honey bees and na ve prairie flowers

Honey Bees and Na,ve Prairie Flowers Speaker: Morgan Carr-Markell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Honey Bees and Na,ve Prairie Flowers Speaker: Morgan Carr-Markell Co-authors on the work presented: Cora Demler, ScoC Cornman, Deborah Iwanowicz, and Marla Spivak MHBA Mee,ng October 11, 2016 Big Ques)on Landscape Food Colony Health

  1. Honey Bees and Na,ve Prairie Flowers Speaker: Morgan Carr-Markell Co-authors on the work presented: Cora Demler, ScoC Cornman, Deborah Iwanowicz, and Marla Spivak MHBA Mee,ng October 11, 2016

  2. Big Ques)on Landscape Food Colony Health

  3. Specific Ques)ons Background: – Many groups want to plant bee-friendly na,ve prairie flowers and restore na,ve biodiversity Ques)ons: 1. Can prairies be a major source of food? 2. What are the most-used na,ve prairie flowers?

  4. Methods: Field sites Four field sites around Minneapolis/St. Paul

  5. Methods: Field sites General Prairie Mills Restora,on 1 acre 50 acres Northfield- Belwin Carleton Conservancy College 300 acres 70 acres

  6. Methods: Collec)ons Mixed pollen loads Unripe honey

  7. Methods- Microscopy • We use the structure of pollen grains under the microscope Microscope slide of pollen sample

  8. Methods- DNA Sequencing • We use the sequence of pollen DNA DNA in nucleus Exine DNA Microscopy DNA in Deb Iwanowicz ScoC Cornman nucleus USGS, Leetown WV USGS, Fort Collins CO

  9. Methods: Sequencing pollen Integrate two methods: Species IDs from sequencing Propor,ons of pollen (Image: Cornman et al. 2015 Fig 2) types Propor,ons of species

  10. Methods: Decoding waggle dances • Collected one of each color/direc,on combina,on • Decoding methods- Couvillon et al. 2014 • Pollen forager dances decoded by Cora Demler

  11. Implica)ons/Future direc)ons 1. Largest contributors of pollen to honey bees non- na,ve, but certain na,ve species contribute 2. Plan,ng studies will help determine the effect of density and abundance of flowers 3. Adding to DNA sequence databases may help resolve taxa further

  12. Thank you!! Bee Lab/Bee Squad Advisor: Marla Spivak Field sites: CommiJee: Belwin Conservancy Dan Cariveau • • Carleton College Diane Larson • • Prairie Restora,ons Emilie Snell-Rood • • Werth Farm • Advice/help: Funding: Fitz BogoC • General Mills Ron Bowen • • Na,onal Honey Board Vaughn Bryant • • North Dakota Margaret Couvillon • • Beekeepers Associa,on Ann Fallon • Costco Wholesale George Heimpel • • Corpora,on Clint OCo • Project Apis m. Tom Rabaey • • Madhava Sweetners Roger Schürch • • Anh Tran •

  13. References 1. Cornman RS, OCo CR V, Iwanowicz D, Pefs JS (2015) Taxonomic characteriza,on of honey bee (Apis mellifera) pollen foraging based on non-overlapping paired-end sequencing of nuclear ribosomal loci. PloS ONE . 10: e0145365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145365 2. Couvillon MJ, Riddell Pearce FC, Harris-Jones EL, Kuepfer AM, Mackenzie-Smith SJ, Rozario LA, Schürch R, Ratnieks FLW (2012) Intra-dance varia,on among waggle runs and the design of efficient protocols for honey bee dance decoding. Biol. Open 1: 467–472. doi: 10.1242/bio.20121099

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