High-end Platform energy resources expenditures reduction and infrastructure management 2019 SICON.RU
Which tasks does the system solve? Increase of the energy Management of the efficiency within Holding engineering infrastructure Localization of the losses of energy Automation of the control over the resources (ER) outdoor illumination of the objects Active removal (control over the Control over the efficiency of removal) of accidents on the basis of the ER usage and power-saving events real time signals Informational cooperation with the Control over the energy balance within subjects concerned (МЧС, GIS, power Holding supply companies and etc.) S I C O N . R U
What does the system provides? Possibility of the switch to an optimal tariff for payments for energy resources Control over the actual consumption of energy resources for each object Control and optimization of energy consumption in single infrastructural sections and consequently reduction of losses and thefts of electric energy Calculation of the part of energy expenditures in the production cost price – power intensity of goods and services Actual statistics and analysis of the authentic information about power consumption in an electronic form, maintenance of databases and archives for reporting periods. Elaboration of the power balance for a Holding and single objects. S I C O N . R U
“Smart City” layout S I C O N . R U
The energy resources metering system basing on the Software “Pyramida” Key advantages Scale Technologies Usability Microsoft SQL and Oracle in the Standard Edition versions Automation of functions Large number of meters – more than 1 000 000 Open Web-services Group operations as an Web-interface of all categories of users ideology Large number of users – HTML5 only Automatic update via more than 100 000 the Internet Native clients for iOS and Android Integrated functions “service desk” , online technical support S I C O N . R U
The energy resources metering system basing on the Software “Pyramida” User-friendly interface S I C O N . R U
The energy resources metering system basing on the Software “Pyramida” Flexible RRI model S I C O N . R U 7
The energy resources metering system basing on the Software “Pyramida” Customization basing on the demands of the Customer S I C O N . R U
The energy resources metering system basing on the Software “Pyramida” Architecture of the solution S I C O N . R U
Solution based on the “Pyramida” Platform Single-phase electricity meters ST1000-7 Intended for metering and accounting the active and reactive electric power in single-phase two-wire networks of the alternating current of the industrial frequency in the multi-tariff regime. The meters are used in the structure of automated accounting and control systems. Interfaces of data transmission: RS-485, RF, Zigbee, PLC. Functional features: Insensitivity to the magnetic field influence; Sensor of the magnetic field with the recording in the event-log and possibility of the user disconnection; Tariffs supported by the meter — 4 (48 zones of the daily tariffing schedule for each type of day for 12; up to 45 special days); Shunt as a sensor of current; Distant load control; Function of the power limitation; Optical port for local setting and checking of the meter. S I C O N . R U
Solution based on the “Pyramida” Platform Three-phase electricity meters ST2000-9 Intended for metering and accounting the active and reactive electric power in three-phase four-wire networks of the alternating current of the industrial frequency in forward and reverse directions in the multi-tariff regime. The meters are used in the structure of automated accounting and control systems. Interfaces of data transmission: RS-485, RF, Zigbee, PLC Functional features: Insensitivity to the magnetic field influence; Sensor of the magnetic field with the recording in the event-log and possibility of the user disconnection; Tariffs supported by the meter — 4 (48 zones of the daily tariffing schedule for each type of day for 12; up to 45 special days); Shunt as a sensor of current for the meters of the direct insertion; Distant load control; Function of the power limitation; Optical port for local setting and checking of the meter. S I C O N . R U
Solution based on the “Pyramida” Platform PLC/Radio modems Link ST230 Intended for collecting information from electricity meters, data collecting and transmitting devices (RTU) or other means of measurement via the PLC/communication radio channel. Functional features: Transmitting requests via the PLC/communication radio channel; Providing the possibility of local data collection using a notebook (for the modems powered via USB) directly on the automation object; Conduction of retransmission of requests and data via the PLC/communication radio channel (for the “ retransmitter ” regime) . S I C O N . R U
Solution based on the “Pyramida” Platform Smart controllers SM160-02 Intended for automation of power resources metering and dispatching control of energy, industry and housing objects. Functional features: Data collection from the devices of energy resources accounting: indications and values profiles for tariffs, events etc.; Integrated GSM/GPRS module, 2 SIM-cards (primary and reserve ones); Exterior interfaces:1 × LAN Ethernet 100Base-T, TCP/IP; • 1 × USB; • 4 × RS-485; • 6 remote signalizing channels (dry contact). Control over the working regimes of electric installations including the registration of emergency and ineffective regimes. S I C O N . R U
Solution based on the “Pyramida” Platform GSM modem LINK ST100 GPRS-modem Link ST100 is used as a data receiving and transmitting device in the structure of separated automated electric energy control and metering systems and other automated systems of collecting data from distant objects. Functional features: Distant data collection from calculators, correctors, flowmeters, counters; Data transmission via the radio-telephone communication of the GSM-standard in the packet data transmission regime (GPRS) or in the channel data transmission regime (CSD – modem connection). Interfaces of the sequential binding: • RS-485; • Ethernet 10/100. Antenna: remote; Voltage: 10 – 30 V; Power consumption: not more than 10 V ·А ; Temperature range: from -40 ° C to +60 ° С ; Body: plastic, dimension: 87х23х95 mm, IP30 - AUSS 14254-96; Electromagnetic compatibility: AUSS Р 51317.6.5-2006, test hardness degree: ???. Software- and hardware-based protective timer; Protection from the unsanctioned access; Power outputs – up to 4 meters of ± 7..9V voltage and 120 m А current. S I C O N . R U
Automated system of pump stations management Customization basing on the demands of the Customer S I C O N . R U
Automated system of boiler houses and heat supply station management Customization basing on the demands of the Customer S I C O N . R U
Automated outdoor lightning control system - AOLCS Architecture of the solution S I C O N . R U
« Systems and Technologies » Group The complete cycle of project realization Elaboration of soft- and hardware, designing documents, concepts, development programs. Elaboration of energy passports on the demands of the RF Ministry of Energy. Serial production (including the contract one) of soft- and hardware: controllers, means of communication, information and calculation complexes, automation cabinets (panels). Packaging and delivery for projects. Building and mounting works, commissioning, passing the regulation procedures of agreement in the managing organs. Handing over to the Requester ( factorial, autonomous, complex,… tests, trial operation). Guarantee accompaniment, technical and after-sale service of systems in the adjusted regimes on the adjusted criteria of the service level. S I C O N . R U
« Systems and Technologies » Group Own production range S I C O N . R U
« Systems and Technologies » Group Introduction experience The RF Ministry of Defense Technical specialists of the « Systems and Technologies » Group have conducted design and exploratory work in the course of which the album of project solutions for production and introduction of measurement complexes of electric power metering has been prepared. In the result the metering system of the base level has been realized on the basis of this project solution in all military units of the RF Ministry of Defense (more than 100 000 metering units). S I C O N . R U
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