ > 1 (barely rotation supported) NGC 4388, credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
V/ σ is correlated with visual morphology V/ σ = 5.6 z=1, Hubble/ACS V+I V/ σ > 3 V/ σ < 3 Disordered V/ σ = 4.9 kinematics & morphology V/ σ = 3.4 V/ σ = 2.5 V/ σ g = 1.8 V/ σ g = 1.6 Ordered kinematics & 6” morphology
Evolution of the fraction of the disk fraction of star-forming galaxies z~1 HST fraction of star- V/ s = 1.6 forming galaxies with V/ σ >1 10 10 – 10 11 M 10 9.5 – 10 10.5 M 10 9 – 10 10 M redshift Kassin et al. 2012; Simons, Kassin et al. 2016 & 17
Quantitatively, surveys agree fraction of star- forming galaxies with V/ σ >1 10 10 – 10 11 M 10 9.5 – 10 10.5 M 10 9 – 10 10 M redshift Kassin et al. 2012; Simons, Kassin et al. 2016 & 17
At z~2, most galaxies were not disks z~1 HST Disk Settling Disk Assembly V/ s = 3.4 fraction of star- forming galaxies with V/ σ >3 10 10 – 10 11 M 10 9.5 – 10 10.5 M 10 9 – 10 10 M redshift Kassin et al. 2012; Simons, Kassin et al. 2016 & 17
Analytic Theory of an isolated disk My observations • Disks start off well-ordered and thin Disks start off with lots of disordered motions. • They thicken with time They lose disordered motions and “thin out” with time. • The Tully-Fisher relation has little scatter Tully-Fisher has large scatter to low rotation velocity. • Disks grow in radius in an “onion skin” manner Disks grow in radius, but not in an orderly manner.
Nbody Shop at U. Washington (courtesy Governato)
Outline • Disk Formation “Mass of Disk Formation” o Assembly of disks over cosmic time o • Spheroid Formation Formation timescales vary with galaxy mass and redshift o • JWST observations of nascent galaxies
How and when do quiescent spheroids form? NGC 1132; credit: Hubble Heritage
How do quiescent spheroids form? • Classical picture that dominated for decades: • Formed in a single burst in the early universe (Partridge & Peebles 1967; Larson 1975) • Mergers of disks can also form an early type (Toomre & Toomre 1972; Toomre 1977) • Breakthrough (Bell et al. 2006, Faber incl. Kassin et al. 2007) : • Quiescent galaxies increase in numbers by a factor of 2-4 over the last 8 billion years since z~1, so all could not have formed in a single burst in the early universe (see also e.g., Faber et al. 1995) • Quiescent spheroids must form from star-forming disks Star-forming galaxies continuously add to the quiescent population, but it’s still unclear how.
What is the path from star- forming disks to quiescent spheroids (“quenching”)? ? NGC 4414, credit: NGC 1132; credit: Hubble Heritage
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