highlights of the polarized electron positron source

Highlights of the Polarized Electron/Positron Source Meeting at the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Highlights of the Polarized Electron/Positron Source Meeting at the 17 th International Spin Symposium, Kyoto, Japan & Photocathode Lifetime Measurements to 10 mA using the New CEBAF 100 kV GaAs DC Photogun Joe Grames CASA Seminar

  1. Highlights of the Polarized Electron/Positron Source Meeting at the 17 th International Spin Symposium, Kyoto, Japan & Photocathode Lifetime Measurements to 10 mA using the New CEBAF 100 kV GaAs DC Photogun Joe Grames CASA Seminar December 7, 2006

  2. Symposium Topics • Fundamental Symmetries and Spin • Spin Structure of Nucleons • Spin Beyond the Standard Model • Spin in Hadronic Reactions • Spin Physics with Photons and Leptons • Spin Physics in Nuclei • Spin Physics with RI Beams • Acceleration, Storage, and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams • Polarized Ion and Electron Sources and Targets • Future Facilities and Experiments

  3. Session 9B : Polarized electron (positron) sources � Presentations � oral : 15 � poster : 6 • JLAB • SLAC • University of Mainz • University of Bonn • CERN • DESY • St. Petersburg • KEK • Osaka Electro-Communication University • Rikkyo University • Nagoya University http://spin.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~spweb/spin2006.html

  4. Session 9B: Topics � Photocathode Development � strained super-lattice photocathode � gridded photocathode, pyramidal shape photocathode � Low Emittance Beam Production � Polarized electron source for SPLEEM � Pol.e ± S ource for ILC � � Polarized electron beam injector � Polarized positron beam production � Pol.e- source operation � High average current operation � High current density test

  5. SL In 0.155 Al 0.2 Ga 0.645 As(5.1nm)/Al 0.36 Ga 0.64 As(2.3nm), 4 pairs (Y. Mamaev, St.Petersburg) Polarization QE 100 1 10 80 0 10 -1 Polarization, % 10 60 QE, % -2 10 40 -3 10 20 -4 10 -5 10 0 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 λ , nm Polarization (max.) = 92%, Quantum Efficiency = 0.6%

  6. High Surface Charge Density Superlattice Photocathodes (M. Yamamoto, Nagoya University) Superlattice photocathode: •Surface <100 nm is GaAs •Similar doping, e.g., Zinc •Concern: heat => diffuses dopant

  7. High Surface Charge Density Superlattice Photocathodes (M. Yamamoto, Nagoya University) GaAs/GaAsP, surface p-dope density 6x10 19 /cm 3 8000 Bunch Charge (pC) 3.3 JLAB-like ILC-like 1600 Bunch Width (ps) 25 100’s μ A 10’s μ A 20 Laser Spot Size (mm) 1.6 Peak Current (mA/mm 2 ) 18 240

  8. Polarized e- Extraction from a Pyramid-Shaped Photocathode (M. Kuwahara, Nagoya University) � Extraction of polarized electrons by F.E. � Electrons extracted by F.E. have higher polarization than NEA ’ s . � long lifetime compared with NEA surface.

  9. Session 9B: Topics � Photocathode Development � strained super-lattice photocathode � gridded photocathode, pyramidal shape photocathode � Low Emittance Beam Production � Polarized electron source for SPLEEM � Pol.e ± S ource for ILC � � Polarized electron beam injector � Polarized positron beam production � Pol.e- source operation � High average current operation � High current density test

  10. Low Emittance Beam from GaAs-GaAsP superlattice photocathode (N. Yamamoto, Nagoya University) ε rms = 0.096 ± 0.015 π .mm.mrad

  11. Session 9B: Topics � Photocathode Development � strained super-lattice photocathode � gridded photocathode, pyramidal shape photocathode � Low Emittance Beam Production � Polarized electron source for SPLEEM � Pol.e ± S ource for ILC � � Polarized electron beam injector � Polarized positron beam production � Pol.e- source operation � High average current operation � High current density test

  12. LEEM: Low Energy Electron Microscopy (T. Yasue, Osaka Electro-Commmunications University) Reflection Low energy electrons: strong interaction with surfaces Electrons Diffraction - relatively high reflectivity - small penetration depth sample SURFACE SENSITIVE energy filter e l e c t r o n a n a l y z e r CCD c ame r a e - source beam separator s o u r c e screen objective lens HV man i p u l a t o r sample 20cm 20

  13. SPLEEM: Spin Polarized LEEM (T. Yasue, Osaka Electro-Commmunications U. & S. Okumi, Nagoya U.) • Co/W(110) CONTRAST: P·M • 3.8eV P // M: maximum (minimum) • FOV=25mm φ P ⊥ M: 0 • in-plane P M M M φ =-90 o φ =-45 o φ =0 o φ =45 o φ =90 o 3 μ m spot

