how are mpas effectively managed and monitored

How are MPAs effectively managed and monitored? ferdinando boero - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How are MPAs effectively managed and monitored? ferdinando boero University of Salento, CNR-ISMAR MPAs protect beauty MPAs are designated where iconic habitats or species occur Choices are based on patterns of biodiversity

  1. How are MPAs effectively managed and monitored? ferdinando boero University of Salento, CNR-ISMAR

  2. MPAs protect beauty • MPAs are designated where iconic habitats or species occur • Choices are based on patterns of biodiversity distribution • The processes that allow for the persistence of Hence: from single MPAs to MPA networks biodiversity hot spots are not considered… they should! CONNECTIVITY REPRESENTATIVITY ADEQUACY MANAGEMENT

  3. The world Ocean is highly connected, but it can be divided into volumes that are more connected within their boundaries than they are with neighboring ones From physics to ecology: the Cells of Ecosystem Functioning

  4. The protection of MPAs is effective if they comprise both patterns (biodiversity) and processes (ecosystem functioning) MPA networks must be nested into Cells of Ecosystem Functioning

  5. The MSFD prescribes that GES is achieved by 2020 in all EU waters: GES is measured with biodiversity and ecosystem functioning! aliens fish networks eutrophic bottom biodiversity hydrology contaminants litter energy GES is the objective of MPA networks. What else? MPAs are the sensors of GES. Their networks are the tools to obtain GES through proper management, uniting ICZM, MSP… you name it!

  6. Upgrade current observing systems • Physics chemistry and biogeochemistry are important but not enough. • BEF variables must be added to current observing systems • MPAs are the ideal nodes of these observing systems


  8. MPAs: what are we talking about? • For the EU MPAs are the Sites of Community Importance designated by the application of the Habitats Directive (by the way, the HD covers only the benthos), making up the Natura 2000 network • For the single states, MPAs are usually nationally designated Marine Protected Areas , and they do not necessarily coincide with SCIs • If I am in the Italian Ministry of the Environment MPAs are nationally designated ones • If I am in DG Environment , MPAs are Natura 2000 Sites! • MPAs are managed by the state , SCI are managed by the regions !

  9. CONSISTENCY • We cannot adopt several ways of protecting, managing and exploiting the same marine volumes (ICZM, MSP, MPAs, MPA networks, SCI Networks, Other Effective Conservation Measures) the MSFD is adopted in different fashions by EU states • CEFs are the spatial units of management and conservation, and must be managed consistently • MPAs have a great role to play in the MSFD and GES • The expertise to analyze BEF is missing, and also automated systems • Can you name a single MPA where a complete biodiversity inventory has been made? • Lots of space for innovation

  10. holistic and integrated…

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