high accuracy high precision high resolution source

High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, source-specific - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, source-specific monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX Jocelyn Turnbull, National Isotope Centre, GNS Science, New Zealand and CIRES, University of Colorado,

  1. High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, source-specific monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX Jocelyn Turnbull, National Isotope Centre, GNS Science, New Zealand and CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Colm Sweeney, Kathryn McKain, Anna Karion, Mike Hardesty, Isaac Vimont, Natasha Miles, Scott Richardson, Thomas Lauvaux, Kenneth Davis, Brian Nathan, Kai Wu, Alexie Heimberger, Paul Shepson, Kevin Gurney, Risa Patarasuk, Scott Lehman, James Whetstone

  2. INFLUX motivation and goals Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX) • Motivation – Anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are uncertain at local / regional scales, where emissions mitigation will happen. – Validation of emissions mitigation will require independent measurements. – Atmospheric GHG measurements can potentially provide such independent emissions estimates. • Goals – Develop and assess methods of quantifying GHG emissions at the urban scale , using Indianapolis as a test bed. – Determine whole-city emissions of CO 2 and CH 4 – Distinguish biogenic vs. anthropogenic sources of CO 2 – CO 2 ff source sector attribution – Quantify and reduce uncertainty in urban emissions estimates – Evaluate and improve bottom-up data products

  3. INFLUX toolbox • Stationary atmospheric observations: – 12 GHG Towers with in situ CO 2 , CH 4 , CO – 6 flask samplers 14 CO 2 , other trace gases – Doppler lidar – 4 eddy covariance flux towers • Mobile atmospheric observations: – periodic aircraft flights (GHG, met, flasks) – periodic automobile GHG sampling • Emissions products: – Hestia (250m resolution, Indianapolis) – ODIAC (1km resolution, global) • Modeling system: – WRF-Chem, 1km, nested, with meteorological data assim. – Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model. – Bayesian matrix inversion. – Modeled and directly observed GHG lateral boundary conditions.

  4. INFLUX TOWER NETWORK Inversion-based flux estimates Picarro, CRDS sensors 12 measuring CO 2 11 with CH 4 5 with CO Communications towers ~100 m 6 NOAA automated AGL flask samplers 50 species

  5. [CO 2 ] at INFLUX towers • Afternoon daily [CO 2 ] • Seasonal signal is apparent • Significant overlap between sites (weather- driven variability) 2011 2012 2013 Miles et al, in prep

  6. Model framework Hestia bottom-up data product footprints X Combination of tower surface footprints with prior CO 2 emissions to generate modeled mixing ratios Inversion to optimize the Hestia prior emissions Lauvaux et al, in press; Gurney et al., 2012

  7. Inversion: Indianapolis whole-city CO 2 emissions Sept12 – Apr13 Indianapolis CO 2 emissions: Hestia bottom-up: 4.6 MtC Inversion: 5.7 MtC +/- 0.2 MtC Lauvaux et al, in press

  8. Impact of CO 2 ff observations on an inversion OSSE: CO 2 ff observations recover signal lost due to biological fluxes Fossil flux only Fossil and Fossil and bio fluxes (no bio) bio fluxes with CO 2 ff obs Transport errors (ppm) 0.1 0.5 reduction in the 1 prior error Wu et al, in prep

  9. How can we constrain CO 2 ff? ∆ 14 CO 2 Flask 14 CO 2 determines CO 2 ff BUT limited flask data (~ 6 samples/month) δ CO 2 ff Need higher temporal resolution CO 2 ff 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

  10. In winter, δ CO 2 approximates δ CO 2 ff δ CO 2 (ppm) 1:1 line if all δ CO 2 is due to δ CO 2 ff r 2 Winter Slope δ CO 2 / δ CO 2 ff correlations (ppm/ppm) All towers 1.1±0.1 0.8 Tower Two 0.9±0.2 0.8 δ CO 2ff (ppm) Flask measurements of 14 CO 2 to determine CO 2 ff In winter, δ CO 2 can be entirely explained by δ CO 2 ff But not in summer! Turnbull et al., 2015

