holman highway 68 highway 1 roundabout

Holman Highway 68 / Highway 1 Roundabout Planning Commission May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Holman Highway 68 / Highway 1 Roundabout Planning Commission May 14, 2013 Congestion Roundabout Project Need Long Traffic Qs and excessive delay on E/B Holman Hwy 68 Qs extend well beyond CHOMP Impact to public safety / access

  1. Holman Highway 68 / Highway 1 Roundabout Planning Commission May 14, 2013

  2. Congestion

  3. Roundabout Project Need  Long Traffic Q’s and excessive delay on E/B Holman Hwy 68  Q’s extend well beyond CHOMP  Impact to public safety / access to hospital  Operations / Safety at PB Gate  Acceleration from Holman Hwy to southbound Hwy 1 entrance ramp  Reduction in crashes and crash severity  Dramatic Emission Reduction - as compared to signal

  4. Operations 1400 30 1200 25 1000 20 800 RAB AM 15 Signal AM 600 RAB PM 10 400 Signal PM 5 200 0 0 2015 2030 2015 2030 2015 Control Control Queue Queue Queue Delay Delay (EB) (EB) (SB Off)

  5. Interim Signal Alternative 2015 + Project PM Peak 660

  6. Existing Condition 2015 + Project PM Peak 660

  7. Existing Traffic Signal Condition

  8. Existing Traffic Signal Condition

  9. What About Converting the Existing Intersections?

  10. Roundabout Holman Highway 5/2/2013 11

  11. Design Optimization-Overlay Beverly Manor Holman Highway 5/2/2013 12

  12. Design Optimization-Overview Tighter Radius = Slower Speed, Slower Speeds = Less Merge Distance Req’d Less Downstream Merge Distance Req’d Longer Merge Distance Improved Pedestrian Safety Improved Lane Utilization Improved Improved Entry/View Angle Channelization Separation of Decision Making / Improved Signing and Lane Choice 5/2/2013 13

  13. Design Optimization Improved Entry/View Angle Separation of Decision Making / Improved Signing and Lane Choice 5/2/2013 14

  14. Design Optimization – Off Ramp Tighter Rad = Slower Speed Defined Intersection 125’ merge distance Req’d Movements = Simplified Driver Decisions = Safer Improved Bike Lane Delineation “Built To Deliver” 5/2/2013 15

  15. Design Optimization Improved View Angles (12 deg.) Sends Correct Priority Message Entering Yield to Circulating Traffic “Built To Deliver” 5/2/2013 16

  16. Design Optimization “Built To Deliver” 5/2/2013 17

  17. The Timing is Right  Pebble Beach Project Approved  Concept Plan Complete  Stakeholders On-Board  Relinquishment In Process

  18. Next Steps  Engineering Design  Project Report Amendment  EIR Addendum  Public Outreach and Education  Construction

  19. Design Optimization - Challenges Large RT Radius = Higher Speed Merging Thru Down- Stream Intersection Un-Defined Intersection Vehicular and Bicyclists Safety Concerns Longer Merge Distance Lane Choice/Complexity Compressed Decision Making Dist. Difficult to Sign “Built To Deliver” 5/2/2013 20

  20. Design Optimization - Challenges Very Short Merge Distance Lane Utilization Truck/Freight Flat Entry Angle Concerns Poor View Angle to Left Priority Confusion / Merge Behavior Entry-Circulating Crashes “Built To Deliver” 5/2/2013 21

  21. Interim Layout


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