hitchhiking in cognitive radio

Hitchhiking in Cognitive Radio Overview Core-only Structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ICCCN 2014 Ying Dai Introduction System Model Hitchhiking in Cognitive Radio Overview Core-only Structure Networks: Spectrum Sensing Cluster-core Structure Simulations Assisted By Cores and Clusters Conclusions Ying Dai and Jie Wu

  1. ICCCN 2014 Ying Dai Introduction System Model Hitchhiking in Cognitive Radio Overview Core-only Structure Networks: Spectrum Sensing Cluster-core Structure Simulations Assisted By Cores and Clusters Conclusions Ying Dai and Jie Wu Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University

  2. ICCCN 2014 Motivation Ying Dai Introduction System Model • Spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs): Overview Core-only protect primary users Structure Cluster-core Structure • Accuracy requirement + extra time cost Simulations • Question: Can we reduce the sensing cost by having nodes Conclusions help each other?

  3. ICCCN 2014 Motivation Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure • Hitchhiker: A node can make use of other nodes’ most Simulations recent sensing results to benefit its current sensing. Conclusions ◦ Two dimensions: location, time. • Potential extra time cost during the information exchange among nodes may be harmful. • Our solution: Cores and Clusters!

  4. ICCCN 2014 Overview Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only • The phase before spectrum sensing happens: How to Structure Cluster-core Structure select channels for sensing in CRNs. Simulations • Our goal: Reduce the total number of channels that a Conclusions node needs to sense before finding an available one. • Core structure: Each node designates a neighbor or itself as its core, and can gain help for the spectrum sensing phase. • Extension: A 2-layer structure of both clusters and cores, and the corresponding spectrum sensing scheme.

  5. ICCCN 2014 Core Construction Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure • Information exchange with neighbors. Simulations ◦ Available channel set. Conclusions • Weight Calculation. ◦ For a node v , the weight of it is: W v = ∑ u | M u ∩ M v | , ∀ u ∈ N v . • Core designation.

  6. ICCCN 2014 Core Construction Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only An example: Structure Cluster-core Structure Simulations s w Conclusions u v x y z s w y v u {1,2} {1,2,3} {2,3} {1} {1,2} {3} {1,2} 4 7 1 1 2 1 2 z x d u = { w, x } , d v = { u, y, s, z, v } .

  7. ICCCN 2014 Spectrum Sensing With Ying Dai Cores Introduction System The help gained from the core is the channel list, which sorts Model Overview the channel according to their available probability. Core-only Structure Cluster-core • On the node side: Pull, Sense, Transmit, Push. Structure Simulations • On the core side: Return, Update. Conclusions u v Send request Pull Retrieve Return channel list Sense Transmit Assist with other nodes or work for Sense data transmission itself Transmit Push Update Push back channel information updates time time

  8. ICCCN 2014 Core Evolution Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core • What if a node designates a wrong core? Structure Simulations ◦ The node and its core do not share the similar channel Conclusions availabilities. • The core evolution is necessary to fix this situation. • But... How? ◦ We need to find a way to evaluate the assistance provided by the core.

  9. ICCCN 2014 Core Evolution Ying Dai • The basis for core updates: Introduction • For a node u and its core v ( v = c u ), u needs to update System Model c u if and only if A uv > A u . Overview Core-only Structure ◦ A uv is the estimated average number of channels to sense Cluster-core Structure if u receives assistance from v . Simulations ◦ A u is the estimated average number of channels to sense if Conclusions u senses itself u and gains no assistance from others.

  10. ICCCN 2014 Core Evolution Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure • The evaluation is performed on the core side. Cluster-core Structure ◦ A node is unable to evaluate since it always senses based Simulations on the core’s information. Conclusions • Compare the performance with and without core’s information. ◦ The core considers the virtual situation that if the node sends a request now, rather than pushing back its current channel information.

  11. ICCCN 2014 Core Evolution Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Core reselection: Structure Simulations • After a node identifies its core needs to be reselected, it Conclusions reselects a new core. • Simply reselect from its remaining neighbors aside from the wrong core. • Advantage of core structure: Easy to propagate!

  12. ICCCN 2014 Cluster-core Motivation Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure • Motivation: In a sparse network, the average help provided Simulations by each core is limited. Conclusions • To increase the performance, what about having more nodes in a longer distance share information? • Cluster-core structure: Build clusters on top of the cores.

  13. ICCCN 2014 Cluster-core Construction Ying Dai Introduction System Model • Select cluster heads from current cores, using similar Overview Core-only weight definition as for core selections. Structure Cluster-core ◦ WC v = ∑ u | M u ∩ M v | , ∀ u ∈ NC v . Structure Simulations ◦ NC v : the set of v ’s neighbor cores. Conclusions • An example of the mixed cluster-core structure is: y z w ’ w u ’ v u x ’ x s

  14. ICCCN 2014 Cluster-core Construction Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure We applies the classical cluster head selection algorithm here: Cluster-core Structure 1 All cores are initially uncovered; Simulations . . Conclusions 2 An uncovered core becomes a cluster head, if it has the . . highest weight; 3 The selected cluster heads and their connected 1-hop . . neighbor cores are marked as covered; 4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 on all uncovered cores. . .

  15. ICCCN 2014 Spectrum Sensing With Ying Dai Cluster-core Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure • Cluster head collects information from the cores and Simulations Conclusions shares the information among multiple cores. • The overview of the process: ◦ Cluster heads: periodically collect from and send to the cores in the same cluster. ◦ Cores: updates their corresponding channel information, and return the updated information to other nodes.

  16. ICCCN 2014 Spectrum Sensing With Ying Dai Cluster-core Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure An example of spectrum sensing with cluster-core structure: Cluster-core Structure Simulations y z Conclusions w ’ w u ’ v u x ’ x s Cluster head: v , collects and shares the information. Cores: u , v , u ′ , update their channel list for other nodes.

  17. ICCCN 2014 Spectrum Sensing With Ying Dai Cluster-core Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Some illustrations: Structure Simulations • Under the cluster-core structure, the work on the node Conclusions side with its core remains unchanged. • The cluster heads push to their cores, instead of having the cores pull from the cluster heads. ◦ A cluster head usually has more members than a core. • It is not true to claim that one of the core-only and cluster-core structures is always better than the other.

  18. ICCCN 2014 Simulation Settings Ying Dai Introduction System Main parameters: Model Overview Core-only Number of PUs 10 Structure Cluster-core Structure Number of nodes [50 , 600] Simulations Number of channels [5 , 20] Conclusions Single data task duration 3 Size constraints for cores [1 , 14] Information exchange frequency for cores [1 , 3] Information exchange frequency for clusters [3 , 9] 1 Parameters to vary: size constraints of the core-only structures, . information exchange frequencies between a node and its core. 2 Performance to compare: the average number of channels to . . sense

  19. ICCCN 2014 Simulation Results Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Different size constraints for core-only structures VS Random Core-only Structure sensing Cluster-core Structure Simulations Conclusions

  20. ICCCN 2014 Simulation Results Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Cluster-core structure VS core-only structure VS Random Core-only Structure sensing Cluster-core Structure Simulations Conclusions

  21. ICCCN 2014 Conclusions Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure Simulations • Our focus: how to select channel for spectrum sensing. Conclusions • Two structures: core-only and cluster-core structures. • The evolution process for the core-only structure. • Two corresponding sensing schemes.

  22. ICCCN 2014 Ying Dai Introduction System Model Overview Core-only Structure Cluster-core Structure Thank you! Simulations If you have any question, please contact Ying Dai Conclusions (tuc74224@temple.edu).

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