hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of

Hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of semitopological groups Veronika Pitrov a e University in Jan Evangelista Purkyn Ust nad Labem Veronika Pitrov a (UJEP) 1 / 17 Introduction Introduction Structure

  1. Hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of semitopological groups Veronika Pitrov´ a e University in ´ Jan Evangelista Purkynˇ Ust´ ı nad Labem Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 1 / 17

  2. Introduction Introduction Structure Group operation Inverse semitopological separately continuous – group quasitopological separately continuous continuous group paratopological continuous – group topological group continuous continuous Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 2 / 17

  3. Introduction Reflective subcategories Definition A subcategory A of C is reflective in C provided that for every X ∈ C there exists an A -reflection: X A ∈ A and a C -morphism r X : X → X A such that for every C -morphism f : X → Y where Y ∈ A there exists a unique A -morphism ¯ f : X A → Y , such that the following diagram commutes: r X X X A f f Y Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 3 / 17

  4. Introduction Reflective subcategories in STopGr • epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups and products Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 4 / 17

  5. Introduction Reflective subcategories in STopGr • epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups and products • extremal epimorphisms are precisely the open surjective homomorphisms: Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 4 / 17

  6. Introduction Reflective subcategories in STopGr • epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups and products • extremal epimorphisms are precisely the open surjective homomorphisms: • extremal epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups, products and semitopological groups with finer topologies e.g. STopAb , the category of all torsion-free semitopological groups Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 4 / 17

  7. Introduction Reflective subcategories in STopGr • epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups and products • extremal epimorphisms are precisely the open surjective homomorphisms: • extremal epireflective ⇔ closed under the formation of subgroups, products and semitopological groups with finer topologies e.g. STopAb , the category of all torsion-free semitopological groups • epireflective, closed under the formation of (usual) quotients e.g. QTopGr , PTopGr , TopGr , TopAb Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 4 / 17

  8. Introduction Coreflective subcategories Definition A subcategory B of A is coreflective in A provided that for every X ∈ A there exists a B -coreflection: X B ∈ B and an A -morphism c X : X B → X such that for every A -morphism f : Y → X where Y ∈ B there exists a unique B -morphism ¯ f : Y → X B , such that the following diagram commutes: c X X B X f f Y Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 5 / 17

  9. Introduction Coreflective subcategories in A • A denotes an epireflective subcategory of STopGr Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 6 / 17

  10. Introduction Coreflective subcategories in A • A denotes an epireflective subcategory of STopGr • hereditary coreflective ⇒ monocoreflective Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 6 / 17

  11. Introduction Coreflective subcategories in A • A denotes an epireflective subcategory of STopGr • hereditary coreflective ⇒ monocoreflective • monocoreflective ⇔ closed under the formation of coproducts and extremal quotients Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 6 / 17

  12. Introduction Coreflective subcategories in A • A denotes an epireflective subcategory of STopGr • hereditary coreflective ⇒ monocoreflective • monocoreflective ⇔ closed under the formation of coproducts and extremal quotients • bicoreflective ⇔ monocoreflective, contains r A ( Z ) e.g. QTopGr in STopGr , TopGr in PTopGr Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 6 / 17

  13. Introduction The coproduct � A i ∈ I G i • the ”most general” group from A that contains each G i as a subgroup Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 7 / 17

  14. Introduction The coproduct � A i ∈ I G i • the ”most general” group from A that contains each G i as a subgroup • in STopGr : the free product with the finest topology such that � i ∈ I G i is a semitopological group and all m j : G j → � i ∈ I G i are continuous Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 7 / 17

  15. Introduction The coproduct � A i ∈ I G i • the ”most general” group from A that contains each G i as a subgroup • in STopGr : the free product with the finest topology such that � i ∈ I G i is a semitopological group and all m j : G j → � i ∈ I G i are continuous • in STopAb , QTopAb : the direct sum with the cross topology Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 7 / 17

