high ground water high ground water area area

High Ground Water High Ground Water Area Area Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Salmon Creek Basin Salmon Creek Basin High Ground Water High Ground Water Area Area Presentation Presentation By By Nadine L. Romero, Thurston Co Nadine L. Romero, Thurston Co Hydrogeologist, LPG, LPHG , LPG, LPHG Hydrogeologist

  1. Salmon Creek Basin Salmon Creek Basin High Ground Water High Ground Water Area Area Presentation Presentation By By Nadine L. Romero, Thurston Co Nadine L. Romero, Thurston Co Hydrogeologist, LPG, LPHG , LPG, LPHG Hydrogeologist

  2. Purpose Purpose Provide a brief overview of the Salmon Creek Basin Provide a brief overview of the Salmon Creek Basin   Hydrology & Hydrogeology Hydrology & Hydrogeology Provide an overview of new data findings new data findings & analysis & analysis  Provide an overview of  of ground water levels measured in the basin by of ground water levels measured in the basin by Thurston County in the last decade Thurston County in the last decade Provide a comparative analysis comparative analysis of the previous of the previous Provide a   findings in the Salmon Creek Basin Plan Reports of findings in the Salmon Creek Basin Plan Reports of 2001 2001 Update the High Ground Water Maps for Planning & the High Ground Water Maps for Planning & Update   Land Use Land Use

  3. Where I will take you I will take you… …. . Where Map of GW Monitoring Network Map of GW Monitoring Network   Data Findings of Highest Ground Water Data Findings of Highest Ground Water   Elevations Elevations Geologic Map & Geologic Cross- -Sections Sections Geologic Map & Geologic Cross   Extreme Events in Olympia Extreme Events in Olympia  

  4. 2nd 3rd Highest GW Highest Highest Historical 02/05/2006 01/10/2007 01/09/2009 02/10/1999 156.90 156.95 no data MW-1 167.20 no data no data MW-2 185.60 185.80 183.90 MW-3A 189.90 188.20 181.60 MW-5 LRS-01A 180.30 180.50 175.10 187.17 LRS-06 no data no data no data 165.49 LRS-07A no data 176.00 176.10 177.39 Walter Ct LRS-08 191.97 187.80 181.50 192.90 LRS-09 187.20 186.60 183.10 LRS-11A Tilley 192.30 192.20 189.30 196.08 Kimmie LRS-12 191.85 191.40 191.10 King "MW-5" 191.41

  5. I dentification of Extreme I dentification of Extreme Events in the Olympia Events in the Olympia Airport Precipitation Airport Precipitation Record Record N. Romero and M. Biever Biever N. Romero and M.


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