  11. CO as a proxy for CO 2 ff throughout the year R CO (ppb/ppm) All towers 8±1 T2 9±1 T3 6±2 T5 7±1 T9 8±2 CO is co-emitted with CO 2 ff When emission ratio R CO is known, determine CO 2 ff from in situ CO at high resolution Determine emission ratio R CO from afternoon flask data Varies by tower – differing source mixture in footprints of each tower Turnbull et al., 2015

  12. Derive diurnally varying R CO from Hestia bottom-up data product Tower Two Tower Three Tower Five Tower Nine Bottom-up Assign time-varying R CO based on Hestia bottom-up data product Upcoming refinement: convolve modelled footprints and Hestia for tower- and time-specific R CO Turnbull et al., 2015

  13. Aircraft Mass balance CO 2 flux estimates Picarro, cal system, PFP Low-cost pilot wind probe top-notch maintenance Camera Air Inlets

  14. Mass Balance method : whole city CO 2 flux determination from aircraft Heimberger et al., in prep

  15. Mass Balance whole city CO 2 flux determination from aircraft Use mass balance technique to determine whole-city emission flux for each flight date Heimberger et al., in prep

  16. Aircraft Mass Balance Method Layer Wind Wind depth Downwind CO 2 Background CO 2 emissions Molar CO 2 enhancement in air layer CO 2 flux Perpendicular wind speed References: White et al., 1976; Ryerson et al., 2001; Cambaliza et al., 2014

  17. Mass balance em ission rates Emission rate (mol/s) CO winter 2014 108 (16%) CO 2 winter 2014 14,600 (17%) CO summer 2015 172 (64%) CO Heimberger et al., in prep

  18. Aircraft flask-based emission ratios R CO 8±2 ppb/ppm CO 2 vs CO 2 ff winter Summer and winter 1.2±0.1 ppm/ppm 4-6 flasks per flight Consistent with tower ratios

  19. Mass balance em ission rates Emission rate (mol/s) CO winter 2014 108 (16%) CO 2 winter 2014 14,600 (17%) CO summer 2015 172 (64%) CO Heimberger et al., in prep

  20. Comparison of whole city flux estimates (preliminary) 9 8 7 Flux (MtC/yr) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CO2ff Hestia CO2ff Total CO2 CO2ff from CO CO2ff from CO Hestia Inversion CO 2 CO 2 ff CO 2 ff inversion winter 2014 winter 2014 summer 2015 fall 2014 fall 2014 summer 2015 from CO 2 from CO from CO Generally good agreement across methods Summer estimate appears too high – R CO biased by additional CO source?

  21. Source of CO from oxidation of biogenic VOCs in summer? CO stable isotopes partition emission sources Summer: 20-25% of CO from Winter: All CO derived from fossil VOC oxidation fuel combustion Poster P-7 today Vimont et al., in prep

  22. Comparison of whole city flux estimates (preliminary) 9 8 7 Flux (MtC/yr) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CO2ff Hestia CO2ff Total CO2 CO2ff from CO2ff from CO2ff from Hestia Inversion CO 2 CO 2 ff CO 2 ff CO 2 ff inversion winter 2014 CO winter CO summer CO sum2015 fall 2014 fall 2014 summer 2015 summer 2015 2014 2015 corr from CO 2 from CO from CO from CO* Generally good agreement across methods Summer estimate appears too high – R CO biased by additional CO source?

  23. Conclusions Top-down constraints on urban CO 2 ff emissions • Tower-based inversion increases CO 2 flux relative to Hestia bottom-up data – Next steps use flask/in situ CO to separately constrain CO 2 ff in inversion • Aircraft-based mass balance flux agrees with inversion – In winter, CO 2 -based mass balance and flask/CO-based mass balance agree – Summer flask/CO-based mass balance much higher, appears to be due to contribution of CO from VOC oxidation. • All top-down methods suggest higher flux than Hestia bottom-up estimate

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