housing affordability

Housing Affordability June 16, 2016 s s e e t y o s r i t - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Housing Affordability June 16, 2016 s s e e t y o s r i t t e u e L i r l m s c e i l b o n p a a Examples of this from other communities (provide links to o l s i a c o t e d H s s n e r i r r Is

  1. Housing Affordability June 16, 2016 s s e e t y o s r i t t e u e L i r l m s c e i l b o n p a a Examples of this from other communities (provide links to o l s i a c o t e d H s s n e r i r r Is this tool a policy, Summary of the program, policy, strategy. How does it i P r u t e d o e o r d N d f i Item # Policy/Program Name What is the outcome? municipal codes and other resources as available) List the e e F f r i n p r s A r c a program, or strategy operate/work? n e a o o i d g B i n R d r city and state n n s o P n t e i r a a n s m h t u b a s C o A o b c a H H u V S Inclusionary Housing strategy Any new developments include a percentage of units increased affordable Federal Way, Kirkland Include density bonus in this recommendation. Developer incentives and for affordable housing units neighborhoods which include density, height, up zoning. Need to define what percentage of housing would be set asside for affordable housing. 1. Identify ways to incentivise infill development. 2. incentivise neighborhoods. Utilize other 1 X X X recommendations that assist in the development of homes both affordable and quality. Maximize development by linking vacant residential lots with developer incentives and demolishion of substandars/abandones/foreclosed homes. Development of a registry tool This would allow city staff and council members to Tracking of need Austin TX; San Diego Rental registration allows for tracking what is available and does the housing meet the which tracks affordable know our resources and level of need standard. Barrier to not knowing what is housing units developed available in Spokane. Tracking of housing development and rehab all tracked online in the same area, this would allow for greater 2 X planning. Vacant land, quality housing, affordable housing, and vacant land. Establish local Housing Trust tool Waivers provided to developers who choose not to Funds availble for 2263 Legislation for affordable housing. Housing levy. Mechanism to funding Fund build affordable units; fee is charged. Another affordable housing housing. City would manage the funding, set mechanism to fund this would be through a multi development standards to development. Funding would family tax as is currently available to jurisdictions be used for subsidizing housing costs and development. This is a recommendation that 3 X would come before voters. Barrier: NIMBYism and possibility to not pass. How is this recommendation implemented and funded. 1

  2. Housing Affordability June 16, 2016 s s e e t y o s r i t t e u e L i r l m s c e i l b o n p a a Examples of this from other communities (provide links to o l s i a c o t e d H s s n e r i r r Is this tool a policy, Summary of the program, policy, strategy. How does it i P r u t e d o e o r d N d f i Item # Policy/Program Name What is the outcome? municipal codes and other resources as available) List the e e F f r i n p r s A r c a program, or strategy operate/work? n e a o o i d g B i n R d r city and state n n s o P n t e i r a a n s m h t u b a s C o A o b c a H H u V S Permit waiver tool Mayor waives permitting fees for affordable housing reduces costs Spokane Municipal Code Section 08.02.011 Infill - waiving multiple fees to incentivise development (may be illegal at the state b/c projects it is not for affordable housing and/or public purpose) The primary authority allowing Washington cities and counties to assist affordable housing projects is the Washington State Constitution. The "poor and infirm" as exempted from the general rule of "no gift of public funds to private entities." Article 8, section 7 of the State Constitution provides: "No county, city ,town 4 X or other municipal corporation shall hereafter give any money, or property, or loan its money, or credit to or in aid of any individual, association, company or corporation, execpt for the necessary support of the poor and infirm..." The legislature has created specific, development- related statutes to help provide housing for low-income families. Housing Trust Fund policy City support to increase state funds available for increased funds State Commerce program State funding, city to advocate for additional 5 X funding. affordable housing available Affordable Housing Impact Program Statement would specify how many affordable units Provides a method of Statement were projected to be added. measureing increase/decrease of availability of affordable 6 X X X housing in Spokane. Source of Income protection; policy Disallow discrimination based on vouchers. Perhaps reduces barriers to Spokane Housing Authority has implemented these Minimizing eviction impact; require all holders of vouchers or those with housing classes already minimizing felony impact evictions or felongies to attend 3 day Renters 7 X Responsibilities class at Transitions Multi Family Tax Exemption 8 Water/Sewer tap notice Strategy Notify owners of vacant property 1 year prior to when repaving planned street repaving. City moratorium on cutting pavement following street repaving is moratorium on redevelopment. City could stub taps in priority 9 areas and charge excavation costs when property owner connects at property line. 2

  3. Housing Affordability June 16, 2016 s s e e t y o s r i t t e u e L i r l m s c e i l b o n p a a Examples of this from other communities (provide links to o l s i a c o t e d H s s n e r i r r Is this tool a policy, Summary of the program, policy, strategy. How does it i P r u t e d o e o r d N d f i Item # Policy/Program Name What is the outcome? municipal codes and other resources as available) List the e e F f r i n p r s A r c a program, or strategy operate/work? n e a o o i d g B i n R d r city and state n n s o P n t e i r a a n s m h t u b a s C o A o b c a H H u V S Forgive City liens if Strategy Forgive city-imposed liens (utilities, code redeveloping with affordable enforcement, etc) if vacant or abandoned property is housing. redeveloped to include affordable housing. Could require new property owner to avoid rewarding bad actors. Removal of county tax liens, need more information. Set perameters of who would qualify 10 for this program. Additional considerations: market rate properties, neighborhood targeted areas. Tax foreclosure wipes away city lien. Modify state law to prevent Strategy Revise state law that allows DSHS to lien property of nuisance DSHS liens. deceased owners who received DSHS assistance. These liens cloud the title and frustrate new 11 ownership and development unless undisclosed sums are repaid to DSHS. Affordable Housing Access/Fair Housing 12 X X X Rental Registration Program, Program Three main types (may be combination): Rental Allows city to identify Washington State Law Rental Registration and Rental Inspection Program, Registration requires owners to register rental property owner and Inspection Program - Seattle; Rental Business License and/or Rental Business property with the city. Rental Inspection requires all locate responsible (with provisional inspections required for substandard License or targeted rentals to obtain periodic inspections. parties for code or properties) - Tacoma; Rental Registration & Safety Rental business license requires owners renting nuisance violations. Inspection Program - Bellingham; Rental Dwelling property to obtain a business license. Ensures safe and License - Pasco, Rental Registration (no inspections) - 13 X X X healthy rental housing. Raleigh, NC Spokane City should be Strategy aggressive to make its own properties available to 14 X X increase housing density Consider other uses for infill; Strategy parks, stores, libraries 15 X X X X X X 3

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