higher order fourier analysis applications to algebraic

Higher-Order Fourier Analysis: Applications to Algebraic Property - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Higher-Order Fourier Analysis: Applications to Algebraic Property Testing Yuichi Yoshida National Institute of Informatics, and Preferred Infrastructure, Inc October 18, 2014 Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property

  1. Higher-Order Fourier Analysis: Applications to Algebraic Property Testing Yuichi Yoshida National Institute of Informatics, and Preferred Infrastructure, Inc October 18, 2014 Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 1 / 27

  2. Property testing Definition f : { 0 , 1 } n → { 0 , 1 } is ǫ -far from P if, x [ f ( x ) � = g ( x )] ≥ ǫ. d P ( f ) := min g ∈P Pr Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 2 / 27

  3. Property testing Definition f : { 0 , 1 } n → { 0 , 1 } is ǫ -far from P if, x [ f ( x ) � = g ( x )] ≥ ǫ. d P ( f ) := min g ∈P Pr A tester for a property P : P Accept w.p. 2/3 Given • f : { 0 , 1 } n → { 0 , 1 } as a query access. • proximity parameter ǫ > 0. ε -far Reject w.p. 2/3 Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 2 / 27

  4. Linearity testing Input: a function f : F n 2 → F 2 and ǫ > 0. Goal: f ( x ) + f ( y ) = f ( x + y ) for every x , y ∈ F n 2 ? Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 3 / 27

  5. Linearity testing Input: a function f : F n 2 → F 2 and ǫ > 0. Goal: f ( x ) + f ( y ) = f ( x + y ) for every x , y ∈ F n 2 ? 1: for i = 1 to O (1 /ǫ ) do Sample x , y ∈ F n 2 uniformly at random. 2: if f ( x ) + f ( y ) � = f ( x + y ) then reject. 3: 4: Accept. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 3 / 27

  6. Linearity testing Input: a function f : F n 2 → F 2 and ǫ > 0. Goal: f ( x ) + f ( y ) = f ( x + y ) for every x , y ∈ F n 2 ? 1: for i = 1 to O (1 /ǫ ) do Sample x , y ∈ F n 2 uniformly at random. 2: if f ( x ) + f ( y ) � = f ( x + y ) then reject. 3: 4: Accept. Theorem ([BLR93]) • If f is linear, always accepts. (one-sided error) Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 3 / 27

  7. Linearity testing Input: a function f : F n 2 → F 2 and ǫ > 0. Goal: f ( x ) + f ( y ) = f ( x + y ) for every x , y ∈ F n 2 ? 1: for i = 1 to O (1 /ǫ ) do Sample x , y ∈ F n 2 uniformly at random. 2: if f ( x ) + f ( y ) � = f ( x + y ) then reject. 3: 4: Accept. Theorem ([BLR93]) • If f is linear, always accepts. (one-sided error) • If f is ǫ -far, rejects with probability at least 2 / 3 . Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 3 / 27

  8. Linearity testing Input: a function f : F n 2 → F 2 and ǫ > 0. Goal: f ( x ) + f ( y ) = f ( x + y ) for every x , y ∈ F n 2 ? 1: for i = 1 to O (1 /ǫ ) do Sample x , y ∈ F n 2 uniformly at random. 2: if f ( x ) + f ( y ) � = f ( x + y ) then reject. 3: 4: Accept. Theorem ([BLR93]) • If f is linear, always accepts. (one-sided error) • If f is ǫ -far, rejects with probability at least 2 / 3 . • Query complexity is O (1 /ǫ ) ⇒ constant! Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 3 / 27

  9. Backgrounds The notion of property testing was introduced by [RS96]. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 4 / 27

  10. Backgrounds The notion of property testing was introduced by [RS96]. Since then, various kinds of objects have been studied. Ex.: Functions, graphs, distributions, geometric objects, images. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 4 / 27

  11. Backgrounds The notion of property testing was introduced by [RS96]. Since then, various kinds of objects have been studied. Ex.: Functions, graphs, distributions, geometric objects, images. Q. Why do we study property testing? Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 4 / 27

  12. Backgrounds The notion of property testing was introduced by [RS96]. Since then, various kinds of objects have been studied. Ex.: Functions, graphs, distributions, geometric objects, images. Q. Why do we study property testing? A. Interested in • ultra-efficient algorithms. • relations to PCPs, locally testable codes, and learning. • the relation between local view and global property. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 4 / 27

