How Bi How Big is You g is Your r Wild Wildly Im ly Import portant Goal? ant Goal? Maddie Grejda | Head of Agile COE at CBRE @MGREJDA @MGREJDA
Value The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. @MGREJDA Image credit: Graphics Master/
Traditional Agile Project orientation Product orientation, Customer focused Focus Focus “On track” • Quality and capability are • Project follows a plan, hits milestones • sustainable Success measured by Success measured by All requirements delivered • Value is maximized • By agreed-upon date • ACTIVITY & OUTPUT OUTCOMES & VALUE Evidence Based Agility, @MGREJDA
PART 1 PART 2 Sustain Failing Companies Companies Name companies Name companies that serve their customer well that have failed their customer What makes these What had them lose? companies this way? @MGREJDA
Part 1: Sustain Companies Name companies that serve their customer well. What makes these companies this way? Part 2: Failing Companies Name companies that have failed their customer. What had them lose? @MGREJDA
The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals Keep a Create a Act on the Focus on the Compelling Cadence of Lead Measures Wildly Important Scoreboard Accountability @MGREJDA
The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals Start by selecting ONE wildly Don’t ignore the work Narrow your FOCUS to work Clarify the necessary to maintain the important goal, or WIG, instead on what you want to GOAL daily operation. of trying to work on a dozen SIGNIFICANTLY improve. goals all at once. @MGREJDA
Lag measures A lagging indicator looks back at whether the intended results was achieved. Lead measures A leading indicator looks forward at future outcomes and events. @MGREJDA
Lead measures Good leading measures have 2 characteristics Predictive of achieving the goal ▪ Influenced by the team members. ▪ CHANGES BEHAVIOR @MGREJDA
1. Review metrics posted. 2. Identify which category these metrics fall into; leading or lagging. @MGREJDA Image credit: Sandra Matic/
LEADING LAGGING Activity related Business outcome related Hard to identify causal relationships Easy to measure Easy to influence Hard to influence @MGREJDA
Scrum Value - Focus Everyone focuses on the work of the Sprint and the goals of the Scrum Team. @MGREJDA
Measures effectiveness of development activities Directly impacts our ability to run our business Happy customers typically means an increase in ROI, increase in efficiency, decrease in waste, increase investment in development. Measures deliveries of output to the market Affects the lives of customers Credit: Mark Noonan, PST @MGREJDA
Decrease escaped defects from 5 per week to WIG: 1 per week by December 2019 LEADING LAGGING Mean time to repair # of bugs found during execution timebox (e.g. Development Integration frequency release or Sprint) Release stabilization Release frequency Output Usage index Escaped defects Customer Outcomes Adoption rate Net Promoter Score (NPS) Employee satisfaction Revenue per employee Efficiency Rate Business Impact Employee attrition rate @MGREJDA
1. Using the metrics that have been shared, along with a Wildly Important Goal, create a scorecard for your team or organization. 2. Share this with your classmate. @MGREJDA
Identify where you are now, where you want to be and by when VALUE DELIVERED @MGREJDA
thank you! than k you! @MGREJDA
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