  14. Session 9B: Topics � Photocathode Development � strained super-lattice photocathode � gridded photocathode, pyramidal shape photocathode � Low Emittance Beam Production � Polarized electron source for SPLEEM � Pol.e ± S ource for ILC � � Polarized electron beam injector � Polarized positron beam production � Pol.e- source operation � High average current operation � High current density test

  15. International Linear Collider (Jym Clendenin, SLAC) 500 GeV COM Parameter Units SLC ILC Electrons per bunch nC 16 6.4 Bunches per pulse # 2 2820 Microbunch rep rate MHz 17 3 Pulse rep rate Hz 120 5 Cathode area cm 2 3 TBD Cathode bias kV -120 TBD Bunch length ns 2 TBD Gun to SHB1 drift cm 150 TBD 10 -6 m e n,rms,gun (fm EGUN) 15 20

  16. Polarized Electron Injector Layout (Axel Brachmann, SLAC)

  17. Polarized Electron Injector Layout (Axel Brachmann, SLAC) � Laser Development – Laser system beyond state of the art – Challenge is 3 MHz amplification (P ave ~ 100 mW, P burst ~15 W) � Photocathode Development – Demonstrate performance with high P burst – Combination of high-QE & low-SCL (doping), while high-P � Gun Development – Baseline Design: 120 kV SLC Gun – Higher voltage will reduce (SH) bunching timing requirements – Polarized RF gun: R&D effort to explore feasibility

  18. Polarized Positrons for the ILC (1) Helical Undulator (SLAC) e - beam Undulator E >150 GeV L > 150 m (2) Laser Compton (KEK)

  19. The E166 Experiment at SLAC (P. Shuler, DESY) P=80%

  20. Accelerator Test Facility for ILC at KEK (T. Omori, KEK) P= 73 ± 15(sta) ± 19(sys) % γ -ray polarized e + E = 40 MeV Pb conveter M. Fukuda et al., PRL 91(2003)164801

  21. Compton Cavity Collaboration – Dedicated e- Ring (T. Omori, KEK)

  22. Session 9B: Topics � Photocathode Development � strained super-lattice photocathode � gridded photocathode, pyramidal shape photocathode � Low Emittance Beam Production � Polarized electron source for SPLEEM � Pol.e ± S ource for ILC � � Polarized electron beam injector � Polarized positron beam production � Pol.e- source operation � High average current operation � High current density test

  23. Further Measurements of Photocathode Operational Lifetime at Beam Intensity > 1mA with the NEW 100 kV DC GaAs Photogun J. Grames, M. Poelker, P. Adderley, J. Brittian, J. Clark, J. Hansknecht, E. Pozdeyev, M. Stutzman, K. Surles-Law Goal: Deliver high average current (> 1mA) and high polarization (> 80%) with long photocathode operational lifetime in support of new accelerator initiatives. Enhance our understanding of photocathode decay mechanism. Will undoubtedly allow us to improve existing polarized guns operating at lower average current and unpolarized guns at milliAmp beam currents (e.g., Lightsources).

  24. CEBAF => busy, productive NP program • 35 weeks/year • 100 μ A at 85% polarization is fairly routine • One photocathode operates for year(s), and three or four activations • 2-3 Users simultaneously; one is always Parity Violation experiment Photocathode Lifetime limited by ion back-bombardment. September 2006 Activation (#5) Yesterday, the “tired” photocathode

  25. Ion Back-Bombardment Ions accelerated & focused We don’t run beam from to electrostatic center electrostatic center laser light IN electron beam OUT anode residual gas cathode Which ions more problematic? QE trough to electrostatic center

  26. CEBAF Gun Charge Lifetime (2001-2004) Data compiled by M. Baylac NEG replacement Charge Lifetime Summer 2003 Steadily Decreasing improves lifetime

  27. Present JLab Polarized Electron Gun Ceramic Cathode Insulator Anode (GaAs) -100 kV Laser e- Cs NF 3 NEG coated beampipe Non evaporable getter pumps (NEG) 4,000 liter/s pump speed ⇒ 5E-12 Torr

  28. The Wafer… Wafer from vendor Stalk Mounted

  29. Paradigm Shift (Peggy Style => Load Lock Gun) Wafer from vendor Stalk Mounted Puck Mounted

  30. BTLLPEG Operation (2003-2006) 3 Chambers •Load/Hydrogen/Heat •Prepare NEA surface •High Voltage, Good Vacuum Photocathode Lifetime Test Bed • Low-P bulk GaAs • High QE (15-20%) => mA’s • 200 C/day vs. 20 C/day

  31. Improvements limiting the active area No more hydrogen cleaning Study one sample without removal

  32. Improvements restoring ion damage site

  33. Improvements to monitor gun & beamline pressure Ion Pump Locations

  34. Improvements to monitor gun & beamline pressure Ion Pump Locations


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