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HEP seminar Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 1 / 36 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Search for heavy resonances decaying into third generation quarks with the ATLAS detector Josu Cantero (Oklahoma State University) July 15, 2020 HEP seminar Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 1 / 36 Introduction Theories beyond the

  1. Search for heavy resonances decaying into third generation quarks with the ATLAS detector Josu Cantero (Oklahoma State University) July 15, 2020 HEP seminar Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 1 / 36

  2. Introduction Theories beyond the Standard Model (SM) involve enhanced symmetries that predict new gauge bosons, usually called W’ or Z’ bosons. → Some models favor couplings of these new gauge bosons to third generation quarks. → Good signal/background ratio thanks to b -tagging and top-tagging techniques. → Complement searches using final states with first and second generation quarks. → This motivate searches for new heavy resonances: 1) W’ → tb (fully hadronic channel) Phys. Lett. B 781 (2018) 327 (pdf) 2) Z’ → bb JHEP 03 (2020) 145 (pdf) 3) Z’ → tt (fully hadronic channel) EXOT-2018-48 (pdf) Outline: → Jet reconstruction and calibration (arXiv:2007.02645) → Jet b-tagging (arXiv:1907.05120) → Jet substructure and top tagging (arXiv:1808.07858) → Analysis results Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 2 / 36

  3. Jet reconstruction and calibration Jets are reconstructed using the anti- k t algorithm with radius parameters R = 0.4 (small- R ) and 1.0 (large- R ). For use in jet reconstruction, calorimeter cells are first clustered into three-dimensional, massless, topological clusters using a nearest-neighbour algorithm. → An event-by event correction to account for the position of the primary vertex in each event is applied to every topo-cluster. Jets reconstructed using only calorimeter-based energy information are referred to as EMtopo jets. Hadronic final-state measurements can be improved by making more complete use of the information from both the tracking and calorimeter systems. → Particle flow algorithm used. It combines information from the tracker and the calorimeter. Specifically, energy deposited in the calorimeter by charged particles is subtracted from the observed topo-clusters and replaced by the momenta of tracks that are matched to those topo-clusters → this improves energy and angular resolution, reconstruction efficiency, and pile-up stability compared to calorimeter jets. → Jets reconstructed with PFlow objects are referred to as PFLow jets. → Only available for jets with R = 0.4. Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 3 / 36

  4. Jet reconstruction and calibration Jets need to be calibrated to restore the energy to that of jets reconstructed at particle level. This calibration is applied in different steps: → pile-up corrections remove the excess energy due to additional proton–proton interactions. → The absolute JES calibration to correct the jet so that it agrees in energy and direction with truth jets from the MC. → Global sequential corrections to improve jet resolution and to remove the dependence on the flavour of the jet. → In situ calibration to remove the remaining differences between data and MC simulation. It is derived using well-measured reference objects, including γ , Z bosons, and calibrated jets. Reconstructed p T -density-based Residual pile-up Absolute MC-based jets pile-up correction correction calibration Jet fi nding applied to Applied as a function of Removes residual pile-up Corrects jet 4-momentum tracking- and/or event pile-up p T density dependence, as a to the particle-level energy calorimeter-based inputs. and jet area. function of μ and N PV . scale. Both the energy and direction are calibrated. Residual in situ Global sequential calibration calibration Reduces fl avour dependence A residual calibration and energy leakage e ff ects is applied only to data using calorimeter, track, and to correct for data/MC muon-segment variables. di ff erences. Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 4 / 36

  5. Jet reconstruction and calibration [GeV] [GeV] 0.8 ATLAS Simulation 0.8 ATLAS Simulation s = 13 TeV, Pythia8 dijet s = 13 TeV, Pythia8 dijet PV 0.6 µ 0.6 Anti-k R = 0.4 (PFlow) ∂ Anti-k R = 0.4 (PFlow) N t / t T ∂ 0.4 p 0.4 / ∂ T p ∂ 0.2 0.2 0 0 − − 0.2 0.2 − Before any correction − Before any correction 0.4 0.4 After area-based correction After area-based correction − − 0.6 0.6 After residual corrections After residual corrections − − 0.8 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 η η | | | | det det The jet-area method uses to estimate the energy density ( ρ ) due to pile-up. → p corr = p T - ρ × A - α × (N PV - 1) - β × µ T The negative dependence on µ for out-of-time pile-up is a result of the liquid-argon calorimeter’s pulse shape. Good stability of the p T of the jet after all corrections. Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 5 / 36

  6. Jet reconstruction and calibration 1.2 Response ATLAS Simulation true 20 < p < 25 GeV s = 13 TeV, Pythia8 dijet T 1.15 true 80 < p < 100 GeV Anti- k R = 0.4 (PFlow+JES) T t 200 < p true < 250 GeV η 0.2 < | | < 0.3 T det true 1.1 1000 < p < 1200 GeV T p T Jet Jet energy response η = 0 1.2 1.05 ATLAS Simulation det η = 1 s = 13 TeV, Pythia8 dijet det 1.1 η = 1.4 1 Anti- k R = 0.4 (PFlow) det t η = 2.5 1 det η = 4 0.95 det 0.9 0.18 Normalized entries 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.8 0.16 0.14 0.7 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 2 × 2 3 × 3 3040 50 10 2 10 10 2 10 Track width, w reco E [GeV] trk The absolute JES correction corrects the reconstructed jet four-momentum accounting for non-compensating calorimeter response, energy losses in dead material and out-of-cone effects. ( R = E reco / E true ) The calibration is derived using a P ythia MC simulation of dijet events after the application of the pile-up corrections. After the JES correction, the response can vary from jet to jet depending on the flavour and energy distribution of the constituent particles. → A quark-initiated jet includes hadrons with a higher fraction of the jet p T that penetrate further into the calorimeter, while a gluon-initiated jet contains more particles of softer p T , leading to a lower calorimeter response and a wider transverse profile. Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 6 / 36

  7. Jet reconstruction and calibration 1.15 1.15 MC MC -1 -1 s = 13 TeV, 80 fb ATLAS s = 13 TeV, 80 fb ATLAS R R Anti- k R = 0.4 (PFlow+JES) Anti- k R = 0.4 1.1 1.1 / t / t data data Total uncertainty 1.05 1.05 R Statistical component R 1 1 0.95 0.95 γ +jet 0.9 0.9 Total uncertainty, PFlow+JES → Z ee + jet → µ µ Z + jet Total uncertainty, EM+JES 0.85 0.85 Multijet 0.8 0.8 2 × 2 3 × 3 2 × 2 3 × 3 20 30 10 2 10 10 2 10 20 30 10 2 10 10 2 10 jet jet p [GeV] p [GeV] T T One final calibration step to account for differences between the jet response in data and simulation causes by imperfect simulation of both the detector materials and the physics processes involved. → Final in situ calibration measures the jet response in data and MC and uses the ratio as an additional correction in data: c = R data in situ R MC in situ η intercalibration corrects the energy scale of forward (0.8 < ∣ η ∣ < 4.5) jets to match those of central ( ∣ η ∣ < 0.8) jets using the p T balance in dijet events. Z +jet and γ +jet analysis balance the hadronic recoil in an event against the p T of a calibrated Z boson or γ . Josu Cantero (OSU) Heavy resonances 7 / 36


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