health social care presentation to audit committee on

Health & Social Care Presentation to Audit Committee on Risk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Health & Social Care Presentation to Audit Committee on Risk June 2014 Health & Social Care Directorate Structure 0.5x Op Manager ( New Post) 0.5 Op Manager Operational Adult Op Manager Learning Manager Mental Health Strategic

  1. Health & Social Care Presentation to Audit Committee on Risk June 2014

  2. Health & Social Care Directorate Structure 0.5x Op Manager ( New Post) 0.5 Op Manager Operational Adult Op Manager Learning Manager Mental Health Strategic Disabilities Resources & Cardiff (& Vale) Commissioning Cardiff (& Vale) Performance 4 x ACM 2 x Care 6 x Community Performance Contract Older People, Occupational Day Opportunity Management Day Opportunity Mental Management & Service Physical Disability Therapy Health Services Teams Services Development Teams & Sensory (East & West) Impairment Hospital Community Joint Social Care & Resource Equipment Discharge & Reablement Store Planning Day Services - Older People Mental Health (Internal,)Supported & Physical Older People Living Services Disabilities Cardiff Drug Emergency & Alcohol Duty Team (Adults Services Childrens & MH) Cardiff & Vale

  3. Health & Social Care Directorate Services are aligned to the following citizens: � Older People with Physical or Mental Health needs including Dementia � People aged 18 – 64 with Physical and / or Sensory Impairments � People with a Learning Disability � People with Mental Health problems � People with Drug or Alcohol problems Services are provided out of hours every day of the year via the Emergency Duty Team to a wider group of citizens including Children and Families across the City of Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan Councils � The net expenditure budget for H&SC in 2013-14 is £92,993,000 comprising gross expenditure of £104,941,000 off set by income of £11,948,000. � This represents 16% of the total budget for the Council. � The number of staff contracted during 2013-14 was 1427, equivalent to 1207 FTE � At any one time we are working with 7,029 citizens, on average we have 637 people per month accessing our service where 491 of these people go on to have a Community Care Assessment

  4. Health & Social Care Priorities H&SC Corporate Plan Objectives Key Management Priorities Increasing uptake of direct payments Close scrutiny of budgetary information and • • year on year delivery of savings • Increase the number of Carer assessment • Work with partners to reduce Delayed & offers transfers of care • Developing reablement further in • Implement the consistency and quality of care partnership with health colleagues to action plan support more people back home with co- • Participate in Transitions review led by located services from April 2014 Children’s Services • Increased investment in supported living • Deliver strategic commissioning across the working closely with housing colleagues, service and re-commission a number of reducing dependence on residential care services including how we work with 3rd sector by March 2015 • Strong Performance Management, including Introduce new commissioning • delivering on PPDR’s improving systems, framework enabling more options and processes & procedures capacity to support people at home (in • Ensure robust safeguarding processes 2014/15) • Deliver Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) • Deliver improved integrated services Bill/Act with partners in Health and across the • Effective Risk review Vale of Glamorgan (in 2014/15) • Deliver excellence in operational management

  5. Health & Social Approach to Managing Risk Our business is about • To this end – we undertake a Monthly review of the Directorate Risk Register managing risk – so having which influences any changes to the a systematic approach to Corporate Risk Register • Our Directorate Risk Register reflects the the management of risk same style as the Corporate Risk Register throughout the and responsibility for managing and mitigating risk is held by OMs Directorate is crucial • OMs have started sharing the Directorate Risk Register with their Team Managers to review the mitigation and ensure there is an opportunity to flag any new risks • We review audit reports systematically as they are produced within monthly SMT meetings

  6. H&SC key corporate risks • Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Bill/ Act will place new duties and responsibilities upon already pressurised services • Changing demographics and increasing expectations of vulnerable people put more pressure on services, increasing risk of budget overspend • Failure to safeguard vulnerable people – will always be a key corporate risk because of the nature of the business

  7. H&SC key directorate risks (1) • Failure to safeguard and to ensure that vulnerable people are protected and supported • Failure to correctly align resources with demand and priorities – delivering on budget • Create jobs & opportunity for all – modernise and reshape the market for H&SC – getting the commissioning right and strengthening our contracting for quality arrangements • Working together across VoG and the UHB and also sub- regionally to improve services and achieve efficiencies and deliver in preparation for the SS&WB (W) Bill/ Act • Increasing the uptake of Direct Payments

  8. H&SC key directorate risks (2) • Ensure that our care management arrangements protect and deliver the best outcomes for our citizens – reviewing the business process and changing the culture • Ensure we deliver improvements in particular to ensure that services for Carers (together with Carer assessment) and services for people from BME or hard to reach communities are easy to access • Ensure that capacity within the reablement service is strengthened to widen opportunity for reablement and reduce dependence on longer term packages • Ensure that Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) continue reducing through more effective partnership working

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