heb hebrews rews

HEB HEBREWS REWS Introduction The impressive grandeur of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HEB HEBREWS REWS Introduction The impressive grandeur of the Epistle to the Hebrews has left an indelible mark on the literature and theology of the Christian church. DE Hiebert In a unique fashion it exalts the person & work

  1. HEB HEBREWS REWS Introduction

  2. “ The impressive grandeur of the Epistle to the Hebrews has left an indelible mark on the literature and theology of the Christian church.” DE Hiebert

  3. “In a unique fashion it exalts the person & work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so, it makes immensely valuable contributions to the doctrines of His Incarnation, His substitutionary death, & His priesthood.” Z Hodges

  4. “I consider Hebrews -- not Romans -- the pinnacle of theological treasures in the Bible.” G Riddle

  5. HEBREWS HEBREWS Ø Author - uthor - Unknown Unknown

  6. AUTHORSHIP AUTHORSHIP Ø Audience knew him Ø Knew audience Ø OT scholar Ø Greek rhetorical style Ø Suggestions

  7. SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS 1. Paul 2. Barnabas 3. Luke 4. Apollos 5. Anonymous

  8. HEBREWS HEBREWS Ø Author - uthor - Unknown Unknown Ø Audien Audience - ce - Je Jewish Be wish Belie lieve vers rs

  9. CO COMMUNITY MMUNITY Ø Past History - 10:32 Ø Suffering Persecution - 12:4 Ø Relationship with Author - 13:23 Ø Believers - 3:1, 12, 6:9, 13:1 Ø Jewish

  10. JEWISH JEWISH Ø No Gentile References Ø OT Authority Ø Jewish Topics Ø Jewish Personalities Ø Title

  11. HEBREWS HEBREWS Ø Author - uthor - Unknown Unknown Ø Audien Audience - ce - Je Jewish Be wish Belie lieve vers rs Ø Location - Location - Unknown Unknown

  12. Traditional View

  13. A House Church

  14. Colossae

  15. Hierapolis Laodicea Colossae

  16. “… What God has been pleased to hide from us, we should be content not to know.” G Scroggie

  17. HEBREWS HEBREWS Ø Author - uthor - Unknown Unknown Ø Audien Audience - ce - Je Jewish Be wish Belie lieve vers rs Ø Location - Location - Unknown Unknown Ø Occasion - Occasion - 67-69 67-69

  18. NT HISTORY NT HISTORY Jerusalem Destroyed Conversion of Paul Jerusalem council Incarnation 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 Hebrews BC AD Gospels Acts

  19. HEBREWS HEBREWS Ø Author - uthor - Unknown Unknown Ø Audien Audience - ce - Je Jewish Be wish Belie lieve vers rs Ø Location - Location - Unknown Unknown Ø Occasion - Occasion - 67-69 67-69 Ø Purpose Purpose - - War Warni ning ng

  20. MAIN IDEA Superiority of Christ & the Faith-Life in Him

  21. OUTLINE I. Superiority of Christ 1:1-10:18 A. Over OT Prophets 1:1-4 B. Over OT Personalities 1:5-7:28 C. Over OT Institutions 8:1-10:18 II. Response of Faith 10:19-13:25

  22. Are you valuing anything more than your walk with Christ? From Kursi


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