HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN HHS has created a Continuous Learning Plan for our students with the goal of providing learning opportunities to our students and families with a “less is more” approach. Our plan addresses learning barriers that exist with the current COVID 19 Pandemic while still providing learning opportunities for all of our students to give our seniors an opportunity to earn a diploma, and our 9th-11th grade students an opportunity to earn credit.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Communication is Key! We need your help! ➢ Parents, please check and update contact information in Power School. We need a good parent email that will be monitored daily. Students, please check school email and Google Classrooms daily. ➢ Parents and students, monitor student academic progress via Acellus (Power ➢ School will not accurately reflect progress or attendance this 9-weeks) Parents & students, email teachers and other staff as needed for concerns. ➢ Check the USD 261 Website and HHS School Website daily for updates. ➢ We will not necessarily update websites daily, but if it is not checked daily you ➢ may miss something.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How will HHS students engage in learning opportunities for the rest of this school year? A: HHS students will engage remotely from home using their Chromebook and an internet connection to work on Acellus from home and connect with teachers through Google Classroom and virtually through Google Meet.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How will my student learn if we don’t have internet and/or a device to connect to these systems? A: Students who don’t have internet and/or a device will be provided with a PASS Correspondence Course or Paper Packets aligned to Acellus courses. Students completing all five workbooks in PASS will earn one-half credit towards graduation.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How do we let you know that we don’t have WIFI and how will we get the PASS Course if the schools are closed? A: Please send an email (via text if needed) to krummery@usd261.com and let us know you don’t have WIFI. Mr. Foster will contact you to set up an appointment to meet him at HHS to pick up the PASS Course/Paper Packet.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How much time do you expect students to work on school given the current situation? A: Our expectations are for students to spend a maximum of 3 hours per day on learning. This includes viewing Acellus videos at home, connecting through Google Meet to take Exams, and applies to those taking PASS Courses.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: My student is a senior and may need to spend more time than that per day to earn his or her diploma on time. Is the school going to restrict how much time he or she can work towards their diploma? A: No, not at all. While our expectations are no more than 3 hours per day, we will not restrict how much time any of our students spend on learning. We want to lower expectations to lower stress levels while providing learning opportunities.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: What other adjustments have been made to remove barriers for students? A: -All Unit Exams are unlocked and can be taken at home. -All paper projects (Except Eng 12A Research Paper) have been waived for this nine-weeks and not required. (Mid-Term and Final Exams will be proctored online via Google Meet. Students will have to show notes before Exams are unlocked.)
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: What other adjustments have been made to remove barriers for students? A: All HHS students have been removed from the Penalty Box. We need parents to help monitor activity while at home. Our school district still has a robust system of firewall protection with questionable sites blocked. If you want your child to be placed in the Penalty Box with very, very restricted access to only 30-40 academic sites email Mr. Foster at mfoster@usd261.com
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How will you safeguard against academic dishonesty? A: We are using the honor system for Unit Exams. Mid-Term Exams and Final Exams will be proctored and any suspicious activity will result in a check of websites accessed by the student, during the exam, on their district-issued Chromebook. Any sites open other than Acellus during testing will be considered Academic Dishonesty and will be handled accordingly (Penalty Box & Retry the Test).
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Is anything else being done to help seniors graduate on time? A: -The Class of 2020 will not have to complete the Senior Portfolio (Individual Plan of Study through Career Cruising is a Graduation Requirement.) -Diploma Requirements have been reduced from 22 to *21 (one less elective credit required). *KSDE minimum requirements for an accredited diploma.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How will students connect with teachers if everyone is at home? A: We will provide a daily URL Link to students through Google Classroom corresponding to a schedule which will be shared. Students will simply click on the link to join the class virtually. *It is very important that students check their school email and Google Classroom daily.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Are there set times when students have to be in class virtually? Are you taking attendance? A: No. There will be set times where staff will be available to help your student and to unlock tests but your student doesn’t have to be in class virtually unless they need help or need to take an exam. We will have a weekly check-in by Advisory Group on Mondays.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Will counseling support be available for my student during this time? A: Yes, counseling support will be made available, virtually, via Google Meet with Mrs. Rummery and Mrs. Askren each morning from 8:00-9:45 a.m. *Students will make appointments by email.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Will each teacher have their own virtual classroom? A: Teachers and paras are working in teams of two and will be present virtually for all virtual classrooms.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Will students still have advisory PLP meetings? A: Yes, PLPs will meet on Mondays to check in with teachers. Some PLPs will be doubled up as teachers are working in teams. PLP will be on Mondays from 11:45-Noon for all teams except Mr. Jones/Mrs. Bise which will meet at 12:30-12:45. URLs for all meeting will be posted in Google Classroom.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Can students go to any session they want with any team they want? A: Students can go to any session run by one of their teachers. If for any reason they cannot join their teacher’s session they will be able to join another virtual classroom. *Please keep in mind students only need to check in if they are taking a test or need help. They will need to show notes and have watched the video at least twice to get help.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: If students are only expected to work 3 hours per day, what does the schedule look like? Monday-Thursday Schedule Consultation Time with Teacher Teams/Counselor Teams by Appointment 8:15-9:45 a.m. (Students will sign up through a shared document, by email, or Google Meet) AM Session (Exam Proctoring/Tutoring/Help) 10:00-11:30 PLP Check in on Mondays via Google Meet by PLP Teacher 11:45-Noon PM Session (Exam Proctoring/Tutoring/Help) 1:00-2:30 Consultation Time for Team JONES/BISE only. 2:45-4:15 Evening Session for Team JONES/BISE 5:30-7:00 Friday Schedule Consultation Time with Teacher Teams/Counselor Teams by Appointment 8:15-9:45
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: Does my student have to attend every session? A: No. Remember our expectation is no more than 3 hours per day. *Students only attend if they need to take a Mid-Term Exam or Final Exam or need help. They will watch their videos and take notes at home.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How will seniors complete the English 12A Research Paper? A: For now, Mrs. White’s AM and PM sessions are only open to Eng 12 students needing to complete the Research Paper. She will provide direct instruction during her sessions. Papers will be submitted electronically. Once papers are done her sessions will open for exams. In the meantime, exams may be taken in other sessions, with other teachers.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: When will my senior get his or her diploma? A: The plan right now is to mail diplomas to our graduates who have already completed requirements and turned in their Chromebook. This means diplomas will go out May 18th for those students. As we have a fluid, ever-changing situation with COVID-19, this is subject to change.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: When will my senior get his or her diploma if their Chromebook has not yet been returned? A: We will schedule a date (TBD) and time (TBD) for students to have an appointment to turn in their Chromebook and pick up their diploma. The date and time will be determined later and will be communicated to all. As we have an ever-changing situation and we are subject to government policy, the plan may change.
HHS CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN Q: How can I reach school administration or counseling for questions that were not addressed here? A: To contact Mark Foster, Administrator of HHS, please send an email or text by phone to mfoster@usd261.com. To contact Kelly Rummery, HHS Guidance Counselor, please send an email or text by phone to krummery@usd261.com
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