  16. Introduction The coproduct � A i ∈ I G i • the ”most general” group from A that contains each G i as a subgroup • in STopGr : the free product with the finest topology such that � i ∈ I G i is a semitopological group and all m j : G j → � i ∈ I G i are continuous • in STopAb , QTopAb : the direct sum with the cross topology • in PTopAb , TopAb : the direct sum with the usual topology Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 7 / 17

  17. Introduction Questions 1. What is the hereditary coreflective hull of subcategories of A ? 2. Which hereditary coreflective subcategories of A are bicoreflective in A ? Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 8 / 17

  18. The hereditary coreflective hull The hereditary coreflective hull • in general: Proposition Let A be an epireflective subcategory of STopGr and B be a subcategory of A . Moreover, let 1. B 0 = B , 2. B α +1 = MCH A (S B α ) for every ordinal α , 3. B β = � α<β B α for every limit ordinal β . Then the hereditary coreflective hull of B in A is the subcategory B ∗ = � α ∈ On B α . Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 9 / 17

  19. The hereditary coreflective hull The hereditary coreflective hull • if extremal epimorphisms in A are precisely the surjective open homomorphisms: Proposition Let A be an epireflective subcategory of STopGr such that the extremal epimorphisms in A are precisely the surjective open homomorphisms and B be a subcategory of A . Moreover let 1. B 0 = B , 2. B 1 be the subcategory consisting of all coproducts of groups from B 0 , 3. B 2 be the subcategory consisting of all subgroups of groups from B 1 , 4. B 3 be the subcategory consisting of all extremal quotients of groups from B 2 . Then the hereditary coreflective hull of B in A is the subcategory B 3 . Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 10 / 17

  20. The hereditary coreflective hull The hereditary coreflective hull in A ⊆ STopAb • if A ⊆ STopAb is closed under the formation extremal quotients: Proposition Let A be an epireflective subcategory of STopAb that is closed under the formation of extremal quotients and B be a coreflective subcategory of A . Then the hereditary coreflective hull of B in A is the subcategory consisting of all subgroups of groups from B . Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 11 / 17

  21. Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Proposition Let A be an extremal epireflective subcategory of STopGr or QTopGr and B be a hereditary coreflective subcategory of A that contains the group Z of integers with a T 0 -topology. Then B contains the discrete group Z , therefore it is bicoreflective in A . Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 12 / 17

  22. Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Proposition Let A be an extremal epireflective subcategory of STopGr or QTopGr and B be a hereditary coreflective subcategory of A that contains the group Z of integers with a T 0 -topology. Then B contains the discrete group Z , therefore it is bicoreflective in A . Outline of proof: • B is closed under the formation of finite products with the cross topology, since they are quotients of finite coproducts Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 12 / 17

  23. Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Proposition Let A be an extremal epireflective subcategory of STopGr or QTopGr and B be a hereditary coreflective subcategory of A that contains the group Z of integers with a T 0 -topology. Then B contains the discrete group Z , therefore it is bicoreflective in A . Outline of proof: • B is closed under the formation of finite products with the cross topology, since they are quotients of finite coproducts • B contains the group Z ′ of integers with a T 1 -topology Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 12 / 17

  24. Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Hereditary bicoreflective subcategories Proposition Let A be an extremal epireflective subcategory of STopGr or QTopGr and B be a hereditary coreflective subcategory of A that contains the group Z of integers with a T 0 -topology. Then B contains the discrete group Z , therefore it is bicoreflective in A . Outline of proof: • B is closed under the formation of finite products with the cross topology, since they are quotients of finite coproducts • B contains the group Z ′ of integers with a T 1 -topology • the subset V = U × U \ { ( n, n ) : n is a non-zero integer } of Z ′ × ∗ Z ′ is open ( U is a neighborhood of 0 in Z ′ ) Veronika Pitrov´ a (UJEP) 12 / 17

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