  13. Local testability of affine-Invariant properties Definition P is affine-invariant if a function f : F n 2 → { 0 , 1 } satisfies P , then f ◦ A satisfies P for any bijective affine transformation A : F n 2 → F n 2 . Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 5 / 27

  14. Local testability of affine-Invariant properties Definition P is affine-invariant if a function f : F n 2 → { 0 , 1 } satisfies P , then f ◦ A satisfies P for any bijective affine transformation A : F n 2 → F n 2 . Definition P is (locally) testable if there is a tester for P with q ( ǫ ) queries. Ex.: • degree- d polynomials [AKK + 05, BKS + 10] • Fourier sparsity [GOS + 11] • Odd-cycle-freeness: the Cayley graph has no odd cycle [BGRS12] Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 5 / 27

  15. The goal Q. Can we characterize testable affine-invariant properties? [KS08] Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 6 / 27

  16. The goal Q. Can we characterize testable affine-invariant properties? [KS08] A. Yes, in a satisfying sense. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 6 / 27

  17. The goal Q. Can we characterize testable affine-invariant properties? [KS08] A. Yes, in a satisfying sense. In this talk, we review how we have resolved this question. • One-sided error testable ≈ Affine-subspace hereditary • Testable ⇔ Estimable • Two-sided error testable ⇔ Regular-reducible • and more... Higher order Fourier analysis has played a crucial role! Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 6 / 27

  18. Oblivious tester Definition An oblivious tester works as follows: f • Take a restriction f | H . 0 1 • H : random affine 1 1 f | H subspace of dimension h ( ǫ ). H • Output based only on f | H . 0 1 0 0 Motivation: avoid “unnatural” properties such as f ∈ P ⇔ n is even. For natural properties, ∃ a tester ⇒ ∃ an oblivious tester. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 7 / 27

  19. Why is higher order Fourier analysis useful? µ f , h : the distribution of f | H . Observation A tester cannot distinguish f from g if µ f , h ≈ µ g , h . Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 8 / 27

  20. Why is higher order Fourier analysis useful? µ f , h : the distribution of f | H . Observation A tester cannot distinguish f from g if µ f , h ≈ µ g , h . Consider the decomposition f = f 1 + f 2 + f 3 for d = d ( ǫ, h ): • f 1 = Γ( P 1 , . . . , P C ) for high-rank degree- d polynomials P 1 , . . . , P C . • f 2 : small L 2 norm. • f 3 : small U d +1 norm. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 8 / 27

  21. Why is higher order Fourier analysis useful? µ f , h : the distribution of f | H . Observation A tester cannot distinguish f from g if µ f , h ≈ µ g , h . Consider the decomposition f = f 1 + f 2 + f 3 for d = d ( ǫ, h ): • f 1 = Γ( P 1 , . . . , P C ) for high-rank degree- d polynomials P 1 , . . . , P C . • f 2 : small L 2 norm. • f 3 : small U d +1 norm. The pseudorandom parts f 2 and f 3 do not affect µ f , h much. ⇒ we can focus on the structured part f 1 . Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 8 / 27

  22. One-sided error testable ≈ Affine-subspace hereditary Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 9 / 27

  23. Affine-subspace hereditary Definition A property P is affine-subspace hereditary if f ∈ P ⇒ f | H ∈ P for any affine subspace H . Ex.: • degree- d polynomials, Fourier sparsity, odd-cycle-freeness • f = gh for some polynomials g , h of degree ≤ d − 1. • f = g 2 for some polynomial g of degree ≤ d − 1. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 10 / 27

  24. Characterization of one-sided error testability Conjecture ([BGS10]) P is testable with one-sided error by an oblivious tester ⇔ P is (essentially) affine-subspace hereditary Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 11 / 27

  25. Characterization of one-sided error testability Conjecture ([BGS10]) P is testable with one-sided error by an oblivious tester ⇔ P is (essentially) affine-subspace hereditary ⇒ is true [BGS10]. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 11 / 27

  26. Characterization of one-sided error testability Conjecture ([BGS10]) P is testable with one-sided error by an oblivious tester ⇔ P is (essentially) affine-subspace hereditary ⇒ is true [BGS10]. f | H 62 P 1. Suppose f ∈ P and Proof sketch: 0 1 2. ∃ f | K , rejected 1 1 by the tester 0 1 0 0 3. f is also rejected w.p. > 0, contradiction. Yuichi Yoshida (NII and PFI) Applications to algebraic property testing October 18, 2014 11 / 27

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