highlighting single values

Highlighting Single Values Elaine McVey Director of Quantitative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Highlighting Single Values Elaine McVey Director of Quantitative Mobility TransLoc DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard DataCamp Building

  1. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Highlighting Single Values Elaine McVey Director of Quantitative Mobility TransLoc

  2. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard

  3. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard

  4. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Gauges gauge(value = pct_subscriber_trips, min = 0, max = 100) gauge(value = pct_subscriber_trips, min = 0, max = 100, sectors = gaugeSectors( success = c(90, 100), warning = c(70, 89), danger = c(0, 69) ), symbol = '%')

  5. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Links valueBox(prettyNum(num_trips, big.mark = ','), caption = 'Total Daily Trips', icon = 'fa-bicycle', href = '#trip-raw-data')

  6. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Let's practice!

  7. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Dashboard Tables Elaine McVey Director of Quantitative Mobility TransLoc

  8. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Basic Tables library(knitr) kable(my_data_df)

  9. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Web-friendly Tables library(DT) datatable(my_data_df)

  10. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Eliminating Row Numbering library(DT) datatable(my_data_df, rownames = FALSE)

  11. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Changing Rows per Page library(DT) datatable(my_data_df, rownames = FALSE, options = list(pageLength = 15))

  12. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Adding Buttons library(DT) datatable( my_data_df, rownames = FALSE, extensions = 'Buttons', options = list( dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print') ) )

  13. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard More Information on DT https://rstudio.github.io/DT/

  14. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Let's practice!

  15. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Text for Dashboards Elaine McVey Director of Quantitative Mobility TransLoc

  16. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Captions ### Trip Durations ```{r} trip_durations_graph ``` > Durations of more than 60 minutes are excluded from this graph.

  17. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Captions with Inline Code ### Trip Durations ```{r} trip_durations_graph ``` > Durations of more than 60 minutes are excluded from this graph. `r num_long_trips` trips were excluded based on long duration.

  18. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Captions with Inline Code

  19. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Storyboards

  20. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Converting to a Storyboard

  21. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Creating the Story

  22. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Adding Storyboard Commentary

  23. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard Mixing Storyboards In

  24. DataCamp Building Dashboards with flexdashboard BUILDING DASHBOARDS WITH FLEXDASHBOARD Let's practice!


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